
  • Site Address:

  • Postcode:

  • Surveyed by:

  • Date of Survey:

  • Job Number:

Method and Risk Assessment


  • Insert photographs of works areas

  • Will work take place on external face of building?

  • Will work take place internally in the communal areas of the building?

  • General Method Statement

    Work at Height

    Where work at Height is required on the external facade of the building engineers will use ladders for short duration works. All engineers will have CAI work at Height training and ladders will be used in line with training.

    Where step ladders are used for internal cable runs these must be subject to a peruse inspection and set on firm level ground.

    Work locations

    Designated work areas will be cordoned off to prevent access by unauthorised persons. Site operatives shall ensure as little disruption as possible is caused to other site users and members of the public. Where required, barriers will be used to create safe walkways for pedestrians to ensure they are not at risk of collision with moving traffic or work activity.
    Any excavations will be cordoned off and covered when unattended.

    Access Equipment

    Avoid work at height where possible.

    Where access is required, operatives will utilise industrial BS EN 131 ladders following pre-use inspection in accordance with training. Operatives will maintain 3 points of contact at all time and implement fall arrest system. MEWPS or scaffold must always be considered as first option if work at height is required. If ladders are to be used, they should only be used for short duration.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    High Vis. - at all times
    Safety Boots. - at all times
    Gloves. - required
    Goggles. - required
    Ear defenders - required
    Dust Mask. - required

    Waste Management

    All waste disposed of in accordance with SCCI Alphatrack Environmental Policy

    Accident and Incident reporting

    All accidents, incidents and near misses to be reported as per SCCI Alphatrack procedures. All will be investigated to identify measures to prevent reoccurrence.

    First Aid

    All engineers hold Emergency First Aid at Work and carry a maintained first aid box within each vehicle.

    Basic procedure should you come across injured person is to;

    - Assess situation and remove hazard if possible
    - Contact 999 and provide details on location and injury


    Plant, machinery and equipment to be used in the undertaking of the contract will be assessed to determine vibration levels generated. Operations will be monitored to ensure hand-arm vibration and whole body vibration thresholds as recommended in the Directive 2002/44/ec. Where assessment indicates that exposure is likely to exceed thresholds the period of use will be restricted to ensure adverse effects do not arise. The age and condition and maintenance of the equipment will add to the magnitude of vibration produced. Environmental conditions such as cold, will increase the likelihood of adverse effects arising from use.

    Typical vibration levels listed below:

    Road breakers - 12m/s2
    Angle grinder. - 6m/s2
    Hammer drills - 9m/s2


    All reasonable steps will be taken to minimise dust generation during activities.

    Internal cable routes

    Where cables are to be run internally along escape route these must be secured using metal fixings.

Risk Assessment

Working at Heights



  • Harm - Serious Injuries or Death
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - All operatives must have a valid working at heights certificate. Ladders must be in good condition and set on level ground at the correct angle (1 in 4). Where this cannot be achieved, additional stabilising devices must be employed. All ladders to be secured by eye bolts and straps.
    Safety harnesses must be worn and attached using rope and grab when three points of contact cannot be maintained.
    Safety boots must be worn for ankle support and protection.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:


  • Harm - Serious Injuries or Death
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Operatives must under no circumstance access a incomplete scaffold unless it has been inspected by a competent person and tagged I to say it is "safe to use"(This must be done every 7 days). Scaffold must only be altered/erected by a company approved/competent person. If in any doubt, contact a member of the Health & Safety Department.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:


  • Harm - Serious injuries or Death
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Levelling device to be used on ladder where ground is uneven. Use designated pathways. If unable to do this please contact your Project Manager.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • A4. LOFT WORK?

