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1.0 - Entrance
1.1 - Doors, hardware, frames - all in good working order (ensure automatic doors operate when hitting each button)?
1.2 - Door decals - Appropriate logo, exit only, policies in good appearance?
1.3 - Overhang - clean and free of mold, no physical damage, lighting operational, no nests?
1.4 - Ash Trays/Trash & Recycling Bins - free from damage, rust, clean, empty?
1.5 - Decomatting/Sidewalk - clean, free from gum?
2.0 - Lobbies/Spillways
2.1 - Carpet/Tile - clean, dry, and in good repair?
2.2 - Drapes - free from stains/dust?
2.3 - Windows/Sills - free from smudges, fingerprints, dust?
2.4 - Walls/Doors - free from stains & dust, paint not peeling, no physical damage?
2.5 - Stanchions/Ropes/Ticket Receptacle - clean, in good condition?
2.6 - Trash & Recycling Containers - empty, lined, clean, and not physically damaged?
2.7 - Baseboards/Wall Carpeting - clean & in good repair?
2.8 - Water Fountain - clean & in good repair?
2.9 - Ceiling Tiles - free from stains/dust?
2.10 - Box Office Area - Formica in good repair, no dust, free from clutter?
2.11 - LED/LCD Signage - Box office signage in good working order with zero outages?
2.12 - LED/LCD Signage - Directional signage in good working order with zero outages?
2.13 - Auditorium Identification - LED signage working with zero outages OR number prominently displayed?
2.14 - Other Signage - All other signage in good condition?
2.15 - Game Room - all machines working, area clean, and well lit?
2.16 - Promotional Materials - all poster cases lit, free from smudges, standees not damaged, only films not yet released displayed unless a "coming soon" snipe in use?
2.17 - Furniture - no gum under tables, seating not torn?
2.18 - Lighting - no outages?
2.19 - Background Music - DMX and/or piano in working order?
2.20 - PA System - in working order?
2.21 - POS Equipment/Kiosks - clean and in working order?
2.22 - ADA Pen & Paper Holders - intact in all areas (box office, concessions, QSR) and pen/paper available?
2.23 - Device Log - in use?
2.24 - Promotional Digital Displays - clean and in working order?
3.0 - Restrooms
Are you inspecting a restroom?
Restroom Name
3.1 - Floors - clean, dry, and free from defect?
3.2 - Walls - clean and free from defect?
3.3 - Entrance - signs clearly visible and in good repair?
3.4 - Ceilings/vents - clean and free from dust/stains?
3.5 - No offensive odor?
3.6 - Partitions/Hardware - no vandalism & free from defect?
3.7 - Sanitary Disposal Boxes - emptied and relined?
3.8 - Feminine Hygiene Product Dispensers - full?
3.9 - Waste Receptacles - emptied & relined?
3.10 - Toilet Paper/Paper Towel Dispensers - full and free from defect?
3.11 - Commodes/Urinals - clean and free from stains, fresh urinal screens installed?
3.12 - Mirrors - clean and free from vandalism?
3.13 - Soap Dispensers - full and in working order?
3.14 - Sinks/Counters - all faucets working, sinks drain, counters free from defect?
3.15 - Lighting - no outages?
3.16 - Baby Changing Tables - clean, liners available, free from defect?
4.0 - Auditoriums
Are you inspecting an auditorium?
4.1 - Floor surfaces clean, nothing under seats?
4.2 - Arm rests/Cupholders - clean and in good repair?
4.3 - Seat Cushions - clean and free from tears?
4.4 - Seat Backs/Bottoms - clean and in good repair?
4.5 - End Panels - clean and free from smudges?
4.6 - Seat Labels - intact?
4.7 - Screens/Curtains/Masking - clean and free from tears?
4.8 - Wall Panels - clean and free from tears?
4.9 - Exit Doors - clean and operating normally?
4.10 - Exit Area/Sign - clean and sign lit?
4.11 - Ceiling Tiles/Vents - free from stains, dust, and spitballs?
4.12 - Aisle/Stair Carpet - clean and in good repair?
4.13 - Wall Thermometer - present?
4.14 - Handrails - painted and in good repair?
4.15 - Lighting - no outages including work lights?
4.16 - Floor/Wall Lighting - free from defect, no outages?
4.17 - Entrance Doors - clean and in good repair?
4.18 - Entrance Area - free from clutter, trash bins not left out?
4.19 - Fire Extinguishers - present?
