Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
RTE2503B Observe and report on weather
* Valid
Do the tools measure the candidate's performance in all performance criteria? Are the following aspects of competency included: Range Statement: Critical Evidence:Skills and knowledge:Employability Skills
*Reliable and Sufficient
Are there a number of assessment methods used over a number of times to provide sufficient evidence of consistent performance? Are assessors provided with the range of possible acceptable sample answers if appropriate?
* Flexible
Can the tools be used in at different times, locations with different assessors /candidates?
Are tools free from bias & be used by a wide range of candidates without discrimination?
Language and Literacy (LLN)
Are the assessment methods and tools appropriate for candidate/s ability in LLN? appropriate for candidate/s ability in LLN?
*Cost Effective
Are the tools able to be used with little disruption to workplace performance?
Are all the units regulatory requirements assessed and recorded as specified in the unit and other reference documents?
*Clear Instructions
Are spoken or written instructions clear and presented well?
*Allowable adjustment
Are allowable adjustments to the tools provided? Do they still maintain the validity and reliability of evidence required for the performance criteria?
The candidate provided proof of identity and was the one who completed the assessment items.
Is there sufficient space for recording results, providing feedback, signing by both the candidate and the assessor? The recording system meets the enterprise and legislative requirements.
Sample student work is cross marked by two/three assessors for comparison of rating
Action Plan and Implementation
*Proposed Change
Select date
Include any agreed changes or reviews for this Unit
Please date and initial Validation Comments
Assessment Cover Sheet AND Final Sign Off for Unit
Workplace Employer Signature
Workplace Assessor Signature