Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Vessel Name

  • Location
  • Attendees

  • Author

Transportation Details

  • Breadth

  • Lenghth

  • Draught

  • Ship type

  • Call sign

  • IMO

  • MMSI

  • Passenger capacity

  • Wave height operation limitation

  • Wind speed operation limitation

Emergency Contact

  • Master

  • Site manager

  • Contractor HSE

  • Onshore support

  • Agency

Bridge Documents

  • Small boat certificate (include equipment list)

  • Vessel Nationality Certificates

  • Ship registration certificates

  • Tonnage certificate

  • Load Line Certificate

  • Are load-line/draught markings clearly visible on the vessel hull?

  • Minimum safe manning certificates

  • Certificate of Classification

  • Inspection Record issued by MPB

  • Repairing record

  • Closed CMID inspection report within a year.

  • Ballast Water Management Plan inc Ballast Water Certificate.

  • Insurance covers Ship Owners' Liability (ex.P&I).

  • Insurance covers vessels hull and machinery (ex.H&M).

  • Insurance covers passengers' life and harm

  • Radio station license

  • Has the vessel had a recent internal HSE audit/inspection? and the details.

  • If carrying dangerous goods, does the vessel have a document of compliance for the carriage of dangerous goods (IMDG)?

  • Is a copy of the safety inspection/audit available for review.

  • Detail when was the last onboard safety inspection/audit carried out. and who carries out.


  • Is the Deck log maintained at sea and in port?

  • Is the Engine log maintained at sea and in port?

  • Is the GMDSS log maintained at sea and in port?

  • Is the Garbage logbook up to date with correct entries? Garbage log-book is maintained and up to date (check Log-book entries include signature by master of the ship, date, time, position of ship, garbage type, estimated vol and, if applicable, reasons for unapproved discharges).

  • Is the Oil record book being correctly maintained at sea and in port? Oil Record Book is maintained and up to date and waste oil receipts available.

  • Ballast Water Record Book is maintained and up to date

  • Waste receipts (garbage and controlled) available & signed. Consignment notes must incl. tracking, date, waste type, quantity & be kept for at least 3 yrs.

  • Bunkering receipts and checklists available

Radio and Navigation Safety

  • Is a certified ENC utilized?

  • Is the ENC up-to-date? and included the work area?

  • Is hard copy of navigational chart available onboard and evidence of usage?

  • Is the vessel fitted with operational radar (at least 1 x-band)?

  • Does the AIS work?

  • Are compass errors regularly recorded?

  • Is radio equipment in working order?

  • Is there an EPIRB fitted onboard the vessel?

  • Is there a SART fitted onboard the vessel?

  • Are emergency handheld VHF radios available?

  • Are all navigation lights in working order?

  • Is there a means fitted for making an efficient sound signal?

  • Is there an operational search light onboard?

  • Is the vessel fitted with a magnetic compass and is it in working order?

  • Is there evidence of written handovers between Master’s at crew change?

Stability and Freeboard (technical part included)

  • Does the vessel have an approved stability book?

  • Is there an approved stability computer in use on the vessel? if there is ballast or additional survey equipment installed onboard.

  • Are procedures in place to govern vessel stability through all stages of vessel operations? 

  • Does the Master and Crew understand the stability issues associated with winches and lifting operations?

  • Are there records of stability calculations and past conditions onboard?

  • Are load-line/draught markings clearly visible on the vessel hull?


  • Is there anchor onboard?

  • By machine or drop by crews manually?

  • Where is the anchor?

  • Are anchor windlass operate properly?

  • Are crews competent for operating the anchor windlass?

  • Is there a towing hook onboard?

  • Is there a protection between the towing hook and the bridge?

Training, certification and experience

  • Do the Master and Crew have the required mandatory training certification?

  • Do all the crew hold valid medical fitness certification?

  • Is the vessel manned in accordance with the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate?

  • Does any of the crew hold slinging and lifting certification?

  • Are crane ops, 8 and slingers suitably qualified and experienced?

  • Does the vessel have a formal documented HSE induction process.

Protection of crew

  • Is following PPE available to vessel crew: <br>•Safety Helmet (Hard Hat);<br>•Safety Boots;<br>•Life jacket<br>•Suitable Work wear fully covering arms and legs;<br>•Suitable Work wear with high visibility;<br>•Safety Glasses

  • Good condition of PPEs

  • Is all mandatory PPE seen to be worn by vessel company during audit.

  • Lifejackets with inspection record?

  • Life jacket with approved PLB (AIS function.)

  • PLB tested and worked.

  • Are the crews familiar with how to operate the PLB?

  • Is suitable storage for PPE available which is separate to off duty attire.

  • Are surplus stocks PPE available for contingency (contamination, breakage etc.).

