Engineers Name
Vehicle Registration Number
Prepared for
Test Date
Next test date
Prepared by
Vehicle Condition
Tyre and wheel condition
Is the spare wheel stored in the back of the van
Is the spare wheel stored/secured properly
Vehicle lights functioning correctly
Hazard lights functioning correctly
Vehicle horn functioning correctly
Windscreen wipers functioning correctly
Gas cylinders
Gas cylinders must not exceed the following quantities: 1×R404a or other (max 13kg), 1×R134a or other (max 13kg), 1×small recovery cylinder, 1×Nitrogen bottle or oxy-acetalene porta pack (if not carrying porta pack, a small brazing set and hand held brazing torch in addition to the Nitrogen), 1 disposable flammable refrigerant (500grams)
Please provide cylinder serial numbers
Please provide the serial numbers of each cylinder
Is the quantity of refrigerant gas being carried acceptable
Are all refrigerant gas cylinders strapped to the bulk head of the van
Is the engineer carrying an excess quantity of Nitrogen on the van
Is all brazing equipment stored upright and securely strapped
Environmental hazards
Is all hazardous waste stored correctly
Has all inventory been filled out correctly
Documentation and other
Does the engineer know what the HSQE Policy is and able to show you where to find it
Does the engineer have all his RAMS
Does the engineer have barriers
Does the enginner have the correct ladders
Does the engineer carry a lock off kit
Are the engineers hand tools fit for purpose
Does the engineer have all his required PPE
Results & further comments
Has the engineer any HSQE concerns to raise with the auditor
Overall result of audit following actions completed
Auditors signature
Engineers signature