
  • Document No.

  • Tasco Carriers Management - Audit Location

  • Audit Weighting Key
    Roadworthiness - 10
    Dangerous Goods - 10
    Terminal Access (SLP) - 2
    Unit Presentation - 2
    **Breach of Service Intervals - 20

  • Audit completed by

  • Location
  • Picture of Truck and Trailer

  • Audit Date and Time


  • Truck Description

  • Truck Fleet Number

  • Truck Reg No.


  • Trailer Description

  • Trailer Fleet Number

  • Trailer Reg No.


1.00 TRUCK - External

  • 1.01 Air, hydraulic and electrical connections are in good condition? (2)

  • 1.02 Is the emergency stop button in good condition? (2)

  • 1.03 Is the isolation switch in good condition? (2)

  • 1.04 Are batteries and covers secure? (2)

  • 1.05 Is the cabin externally free from dents, scratches and loose panels? (2)

  • 1.06 Aerials intact and secure? (2)

  • 1.07 Is the DG class 3 diamond correctly displayed, intact and secure? (10)

  • 1.08 Grill, trims and stoneguards are intact and secure? (2)

  • 1.09 Exhaust system is sound and secure? (10)

  • 1.10 RH Mudguards are properly aligned, secure and in good condition? (2)

  • 1.11 LH Mudguards are properly aligned, secure and in good condition? (2)

  • 1.12 SLP is current? (10)

2.00 TYRES (Tasco Carriers guideline - there should be minimum of 3mm of tread and no abnormal wear evident)

  • 2.01 RHS Steer is roadworthy? (10)

  • 2.02 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.03 RHS - "Rear" Steer is roadworthy? Twin Steer Only (10)

  • 2.04 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.05 LHS Steer is roadworthy? (10)

  • 2.06 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.07 LHS -"Rear" Steer is roadworthy? Twin steers (10)

  • 2.08 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.09 Front RH Drive is roadworthy? (10)

  • 2.10 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.11 Rear RH Drive is roadworthy? (10)

  • 2.12 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.13 Front LH Drive is roadworthy? (10)

  • 2.14 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)

  • 2.15 Rear LH Drive is roadworthy? (10)

  • 2.16 Wheel nut lock indicators are fitted and indicate locked position? (2)


  • 3.01 Is windscreen free of chips and cracks (driver vision must be clear - right hand side to center)? (10)

  • 3.02 Is RH door windows free of chip and cracks? (2)

  • 3.03 Is LH door windows free of chip and cracks? (2)

  • 3.04 Is rear window free of chip and cracks? (2)

  • 3.05 Windscreen wipers are in good condition? (10)

  • 3.06 Is LH Mirror in good condition? (10)

  • 3.07 Is RH Mirror in good condition? (10)

4.00 LIGHTS - External

  • 4.01 RH headlight working? (10)

  • 4.02 LH headlight working? (10)

  • 4.03 RH driving light working? (2)

  • 4.04 LH driving light working? (2)

  • 4.05 Front RH indicator working? (10)

  • 4.06 Front LH indicator working? (10)

  • 4.07 Rear RH indicator working? (10)

  • 4.08 Rear LH indicator working? (10)

  • 4.09 Tail lights working? (10)

  • 4.10 Reversing light working? (10)

  • 4.11 Hazard lights working? (10)

5.00 CABIN - Internal

  • 5.01 Foot pedal rubbers in good condition? (10)

  • 5.02 Floor mats in good condition? (2)

  • 5.03 Driver's seat in good condition? (10)

  • 5.04 Driver's seat belt is operational and good condition? (10)

  • 5.05 DG Emergency Information Holder secure and in good condition? (10)

  • 5.06 Emergency Information Guide (EPG) is present and in good condition? (10)

  • 5.07 Dashboard and all accessory equipment (GPS, MTData, UHF Radios etc). secure and in good condition? (10)

  • 5.08 Dashboard lighting working? (2)

  • 5.09 Eyewash bottle present and full? (10)

  • 5.10 Intrinsically safe torch present and working? (10)

  • 5.11 Fire extinguisher present, secure and showing full charge? (10)

  • 5.12 Are safety triangles present and in good condition? (10)

  • 5.13 Horn working? (10)

  • 5.14 Windscreen wiper washers working? (10)

  • 5.15 Is the interior of the cabin clean? (10)

  • 5.16 Is the interior free of loose objects? (10)

  • 5.17 Cabin lining in good condition? (2)

  • 5.18 Is the Service interval is within date and km? (20)

  • 5.19 Registration is current? (10)