  • Is there a PPE Matrix available and posted.

  • Are noisy compartments identified and access controlled with hearing protection provided?

  • Are confined spaces clearly identified and entry controlled as per confined space entry management?

  • Is "gas detector" monitoring equipment available and calibrated?

Life saving appliances

  • Is general arrangement layout placed in appropriate location?

  • Is the vessel correctly fitted with life rafts sufficient for the maximum People on Board (POB)?

  • Are the life rafts inspected within the last year with certificates available.

  • Are instructions for use available next to RFD’s

  • Do the life rafts have hydrostatic releases, inspected within the last year with certificate available.

  • Are there instructions for use for manually releasing hydrostatic release.

  • Are sufficient lifebuoys available and correctly rigged?

  • Is there sufficient approved life jackets available on-board for all personnel and in good condition.

  • Are there the required number of pyrotechnic distress signals onboard the vessel and are they in date?

  • Are there effective means to recover a person from the water?

  • Is there a general alarm fitted and operational?

  • Is all LSA of an approved type?

  • Are training manuals for LSA carried onboard?

  • Are certificates available for all LSA on board

  • Are the crew familiar with the use and operation of all LSA?

  • Is there evidence of periodic inspection/testing of LSA?

Safe boarding of vessel, deck, ladder access, hatches/Opening

  • Is there a register of all personal movements on/off board.

  • Is there safe access rigged to the vessel?

  • Was the gangway manned when you arrived.

  • Is boarding of the vessel possible in a safe way?

  • Are walkways and no-go zones clearly marked/painted.

  • Is deck access and egress free from obstructions.

  • Are there adequate guard rails around the deck?

  • Is the deck non-slip?

  • Is the deck areas free from loose materials, oil/fuel, if not, are hydrocarbons and chemicals bunded to 110% capacity

  • Are the working areas on deck uncluttered to allow sufficient unrestricted room for working activities.

  • Are all fixed access ladders suitable for use.

  • Are there any temporary ladders in use, (detail condition of ladder).

  • Will these ladders be intended to be in use when underway.

  • Are elevated working areas fitted with a railing?

  • Are hatches and tank openings marked?

Construction, watertight and watertight integrity

  • Is it possible to secure all openings to prevent water ingress at sea?

  • Are all doors and openings on the main deck level that give access to spaces below deck water-tight?

  • Can all opening port-lights be effectively secured?

  • Can all vents be closed to prevent ingress of water?

  • Is the hull and structure of the vessel in visually good condition maintaining structural and watertight integrity?

  • Are freeing ports/draining ports clear of obstruction?

  • Is there evidence of any water ingress below decks?

  • Are the paintwork and coatings in good condition?

Machinery & cable, electrical safety

  • Is all machinery and electrical equipment functioning correctly and free from defect?

  • Is there a preventative maintenance plan in place for machinery and maritime equipment.

  • Are there maintenance records onboard for all machinery?

  • Are portable hand tools in operational condition.

  • Are portable electrical tools maintained (includes extension leads etc.).

  • Is Critical Equipment clearly identified?

  • Are critical spares available onboard?

  • Are machinery spaces clean and free from leaks?

  • Are bilges clean and free of residues?

  • is the vessel fitted with certified bulge pump volume?

  • Are the bilge pumps operational?

  • Is the engine room/workshop machinery guarded?

  • Is the engine room flooring free from slips trips and falls hazards.

Lifting equipment/towing (if applicable)

  • Is the vessel supplied with emergency towing equipment and manual?

  • Are procedures in place for lifting and towing operations?

  • Preventive maintenance (PM) programme for crane in place (include pre-use checks documentation).

  • Are emergency response procedures well documented with regards to towing and lifting operations?

  • Is lifting and towing equipment covered in the planned maintenance system onboard?

  • Crane Examination Certificate

  • Last Inspection certificate - reference (within the last 12 months)

  • Lifting appliances certificates/register?

  • Ships company crane operators, slingers competent? (review cert of competence).

  • Are shackles and wires used in towing and lifting operations of an approved construction and certified for use?

  • Does the vessel have a system in place for the quarantine of damaged or uncertified lifting equipment?

  • Emergency stop push button located on Crane (are they considered serviceable and included on the PM programme)? Are emergency stops/releases tested regularly?

  • Are all cranes suitable for use and have inspection and load test certificates.

  • Date of vessel main crane inspection (detail Crane number).

  • Date of vessel main crane load test (detail crane number).

  • SWL Details of Main Crane and marked up on crane.

  • All crane controls clearly marked and manufacturer’s manual available.

  • Are environmental limits for operations defined and aligned with client requirements (wind, wave height etc.)?

  • Are winches in visually good order?

  • Slings, Shackles, eyebolts and lifting gear covered by valid inspection certificate.

