Title Page
Give Information Regarding the Training Received.
Training Title
Duration of Training.
Training Number.
Enter the Date and Time Training Began.
Enter the Date and Time Training Completed.
Enter Trainers Name
Describe the Training.
List Any Materials Used to Supplement the Training (include version and last date updated).
Training Evaluation
Indicate your degree of agreement with respect to each of the statements presented below, using the following scale:
1 = totally disagree 2 = disagree 3 = more or less in agreement 4 = in agreement 5 = fully agree -
I was motivated to take this course
Please Briefly Explain
The objectives of the training were clear and precise
Please Briefly Explain
The content of the training corresponded to my needs and concerns
Please Briefly Explain
The exercises and activities were relevant to the training
Please Briefly Explain
The trainer communicated in a clear and dynamic way
Please Briefly Explain
The concepts discussed were well understood
Please Briefly Explain
This training allowed me to increase my level of knowledge and skill
Please Briefly Explain
I would put these new skills into practice
Please Briefly Explain
Please Type Your Name and Signature