4.20 - OSA - is background music playing?
4.21 - Companion Seating Area - are signs prominently displayed?
5.0 - Offices
5.1 - Floor - vacuumed, free from clutter?
5.2 - Trash Receptacles - emptied and relined?
5.3 - Walls - clean and in good repair?
5.4 - Counters - well organized?
5.5 - Lost & Found - log in place, not over abundant?
5.6 - Security Devices - alarm & deadbolt in working order, access limited?
5.7 - Cameras - all reporting a signal, DVR recording?
5.8 - Video Training Log - in use?
5.9 - DVD's/Television - all in working order?
6.0 - Concessions/Food Service
6.1 - Does this location have a restaurant or bar?
6.1a - General Appearance - entire area appears well maintained and generally clean?
6.1b - Bar/Foot Rail - clean and in good repair?
6.1c - Glassware - free from cracks, chips, clean, and stored properly?
6.1d - Lighting - no outages?
6.1e - Floor - clean, dry, and free from defect?
6.1f - POS Equipment - clean and in good working order?
6.1g - Ice Bins - clean and sanitary?
6.1h - Microwaves - clean and in good repair?
6.1i - Frialators - oil appears recently changed, units generally clean and in good working order?
6.1j - Grill/Griddle - clean and in good working order?
6.1k - Ovens - clean and in good repair?
6.1l - Refrigerators/Freezers (all) - clean, free from defect, thermometer present in each?
6.1m - Sinks - food prep sinks separate from hand wash sinks, paper towels and hand soap available?
6.1n - Food Holding - held at proper temperature?
6.1o - Trash Receptacles - clean and in good repair?
6.1p - Prep Surfaces - clean and free from defect?
6.1q - Ceiling/Vents/Hoods - clean and free from defect?
6.1r - Liquor Storage - access is restricted?
6.1s - Walls/Television - clean and free from defect?
6.2 - Does this location have a QSR?
6.2a - General Appearance - entire area appears well maintained and generally clean?
6.2b - Formica/Counter - clean and in good repair?
6.2c - Glass - clean and free from defect?
6.2d - Lighting - no outages?
6.2e - Floors - clean, dry, and free from defect?
6.2f - Locking Drop Drawers - present, functioning, locked?
6.2g - Soda Towers - clean and free from defect?
6.2h - Ice Bins - clean and sanitary?
6.2i - Pizza Oven/Warming Table - clean and free from defect?
6.2j - Frialators - oil appears recently changed, units generally clean and in good working order?
6.1k - Grill/Griddle - clean and in good working order?
6.2k - Coffee/Espresso Machine - clean and free from defect?
6.2l - Microwaves - clean and free from defects?
6.2m - Ice Cream Dip Case - clean, recently defrosted, thermometer present?
6.2n - Stock Cabinets - clean and well organized?
6.2o - Sinks - separate food and hand sinks, paper towels and soap present?
6.2p - Trash Receptacles - clean and free from defects?
6.2q - Straw/Napkin Dispensers - full, clean, in working order?
6.2r - Hot Dog Grill/Bun Warmer/Steamer - clean and in working order?
6.2s - Back Bar/Prep Surfaces - clean and sanitary?
6.2t - Ceiling/Vents/Hoods - clean and free from defect?
6.2u - Menu Boards/LCD Screens - clean and in good repair?
6.3 - General Appearance - entire area appears well maintained and generally clean?
6.4 - Formica/Counters - clean and in good repair?
6.5 - Glass - clean and in good repair?
6.6 - Lighting - No outages?
6.7 - Floor/Base Tile - clean, dry, and in good repair?
6.8 - Locking Drop Drawers - in place, locked, working?
6.9 - Popcorn Merchandisers - clean and in good repair?
6.10 - Soda Towers - clean and in good repair?
6.11 - Ice Bins - clean and sanitary?
6.12 - ICEE Machines - clean and in good repair, signs lit and in good repair?
6.13 - Nacho Chip/Cheese Warmers - clean and in good working order?
6.14 - Pretzel Oven/Warmer - clean and in good repair?
6.15 - Microwaves - clean and in good repair?
6.16 - Buttermats - clean and in good repair?
6.17 - Stock Cabinets - clean and well organized?
6.18 - Sinks - separate food and hand sinks present, soap and paper towels available, three bay set up properly?
6.19 - Trash Receptacles - clean and free from defect?