Fire protection, detection and fighting

  • Are fire detectors and call points, where fitted, in working order?

  • Is the vessel fitted with a fire pump?

  • Is the vessel fitted with an Emergency fire pump?

  • Are machinery spaces adequately covered by fire detection and extinguishing systems?

  • If available are hydrants and hoses in working order?

  • Are portable extinguishers of sufficient quantity and appropriate type?

  • Are certificates of inspection available for all fire fighting equipment on board?

  • Is a fire blanket installed in the galley area?

  • Are crew familiar with the use of all fire fighting equipment (FFE) on the vessel?

  • Are firefighting action emergency response team fully briefed and trained to fight chemical fires (procedure also to be reviewed).

  • Can ventilization of engine room be shut down?

  • Is there a drawing / document identifying all locations of firefighting equipment/assets (FFA).

  • Are the FFA checked/inspected on rounds, and is this documented (detail document number).

  • Are FFA maintained and certificates for maintenance retained (detail where they are kept).

  • Are fire hoses, fire lines, hydrants, nozzles in good order.

  • Are fire hoses and nozzles and hydrants regularly tested.

  • Are fire pumps operational tested and maintained.

  • Are extinguishers in good order with type and their use clearly indicated?

  • Are extinguishers periodically tested and inspected by a competent approved servicing agent.

  • Are firefighting suits and equipment in good order

  • Breathing Apparatus (BA) sets in good order (including harness), fully charged and ready for use.

  • BA sets routine checks carried out (via check on weekly routine).

  • BA bottles last pressure test.

  • Are all areas of the vessel covered by fire detection equipment.

  • Fire detection equipment regularly tested (is there an auto test facility on system).

  • Drying room available and free from fire hazards

  • Are fuel tanks marked with the warning that heat and open fire could be dangerous?

  • Can fuel supplies be isolated in an emergency?

Environmetal pollution prevention

  • Does the vessel have a SOPEP plan?

  • Are arrangements in place to prevent the discharge of oil/oil-contaminated water overboard?

  • Are arrangements in place for handling oily wastes?

  • Are adequate arrangements in place to prevent the discharge of sewage in prohibited areas?

  • Is there sufficient SOPEP equipment available onboard? does it need replacing?

  • Does SOPEP periodically recorded and inspected?

  • Are drip trays fitted under oil stores and oil driven machinery?

  • Are stored drums of oil, thinners, paint and chemicals properly closed?

  • Are oil, paint, thinners and chemicals stored separately in stores convenient for this purpose?

Incident reporting and investigation

  • Does the vessel have arrangements to report and manage Incident, Near Miss & Dangerous Occurrence reporting.

  • Does the vessel have formal documented accident investigation procedures.

  • Are the master and vessel management aware of accident investigation procedures.

  • Are accidents, incidents reports being filed.

  • Are there any outstanding non-conformances / open incidents actions for any accidents / incidents (If Yes provide details).

Emergency procedures

  • Are formal emergency response procedures and plans available for use in the event of an emergency on board? (Fire, grounding, collision etc.)

  • Are the emergency plans vessel or project specific.

  • Do the Master and Crew understand the actions to take in the event of an emergency?

  • Are there at least two means of escape from any occupied area?

  • Are all emergency escapes identified?

  • Are emergency escapes clearly marked, well illuminated and free from obstruction?

  • Are escape hatches and emergency exits free to open and marked with ‘EMERGENCY EXIT KEEP FREE’?

  • Are permanent obstacles like lashing eyes, low passages, .. painted in a striking colour?

  • Is the Vessel emergency contact list (telephone number, hospital..) up to date (identify where kept and last reviewed).

  • Is there a dedicated muster point.

  • Is there dedicated alarms for fire and abandon ship.

  • Is there a Man Overboard (MOB) Alarm

  • Is there a Jasons Cradle or similar equipment used for MOB retrieval. If not how is a MOB recovered?

  • Are there dedicated life rings available on deck, to cover port and starboard, fwd and aft.

  • Are signal pyrotechnics kept readily available in a secure locker (lockable, dry and ventilated potential for build-up of phosgene gas).

  • Are signal pistols used? If so are they kept separate to the pyrotechnics?

  • Do signal pyrotechnics have Maker, Date and Lot numbers on.

  • Are all pyrotechnics and signal pistols secured whilst in port?

  • All communication equipment (including SART & EPIRB) to be programmed to the vessel’s MMSI and Call Sign.

  • Is there an EPIRB available and in date for inspection.


  • Does the vessel undertake regular emergency drills?add date of the last drill

  • Have any drills involving shore side services been done in the last 12 months?

  • Are the procedure tested by drills or exercise.

