
  • Title of Audit

  • Laboratory number and area

  • Building

  • Principal Investigators in area:

  • Inspection carried out by:

  • Date of Inspection:

  • Report prepared by:

Laboratory details

  • Containment level of laboratory.

  • Laboratory and room numbers inspected.

Physical Requirements of Laboratory

  • Is restricted access maintained to the laboratory? If so, please give details.

  • Please give details.

  • Is suitable signage present on the lab entrance indicating the presence of Biohazard/GM within?

  • Are the bench surfaces non-absorbent and resistant to acid, alkali, solvents and disinfectants?

  • Is all the laboratory cabinets and furniture suitable with no unsealed edges or surfaces?

  • Are the benches sealed where they meet the wall and around shelf units etc?

  • Is the floor impervious to spills, sealed at the walls and at surface junctions, allowing decontamination and containment in the event of a spill?

  • Any other comments?

  • Please give details.

Laboratory maintenance and hygiene

  • Are the work surfaces being cleaned after use?

  • Is the floor cleaned regularly and is it presently clean?

  • Is the laboratory generally clean? Please check for any build up of dirt or debris behind and under equipment.

Sinks and hygiene.

  • Is there a hand-wash basin with hand wash/disinfectant and paper towels and is it in a good state of order.

  • Is there a procedure in place to ensure there are always adequate supply of hand wash and paper towels at the sink?

  • Does the sink have elbow or knee operated taps?

  • Is the hand wash facility being used by lab members when exiting the laboratory?

  • Any comments?

Microbiological Safety cabinets and hoods.

  • Are cabinets or hoods in use in the laboratory? Please specify their class and type.

  • What was the last service and test date.

  • Is a worker able to describe how to use the cabinet and how the airflow protects them? Can they identify any factors that could compromise the operation of the cabinet?

  • Is the cabinet decontaminated by staff? Please give details.

  • Please give details.

Systems of Work

  • Have all lab members received information and training on working with BA's from their supervisor?

  • Please give details of number of staff asked and any other relevant information.

  • Were all members of staff observed during the inspection wearing lab coats?

  • Please name members of staff not wearing lab coats.

  • Are rules against food consumption and storage being complied with in the lab?

  • What disinfectants are available in the laboratory?

  • Are lab staff aware of what to do in the event of a spillage or other breach of containment?

  • Any other comments?

  • Are the relevant risk assessment forms present and have lab members read and signed them?

Waste Disposal

  • Briefly describe how contaminated liquid waste is made safe in the laboratory.

  • Is there adequate provision for the safe storage of all types of waste prior to removal from the laboratory?

  • Has the autoclave been validated for the inactivation of BA's?

  • If support staff transport your waste to a central decontamination facility, have hey been given any specific information regarding any relevant hazards associated with it?

  • Please add any comments or observations regarding waste disposal.

Additional Comments.

  • Please enter and comments or observation relevant to the inspection.

Information to be supplied by PI from each research group in the area inspected.

  • The report has been sent to you as a Word Document. Before the report is finalised and sent to the Biological Safety Committee, please complete the questions below for the area and staff under your control and return it to sender.

  • Principal Investigator, name and office

  • Date of completion of this section.

  • Details of projects in progress.

  • What biological agents are in use in the area being inspected?

  • Please list all members of staff using Biological Agents in your research group.

  • Please describe the laboratory areas where you use Biological Agents, giving room numbers, TC hoods and bays of main lab.

  • Can lab members describe the hazards associated with the BA in use? The following questions must be answered in a manner consistent with the risk assessment.

  • Can lab staff describe the routes of transmission of the BA?

  • Can lab staff identify the most likely activity which could lead to a breach of containment and can they describe control measures designed to prevent this?

  • Are lab members aware of the need to minimise the production of aerosols.

  • Do staff use secondary containment during the transport of BA's

  • Do staff follow the safe use of needles policy if appropriate?

  • Do lab staff use gloves in accordance with the risk assessment.

  • Where the risk assessment identifies the need for vaccinations is there evidence this has been followed and staff are 'fit for work'

  • Are all staff who are working with animal on a health surveillance programme?

  • Briefly describe the monitoring arrangements to ensure all unexpected findings are considered.

  • Is documentation of training present and correct?

  • Are lab staff aware that GM risk assessments must be retained for 10 years?

  • Are there archiving arrangements in place?

  • Risk assessment: Have any changes occurred regarding personnel?

  • Date

  • Personnel added or removed.

  • Risk assessment: have any changes been made to the location of the work carried out?

  • Date

  • Changes made.

  • Risk assessment: Have any changes been made to the methods or BA's used?

  • Date

  • Changes made.

  • Please add any information you feel is useful.

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