6.20 - Candy Displays/Impulse Racks - fully stocked in an organized manner, clean?
6.21 - Candy Price Tags - each candy clearly identifiable?
6.22 - Straw/Napkin Dispensers - clean and in good repair?
6.23 - Ice Baths - clean and sanitary?
6.24 - Hot Dog Grill/Bun Warmer - clean in free from defect?
6.25 - Back Bar/Prep Areas - clean and sanitary?
6.26 - Ceiling/Vents/Hood - clean in and good repair?
6.27 - Menu Boards/LCD Screens - clean and in working order?
6.28 - Communication - memos observed discussing food costs, yield measures, contest results, etc?
6.29 - Popcorn Kettles - clean and free from defect?
6.30 - Popcorn Popper Hood/Walls/Bin - clean and free from defect?
6.31 - Popcorn Oil Pumps - cabinets clean and fee from defect, oil pump log in use?
6.32 - Popping PPE - on hand and in use?
6.33 - Does this location have satellite concession stands?
6.34a - General Appearance - appears well maintained and generally clean?
6.34b - Formica/Counter - clean and free from defect?
6.34c - Floor/Base Tile - clean, dry, and free from defect?
6.34d - Glass - clean and free from defect?
6.34e - Menu Board/LCD Screen - clean and in working order?
6.34f - Lighting - no outages?
6.34g - Ceiling/Vents - clean and free from defect?
6.34h - Usage - in use?
7.0 - Storage Rooms
7.1 - Stocked neatly & well organized?
7.2 - Concession merchandise dated?
7.3 - Clean and well lit?
7.4 - Minimum number of cases open?
7.5 - Stock levels adequate for current business volume?
7.6 - Stock rooms secure?
7.7 - Marquee letters stored neatly?
7.8 - Limited access to chemical room?
8.0 - Employee Areas
8.1 - Time Clock - no obvious defects?
8.2 - Bulletin Boards - memos neatly displayed, properly written, no old memos left up?
8.3 - Lockers/Uniform Care - lockers showing no visible defect, uniforms stored neatly on coat racks or in lockers.
8.4 - Changing Room/Break Room - generally clean and well maintained?
9.0 - Projection Booths
9.1 - General Appearance - clean and orderly?
9.2 - Floor - clean and in good repair?
9.3 - Walls/Wire Trough - clean, free from clutter and dust?
9.4 - Ceiling/Vents - free from stains and dust?
9.5 - Restroom(s) - clean and in good repair?
9.6 - Security - access restricted?
9.7 - Desk(s) - organized?
10.0 - Soda Room
10.1 - General Appearance - clean and orderly?
10.2 - Floor/Drains - clean and in good repair?
10.3 - CO2 - canisters chained, not too many on hand?
10.4 - Ice Buckets - clean and stored properly?
10.5 - Ice Scoops - clean and stored properly?
10.6 - Ice Machines - clean and sanitized quarterly?
10.7 - BIB Racks - clean and orderly?
10.8 - Ceilings/Vents - clean and free from defect?
11.0 - Stairways
11.1 - General Appearance - clean and orderly?
11.2 - Walls - clean and free from defect?
11.3 - Railings - clean and free from defect?
11.4 - Steps/Landings - clean and free from defects?
12.0 - Cleaners Closet/Equipment
12.1 - Cleaning Equipment Secure?
12.2 - Cleaning equipment in working order?
12.3 - Extension Cords in good repair?
12.4 - General Appearance - clean and orderly?
13.0 - Exterior Grounds
Is this location in a mall?
13.1 - Building Exterior Walls - clean and in good repair?
13.2 - Exterior Doors - clean, no paint peeling?
13.3 - Sidewalk/Steps - clean and in good repair?
13.4 - Planters/Lawn - no litter, not overgrown?
13.5 - Trash Disposal Area - well kept?
13.6 - Marquee - no visible defects, proper spelling, new releases at top, well spaced, any lighting issues?
13.7 - Electrical Signage - in good repair/lit?
13.8 - Non-illuminated Signs - not faded, mounted properly, not leaning?
13.9 - Gates & Fencing - in good repair?
13.10 - Parking Lot/Curbing - clean and in good repair?
13.11 - Parking Lot Marking/Light Pole Bases - not faded/flaking?
13.12 - Trees/Shrubs - well pruned?
13.13 - Parking lot lighting - any outages?
13.14 - Exterior wall lighting - any outages?
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Auditor's signature