  • Harm - Falls from height, Serious injuries or Death from falling through ceiling
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Residents in block
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Lofts should be checked for integrity before entering. Where walkways are available, these must be kept to. If no walkways or boarded areas then crawl boards may be required to undertake activities in the loft. Lighting will be needed to reduce risk of injury. Face masks, Hard hats , Hi Viz, gloves , goggles & dust masks to be worn at all times. Possible breathing apparatus may be required.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:


  • Harm - Falls from height, Serious injuries or Death
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - If we need to access the loft then at survey stage a request is to be made to the client that he supplies one that is fit for purpose. If this is not possible then a extendable ladder should be used provided it can be secured to the wall via a eyebolt & ratchet strap or held at the base by a second person. Signage, cones and warning tape must be used at the base of the entry point. Ensure that prior to entry that there is adequate lighting and the loft can sustain your weight. If unsure seek advice from the Project Manager responsible.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Environment and Exposure

  • B1. Asbestos exposure

  • Harm - Ill health from exposure to asbestos
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - If asbestos is suspected in the area you are working, work must be stopped immediately and reported to project management. Works will only continue when an asbestos survey of the affected work area has been carried out by a competent person/company and is either declared safe to work in or an alternative method of working has been found. The clients asbestos register must be scanned in the specific areas before any further works are undertaken
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B2. Dust exposure

  • Harm - Ill health from exposure to dust inhalation
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of public
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Face masks must be worn at all times whilst drilling or working in dusty environments. Work area must be cordoned off by means of cones, barrier tape and warning signage to warn people of works taking place. Where dust masks are provided operatives will undergo face fit testing.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B3. Presence of needle injuries inside properties and buildings

  • Harm - Needle injuries, possibility of contracting serious diseases
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Operators to be extra vigilant and cautious when working in properties and buildings. If needles are found, work must stop immediately. You must inform Project Management and leave the area. If injuries are sustained, you must attend the nearest hospital immediately.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B4. Environmental hazards/Bees/Wasps/Vermin and hazardous waste

  • Harm - Potential of contracting various diseases
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - If any environmental hazards such as wasps/bees nests/vermin/ hazardous waste etc are discovered, then work is to stop immediately and contact client/office to instigate a competent contractor to remove hazard.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B5. Un-cooperative residents or members of the public

  • Harm - Possibility of being attacked by abusive resident or member of public
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Operative to avoid confrontation with residents/members of the public and walk away from situation. This must be reported to management and the Health & Safety Department Immediately
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B6. Working in access roads, car parks or public places

  • Harm - Injuries to members of the public, slips &trips or head injuries fro falling objects
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Operatives are to ensure that work areas are cordoned off with cones, barrier tape and suitable signage to prevent un-authorised entry. If possible try to minimise works within these areas. If working in a public highway, works must comply with the New Road Street Works Act 1991.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B7. Exposure to noise from drilling or loud machinery

  • Harm - Loss of hearing or partial deafness
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Hearing protection must be worn when undertaking noisy activities such as drilling. Noise levels must not exceed 85 dba. If unsure, contact project manager or Health & Safety Department for further advise.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B8. Chemical Hazards (Hazardous substances)

  • Harm - Risk of burns, inhalation and ingestion
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - In order to reduce the risk of exposure to hazardous substances, the following measures will be implemented:
    • An inventory of all substances hazardous to health in use by the company will be compiled and maintained together with appropriate hazard information. This can be obtained from the Health & Safety Department.
    • All operatives involving, or which may involve, exposure to substances hazardous to health will be medically assessed.
    • Appropriate control measures will be implemented if it is not possible to eliminate, or substitute for a hazardous substance (See separate risk assessment).
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B9. Inadequate First Aid provisions

  • Harm - Sustaining Injuries
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Operatives must ensure they have a first aid box which is a minimum of a 1-10 man kit. It must be adequately stocked and meets legal compliance. Operatives must have a minimum standard of first aid training to comply with the First Aid at work regulations 1981.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B10. Fire prevention and escape routes

  • Harm - Serious Injuries or Death
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Operatives must ensure before works commence that they know where the escape routes and assembly points are located. Operatives are only allowed to use fire extinguishers if they have had the necessary training. Operatives to follow site emergency procedures at all times.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B11. Potential non-ionising Radiation exposure from transmitters on roof

  • Harm - General sickness, limb weakness. nausea, headaches. flu like symptoms
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - At survey stage, details shall be taken of contact number and site code to request power down of transmitter. Work shall be avoided directly in front of the mast, with signal strength generally reducing significantly from 2-5 metres. If any sickness is identified, the operative concerned must inform the client, and leave site immediately to seek further medical advice – e.g. go to local hospital.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • B12. Slips and Trips

