
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Safe manning document

  • Bulders attestation

  • Trading permit

  • <br>Certificate of nationality

  • Safety management certifcate

  • Permit for carriage of passengers

  • National passengership safety certifcate

  • National cargoship safety certifcate

  • Sewage certifcate

  • Deklaration of the vessel Being asbestose free

  • Statement of compliance (only classed vessels)

  • Document of compliance (ISM)

  • Insurance letter Crew

  • Insurance P&I

  • Insurance hull and machinery

  • Liability insurance (if aplicable)

  • Tonnage certifcate

  • Radio licence

  • Antifouling certifcate

  • Freeboard marking/plan

  • Load Line certifcate

  • Annual testing of EPIRB

  • Divination chart for magnetic Companys

  • Crane survey report (max 1 year)

  • Lifting gear certificates<br><br>

  • Liferafts certifikatets (max 1 year)

  • IAPP certifcate (or statements of compliance)

  • EIAPP certifcate (for each Engine)

  • Test report Fall arest equiptment

  • Fire fighting equiptment test report (max 1 year)

  • Survival suites (3 year rec)

  • PAT test report (uk only)

  • Self contained Breaking apparatus

  • HRU certificates

  • GMDSS service agreement

  • Service agreement machinery

Weather tight integrety

  • Are there blanks available for port ligths/holes below deck.

  • All doors above weather deck, with access to spaces below deck weather tight and able to operate from bóthar sides.

  • Possibility to secure all openings to prevent ingress of water<br>

  • Weather tight closures to ventilators in order and working.

  • Does the hull and structure appeal in good state of repair.

  • Is there any class certificates for the hull available.

  • Where bulwarks is fitted are there suficient freeing ports.

  • Are Inlets and discharges in the hull fitted with suficient seacocks or means of closure.

  • Is there evidence of water leaking into the vessel.

Machinery and electrical

  • Are Engine rooms/ machinery spaces clean and well maintained.

  • Are vent pipes for fuel tanks protected from ingress of water (gooseneck or other)

  • Are there flame arrester in fuel vents.

  • Are there spill trays or other means to prevent spillage of fuel.

  • Are ther Quick closing valves or other means to isolate fuel supply.

  • Are there fuel leaks in machinery spaces.

  • Are the bilges free from Oil.

  • Are there safe means to isolate elecrical supply.

  • Are electrical systems protected from water.

  • Are battery spaces adquately ventilated.

  • Is the battery cut off switches operational.

  • Are batteries firmly secured to prevent movement.

  • Are there suficient emergency lightning to allow essential work to continue, and escape from all rooms.

  • Are there effective emergency lightning to illuminate survival craft launching and embarkation areas, and man over board rescue equiptment, and areas.

  • If stearing by remote control, are there means of emergency steering.

  • Are there at least two fully working bilge pumps.

  • Is at least one bilge pump available for duty in an emergency. (Pumps and power source in two differentiere compartments)

  • Are there bilge alarms in water tight enclosed spaces.

  • Are operating manuals available for machinery.

  • Are adequate tools and emergency spares available for the machinery.

  • Are maintenance records available for on board equipment.


  • Does the vessel have approved stability information booklet.

  • Is a competent person on board to calculate the vessels stability.

  • Are there any stability records to show the effects of adding or removing loads from the vessel.

  • Are the Crew familiar with issues with renards to winches and lifting operations.


  • Is the vessel marked with deck line and freeboard mark.

  • If no freeboard mark how is the vessels max draft determined.


  • Are there at least two means of escape from any manned/ occupied space.

  • If there are not at least two means of escape, are there fire detectors.

  • Are means of escape clearly marked.


  • Are fire detectors where fitted working.

  • Are fire dectectors tested on a regular basis.

  • If no fire dectectors how are fire dectected.

  • Is the fire pump working.

  • Can the hose deliver a jet of water to any part of the vessel.

  • Does the jet and spray nozzle work on the fire hose.

  • Are there at least two multi purpose fire extinguishers on board.

  • How is a fire in engine room extinguished.

  • Are there at least two fire buckets with lanyards.

  • Is there fire blankets in galley and cooking areas.

  • Do the Crew know how to operate fire fighting equipment.


  • Is there a DSC radio installed.

  • Is a medium frequency single side band (MF SSB) radio telephone with DSC fitted.

  • Is at least one EPIRB fitted

  • Is a SART fitted.

  • Is NAVTEX fitted if operating in NAVTEX areas.

  • Is there a person on board with an approved certificate for operation of radio equipment.

  • Are cards available giring a clear summary of the radio telephone distress, urgency and safety procedures.

  • Are there clear instructions for the operation of hand held VHF.

  • Are the vessels Call sign and radio station identity displayed.

Navigation equipment

  • Are the navigation ligths working.

  • Are there means of making efficient sound signals.