  • Is there a record of safety drill exercise on board (does it include the following):<br>Abandon ship drill.<br>Fire/ Emergency drill.<br>Man Overboard drill.<br>First Aid drill.<br>Damage Control drill.<br>Security Exercise drill.<br>Pollution (spill drill).

Medical care, first aid

  • Are the sick bay/dispensary facilities adequate for vessel and solely used for this purpose.

  • Can the vessel master call upon specialist medical advice if required (identify how and who provides this service).

  • Does the vessel carry adequate medical supplies for the area of operation and number of crew?

  • Is there a vessl medivac procedure in place?

  • Does the vessel have dedicated first aiders (if yes identify numbers and qualifications) on board, in every shift, in remote areas?

  • Are first aid kit, stretcher and defibrillator (AED) available?

  • Is an available AED with pads, in date for service and working, (complete check)

  • Is there a qualified AES operator onboard?

  • Are those locations clearly indicated and does the crew know this?

  • Is used first aid stuff being replenished?

Crew accommodation

  • Is crew accommodation clean and tidy with suitable sleeping and washing/showering facilities?

  • Is all equipment secured?

  • Is the vessel fitted with air conditioning?

  • Number of berths and accommodation for Crew and Contractors.

  • Acceptable standard of decoration and lighting.

  • Acceptable standard of furnishing and fittings.

  • Crew spaces free from vessel stores and fittings.

  • Escape plans posted in accommodation:<br>Escape routes clearly marked.<br>Escape routes clearly lit.

  • Are emergency escapes clear of obstructions and clearly marked?

  • Are internal stairways, ladders, and doors all in good order?

Ventilation and lighting

  • Ventilation system working.

  • Ventilation system Periodically Maintained (PM) for Legionella hazard (dosing, monitoring etc.).

  • Are following spaces sufficiently ventilated? Office and cabins, accommodation, gallery, bridge, control rooms, engine/steering and pump rooms, battery rooms, stores (special attention to inflammable, poisonous and explosive substances), and places with heat radiant sources (e.g. welding)

  • Are following spaces suffciently lighted? All working places, exits and entraces, dangerous opening, store rooms, places where is being hoisted, corridors and stairs, deck and working areas.

  • Is Emergency lighting operational if fitted?

House keeping and waste disposal

  • Are vessel compartments uncluttered, to a good state of housekeeping.

  • Are tripping hazards marked?

  • Are vessel compartments access and egress free from obstructions.

  • Waste collection facilities are maintained/labelled.

  • Waste is stored & secured to prevent leaks / spills / odour

  • Is material arranged orderly and stacked neatly?

  • Is wasted disposed ashore to an authorized waste disposal company?

  • Is chemical waste stored separately?

  • Are flammable debris cleared to a safe area?

  • Are any attempts made to minimize waste?

Sanitary and welfare

  • General standard of cleanliness?

  • Working area WC/ WC female available.

  • Wash rooms/showers with suitable cleaning aids (also review female arrangements).

  • Are suitable toilet facilities provided for all crew and passengers? General standard sanitary provision (W/C), includes showers?

  • No smoking in communal areas and No Smoking policy in force.

  • Recreational space available

Kitchen, Hygiene

  • Does the Chef have dedicated PPE, hat/hairnet and Apron/cooking whites? Is appropriate PPE supplied to catering staff for working in freezers/fridges?

  • Does the Chef have food hygiene qualifications.

  • Food scraps are macerated < 25mm and discharged beyond 3nm of territorial baseline or >12nm if > 25mm (check discharge coordinates)

  • Potable drinking water, has analysis been carried to confirm water drinking quality.

  • Is there sufficient potable water onboard the vessel?

  • Is the galley clean and tidy (floors, walls, door handles)

  • Are galley extractor fans working.

  • Are galley extractor fans free from grease

  • Is there hot water available in the galley.

  • Is a fire blanket and first aid kit available in galley

  • Is there a dedicated Hygienic area for preparing food? Area clean and appropriate for use?

  • Are colour coordinated chopping boards available for food preparation

  • Is there separate hand washing and food preparation sinks.

  • Is there a dedicated area or process for defrosting food.

  • Is there a dedicated food serving area.

  • Are there adequate storage facilities onboard? Dry food storage area, is it suitable and hygienic?

  • Is there a fresh food storage area, is it suitable and hygienic (Stored off the ground and in boxes)

  • Is there a refrigerator available, is it suitable and hygienic (Food types separated)

  • Is there a Freezer available, is it suitable and hygienic (Food types separated and stored of the ground)

  • "Are refrigerators and freezers temperatures being checked daily?

  • Are records/logs kept up to date?<br>Freezer -18 degrees C, Fridge – 4 degrees C

  • Is there a cleaning schedule in place

  • Is there suitable waste food disposal arrangements.

  • Does the vessel have adequate messroom facilities? Complete with tables and chairs?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.