  • Harm - Strains, broken legs, arms, head injuries
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Operatives to ensure that: • All work areas will be regularly inspected to ensure that good standards of “housekeeping” are maintained at all times.
    • Appropriate protective clothing must be worn, especially safety footwear.
    • Operatives are required to take reasonable care of their own safety when working and moving about a site. This means keeping their work area clean and tidy at all times.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Work Activities

  • C1. Manual Handling

  • Harm - Serious back damage, sprains or torn ligaments
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Operatives to assess for the following: Load (What is it that you are going to lift), Individual (Are you up to the lift), Task (Does the task need to be done manually or can it done by other means i.e. mechanical devices?) and Environment (What are the conditions and do you have a clear route?). Where available mechanical means must be implemented. Manual handling principles must be adopted in line with manual handling training provided. Team lifts used for bulky or awkward items must use a lead person who will relay to the team the actions and routes to be taken. Ensure all routes are free from obstruction and drop location is clear.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C2. Cutting metal materials with hand saw

  • Harm - Eye injuries due to metal fragment, cuts to hand when handling metal.
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Eye protection and gloves to be worn at all times when cutting metal using a hand saw. Hand saw must be checked by operatives before and after use. Any defects must be reported to project management immediately.
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C3. Removal of waste

  • Harm - Serious back damage, sprains, torn ligaments
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - All waste that is created on site such as cardboard, cable, wood, metal brackets, bricks and electrical equipment must be taken back to Head office/depot at the end of each working day where it is must be segregated into the correct skips/bins. This will then be taken away by a licensed waste contractor
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C4. Drilling activities

  • Harm - Eye Injuries due to dust particles
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - Medium
    Control measures to be implemented - Eye protection must be worn at all times when drilling to avoid eye injuries occurring
    Residual risk - Low

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C5. Drilling in properties on high level (falling debris)

  • Harm - Injuries to passing pedestrians, falling debris
    Persons at risk - Operatives / Members of the public
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - Before drilling through walls in properties 1 storey and above where there is a risk to the public from falling debris in places such as shops, public foot paths/pavements, roads, communal areas of properties such as gardens and patio areas), an area wide enough directly below on the outside must be cordoned off with cones, barrier tape and clear warning signage to prevent unauthorised access. A second man must be used to hold the net basket inside the property to catch any brick dust or falling debris. Always use a scanner before drilling into any wall.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C6. Work Equipment

  • Harm - Serious Injuries
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - When working with any work equipment, operatives must ensure the following:
    • Work equipment will be maintained in efficient working order, good repair and inspected before and after use. Any defects must be reported to the Health & Safety Department immediately.
    • Operatives must ensure that they are trained before using any work equipment in their correct operation.
    • Operatives to ensure that they wear necessary protective clothing (such as hi viz, safety boots, gloves and where applicable, eye protection and dust masks.
    • Operatives to use work equipment in the manner and for the purpose, which they were intended for use.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C7. High risk maintenance works or complex installations

  • Harm - Serious injury or Death
    Persons at risk - Operatives
    Risk rating - High
    Control measures to be implemented - A Permit To Work must be used in any situation where the work is of high risk to operatives. Operatives must be fully briefed of conditions set out in permit and must be signed for by an authorised person. All work areas must be segregated from members of the public by using cones, barrier tape and warning signage. At the end of works, engineers must check area to ensure that it is safe and poses no risk to members of the public. Authorised person will then check area fully and sign off permit to say works are completed.
    Residual risk - Medium

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

  • C8. Electrical Isolation

  • Engineers will need to isolate the electric socket in the cabinet, this will be isolated via a consumer unit inside the landlords cupboard and only they will have the key, no tenants can access. Open the landlords, isolate the circuit, test the socket to ensure it is off, fit a lock off device and relock the cupboard until works are completed

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

H & S Location Information

  • Find the nearest welfare facilities to the site (eg McDonalds)

  • Enter Phone Number and Postcode

  • Find the nearest hospital to the site

  • Enter Phone Number and Postcode



  • Engineer signature

  • Engineer signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.