  • Is the all round anchor ligths working.

  • Are the NUC ligths working.

  • Are the NUC shapes available.

  • Does the magnetic compass have a valid deviation card.

  • Does the light work in the magnetic compass.

  • Is a GPS available.

  • Are there means of measuring the distance covered.

  • Is the echo sounder working.

  • Are curent corrected charts available.

  • Are curent tide tabels available.

  • Is there a tidal stream atlas available for the area of operation.

  • Is there a copy of list of radio signals available for the area of operation.

  • Is a copy of international code of signals available.

  • Is an efficient waterproof signalling lamp available, and suitable for morse signalling.

  • Is an efficient radar reflector fitted.

  • Is there a working search light for operation in darkness.

  • Does the vessel have suficient anchor cables for area of operation.


  • Is the vessel provided with operator policy statements, instructions and procedures with regards to safe navigation.

  • Does the vessel have wriitten procedures for entry to a 500 m zone.

  • Are up to date navigation warnings and weather forecasts available.


  • Is heavy equipment in accomodation secured.

  • Is there efficient ventilation system for enclosed spaces that may be entered by personell.

  • If vessel is at sea more than 24 hours answer following.

  • Is there adequate ventilation in all accomodation (incl AC if appopriate)

  • Is there adequate lightning

  • Is there adequate supply of fresh drinking water

  • Is there emergency drinking water (two l Per person)

  • Is there a bunk or cod for for all those who will be on board.

  • Are there adequate toilet facilities for the proposed POB

  • Are there adequate stowage facilities for personal effects for all proposed POB.

Protection of personell

  • Are there safe means of acces to the vessel.

  • Are there adequate guardrails around deck.

  • Are there at least two safety harnesses on board and for all those who are to work on deck.

  • Is the surface on working deck non slip.

  • Are personell provided with protective clothing appropriate to prevailing air and sea temperature.

  • Are there survival suits for each person when working in waters below 10 degree celcius.

  • What measures has been taken to prevent personell to be exposed to excessive noise.

  • Are noise warning signes posted as appropriate.

  • Is a safety briefing given to all personell who og on a voyage.

  • Are there wriitten emergency procedures for; fire, collision, grounding, explosion, gas or toxic vapour realease.

  • Are medical stores provided.


  • Is there a valid test certificate

  • Is there a competent crane operator on board.


  • Doges the person in charge hold an appropriate certificate of competance as required by flag state.

  • Is there a second person dermed expirienced by the person in command.

  • Is there a person on board familiar with the operation and maintenance of propulsion machinery.

  • Is there at least one person on board who holds a certificate for the operation of the radio station.

  • Is there at least on board who holds a medical first aid certificate.

  • Has the person in command an approved stability course for workboats.

  • Has the person in command and any member of the Crew who is liable to use radar undertaken appropriate training in its use.

  • Are the Crew able to demonstrate safe operation of LSA and FiFi equipment.


  • Are accidents and incidents reported and investigated in accordance with flag state.

  • Have there been any accidents or incidents in the last 12 months.

  • If there has been any incidents or accidents, are reports available.

Clean seas

  • What arrangements are in place to prevent the discharge of sewage in prohibited areas.

  • How are prohibited areas identified.

  • What arrangements are in place for retention of garbage on board.

  • What arrangements are in place for handling of oily waste.

  • What arrangements are in place for prevention of discharge of oil or oil contaminated water.

Life saving appliances

  • Is there liferafts on board for all proposed POB.

  • If no liferafts, what means are in place to abandon ship.

  • Does the liferaft have a current certificate of examination.

  • When is the liferafts due for next examination.

  • Does the liferafts have HRU with valid date or certificate.

  • Are there sufficient lifebouys for the vessel and operation.

  • Are there sufficient lifebouys with light.

  • Do the lifebouys have heaving lines.

  • Are there lifejacket for all persons on board.

  • Are there parachute flares on board.

  • Are there hand held red flares on board (12 pcs)

  • Are there at least two smoke signals, buoyant or hand held.

  • Is there TPA for all persons on board.

  • Are there effective means to recover a person from the water.

  • Are life saving signalling tables available.

  • Is there means of sounding general alarm in case of emergency.

  • Does the general alarm work satisfactorily.

  • Is there manuals for LSA equipment.

  • Are there instructions for maintenance of LSA.

  • Is a record of emergency drills maintained.

  • Is there an up to date on shore emergency response plan.


  • Are there adequate mooring points on the vessel.

  • Is there sufficient mooring lines in good condition.


  • Are there a suitable towage point on the vessel allowing it to be safely towed in the event of an engine failure.

  • Are there suitable towing lines.

Boat hooks

  • Is there at least one boat hook available for recovering lines, or to assist in rescuing personell who fall over board.


  • Is a suitable sea anchor available.

  • If no is there an anchor required for the size of vessel and area of operation.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.