  • 5.20 Does this truck access terminals? (0)<br>

  • 5.20.1 Is park brake door alarm fitted and operational? (10)<br>(refer SLP OG7 3.5 - mandatory for Terminal access)


6.00 General Visual External Inspection - Right Hand Side (RH)

  • 6.01 Is first impression and appearance acceptable? (2)

  • 6.02 Do Emergency Information Panels (EIPs) match the load? (10)

  • 6.03 Is there a visual indicator of the locking pin being positively engaged? (10)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

  • 6.04 Is the RH Emergency Information Panel (EIPs) legible? (10)

  • 6.05 Is the RH Emergency Information Panel (EIPs) showing correct emergency contact and response information? (10)

  • 6.06 Is the Fire Extinguisher present, in service date (6 monthly intervals) and secure? (10)

  • 6.07 Is the trailer / barrel free of dents, scratches or marks? (Use reference to location by compartment) (2)

  • 6.08 Are the RH mudguards secure and in good condition? (identify faults by axle location) (2)<br>*Truck & Trailer Combinations only**

  • 6.09 Are RH mudflaps secure and in good condition (identify faults by axle location)? (2)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

  • 6.10 Are the RH wheels and tyres in roadworthy condition? (identify faults by axle location) (10)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

  • 6.11 Are hose storage trays and tubes sound and secure? (2)

7.00 General Visual External Inspection - Rear

  • 7.01 Are clearance lights and indicators on the RH side operational? (10)

  • 7.02 Are clearance lights and indicators on the LH side operational? (10)

  • 7.03 Are brake, tail lights and indicators operational? (10)

  • 7.04 Is all visible wiring in conduits and in good condition? (2)

  • 7.05 Are both "Do Not Overtake" signs present and legible? (10)

  • 7.06 Is the Rear Emergency Information Panel (EIPs) legible? (10)

  • 7.07 Is the Rear Emergency Information Panel (EIPs) showing correct emergency contact and response information? (10)

  • 7.08 Is the registration number plate present and legible? (10)

  • 7.09 Is the Fire Extinguisher present, in service date (6 monthly intervals) and secure? (10)

  • 7.10 Is the Dangerous Goods licence plate present and legible? (10)

  • 7.11 Are the ladder and handrails in good condition, secure and operational? (10)

  • 7.12 Is the "Long Vehicle" sign and mount legible, secure and in good condition (B Doubles)? (10)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

8.00 General Visual External Inspection - Left Hand Side (LH)

  • 8.01 Is first impression and appearance acceptable? (2)

  • 8.02 Are six safety cones (minimum) present and in good condition? (2)

  • 8.03 Are hose storage trays and tubes sound and secure? (2)

  • 8.04 Are the LH wheels and tyres in roadworthy condition? (identify faults by axle location) (10)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

  • 8.05 Are the LH mudguards secure and in good condition? (identify faults by axle location) (2)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

  • 8.06 Are LH mudflaps secure and in good condition (identify faults by axle location)? (2)<br>**Truck & Trailer Combinations only **

  • 8.07 Is the trailer / barrel free of dents, scratches or marks? (Use reference to location by compartment) (2)

  • 8.08 Is the barrel and pumpset free of cracks? (if no, detail location) (2)

  • 8.09 Is the barrel and pumpset free of leaks? (visual)? (Note location of leaks if any) (2)

  • 8.09 Are meters secure? (identify any faults by meter) (10)

  • 8.09 Are Weights and Measures tags seals secure? (identify any faults by meter) (10)

  • 8.10 Is the earth reel and clamp in good condition? (2)

  • 8.11 Are jumper hoses in good condition? (10)

  • 8.12 Are jumper hoses in SLP service date range? (10)

  • 8.13 Are delivery hoses in good condition? (10)

  • 8.14 Are delivery hoses in SLP service date range? (10)

  • 8.15 Are the hydrostatic test dates compliant? (2 1/2 years H&V, 5 years full) (10)

  • 8.16 Are the Safe Fill Levels (SFLs) identified by label and legible? (10)

  • 8.17 Are product ID tumblers present and legible? (identify any faults by compartment) (10)

  • 8.18 Is the diptronics components secure and in good condition? (10)

  • 8.19 Is the LH Emergency Information Panel (EIPs) legible? (10)

  • 8.20 Is the LH Emergency Information Panel (EIPs) showing correct emergency contact and response information? (10)

  • 8.21 Are the landing legs in good condition? (10)

  • 8.22 Is the Safe Load Pass current and legible? (10)

  • 8.23 Is the trailer registration label present and current? (10)

  • 8.24 Is there a Beaurepaires Maintenance Wheel Indicator present? (2)

  • General Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.