
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Customer Service Area

  • Price Range Catagory

  • Viscore/ Job Number

  • Responsible Manager

  • Auditee

  • Company

1.000 Design

  • 1.001 <br>All documentation lodged in Itools e.g. Scope, CDPs, RMA site plans, Lay, Hauling and Grid plans. Note costs to be in Chorus Shared drive except for RBI.

  • 1.002 iTools progress task dates updated

  • 1.003 NetMAP design not in conflict with other design work

  • 1.004 Network to be relinquished (in NetMAP) removed

  • 1.005 NetMAP fibre reservations applied and removed when built

  • 1.006 Historical records impacted by new design rectified, connectivity & integrity ok.

  • 1.007 Build standards applied in design, Manhole & cable size, plant location, position

  • 1.008 Power & Building work within capacity & loading of infrastructure

  • 1.009 Spares considered and where required part of design

  • 1.010 Consents: Permits received, eg RMA, RON, Bridge etc. All Fees Paid

  • 1.012 Work priced correctly using Template, FS codes / quotes as applicable

  • 1.015 Cabinet Alpha Code applied for and correct

  • 1.016 Cabinet site number obtained for active cabinet (mains power connection)

  • 1.017 Cabinet ICP number (mains power) for active cabinet supplied to Estate

  • 1.018 Hessian/known faulty cable along direct route of any lay/thrust considered for replacement

  • 1.019 Replacement cables outside construction zone meet current Proactive Guidelines

  • 1.020 Any effecting multiples within joints being accessed are to be demultipled

  • 1.022 Billed tasks actually done

  • 1.024 Design summary recorded in the Feasibility Outcome Field

  • 1.025 Build category correctly identified and recorded

  • 1.030 Estimated build duration is recorded in the Feasibility text field

  • 1.031 Estimated build time is fair reflection of the amount of work required


  • 2.001 Handover procedure followed, WATCH form applied

  • 2.002 Commissioning information meets specified requirements

  • 2.003 Timing correct for RFS and DDC. Recommits meet business rules

  • 2.004 Compliance certificates available (RMA, PTW, RON, TMP, Electrical)

  • 2.005 Deployment codes & Template pricing applied correctly

  • 2.006 Work Plan / H&S /Technical Procedure / PTTN Accreditation approved / Access Card current

  • 2.007 Spares visible and appropriate when required

  • 2.008 TLRD/NetMAP updated, integrity checked & confirmed

  • 2.009 Bearer connectivity confirmed "end to end

  • 2.010 Graphical Records & Databases identified & updated

  • 2.011 ICMS updated

  • 2.012 Have transmission limits been met. (Wireline tool)

  • 2.013 Traid updated

  • 2.014 Does the NMR record match equipment on site. (NMR move/add/change captured and updated when appropriate).

  • 2.015 OTDR traces (all cable fibres @ 1310 & 1550nm wavelength) confirmed delivered to Chorus

  • 2.019 All network items defined within the Chorus Network Specified Product (CNSP) process are used in the network. No non approved items used

  • 2.020 Plant Damage Report (PDR) form completed

  • 2.021 Cable Network Alteration (CNA) form completed

  • 2.022 Cable Plant Alteration (CPA) forms completed

4.000 Codes

  • 4.004 Correct statement of work codes used

6.000 Work areas and safety

  • 6.001 Personal and site safety procedures observed

  • 6.002 Hazards identified & recorded - Worksite audit form completed / Hazard Notices in place

  • 6.003 Transit TMP provided

  • 6.004 Services located

  • 6.005 Power and gas clearances correct

  • 6.006 gas detector within current calibration certificate

  • 6.007 Gas Detector - measures for O2, Flammable, Carbon Monoxide (& Hydrogen Sulphide in volcanic areas)

  • 6.008 N/w security correct (exchange)

  • 6.009 Joint Chamber / Manhole lids closed and secure

  • 6.012 Temporary work clearly labelled and contains name, contact details, job ID of person involved

  • 6.014 Any defects to existing network outside of scope of project referred to be rectified in the future

7.000 Exchange equipment

  • 7.001 Equipment positioned & installed correctly, ventilation unimpeded

  • 7.002 Equipment anchored / mounted compliant with seismic needs

  • 7.003 Equipment secure; Fastenings, Isolation, Earthing, Masking, Covers

  • 7.004 Equipment & racks labelled correctly. Node name visible. TLRD system name visible

  • 7.006 Alarms connected & tested. Commissioning info confirmed

  • 7.007 DF components secure, labelled, jumper management correct

  • 7.008 Conduits and pipework adequately routed & anchored

  • 7.009 Cable tray earthing & isolation correct

  • 7.010 Cable type & size and labelled OK. Installation neat and tidy

  • 7.011 Cable and jumper terminations tidy & to required standard

  • 7.012 UTP cables are supported and routed securely

  • 7.013 Structured Cabling supported and routed securely, not tight bends, Velcro ties used

  • 7.014 Circuit breakers / fuses correct type & size & labelled

  • 7.017 Trunking manages fibre cords within maximum capacity limits; drop off position OK, flexitube anchored at equip, fibre slack managed.

  • 7.018 Fire & Smoke stopping around wall cable access holes

9 MDF (7535, NDF-100A, NDF-100B, ND0066)

  • 9.001 MDF Block secure (installation, earthing)

  • 9.002 MDF Block Labelling correct (Cable Number, Pair range)

  • 9.003 MDF Area cable entry duct sealed

  • 9.005 Jumper routing via frame guides

  • 9.006 Jumper type correct (OR/WH) with required (175mm - 225mm) slack left

  • 9.007 IDC jumper terminations correct (full insertion to IDC, excess trimmed)

  • 9.008 Solder jumper terminations correct (wire strip & wrap, no excess solder)

  • 9.009 Old jumpers removed

  • 9.01 Lightning protection (where fitted) earth to common earth

  • 9.011 Cable pair records updated

  • 9.012 Sign off codes correct (specify here)

10.000 Pride tag & log10.001

  • 10.002 MDF log completed in exchange

  • 10.003 equipment room log completed in exchange

  • 10.004 Cabinet log completed

11.000 OFDF & Exchange fibre

  • 11.001 All optical cables 100% support on horizontal & managed on vertical, no more than 400mm fibre cable to be unsupported

  • 11.002 OFDF hardware secure: OFDF Drawer-Cable Trough-Guides-Rack

  • 11.003 Network labelling correct at OFDF (OFDF Designation, Jumper to/from label, data card in I, Q and L drawers)

  • 11.004 Optical cables & cords adequately managed within racks and shelves

  • 11.005 OFDF Single Fibre Organiser tray not overfilled (<1.5mtr tails)

  • 11.007 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 11.008 Fibre pigtail label records 'from' OFDF ID and SFO number

  • 11.009 Trunking manages fibre cords within maximum capacity limits; drop off position OK, flexitube anchored at equip

  • 11.010 Protective caps on all unterminated connectors

  • 11.011 Connectors cleaned and verified with Fibre Inspection Probe

  • 11.012 Laser Safety labels (1M Safety) at OFDF (inside and front panel)

  • 11.013 No fibre or task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

12 Cable Well

  • 12.001 Main duct entry locations provide permanent seal from gas and water ingress

  • 12.002 Cable or sub duct entry sealed to Feeder Duct

  • 12.003 Cable exiting from sub duct sealed

  • 12.004 Unused Feeder Ducts plugged/sealed

  • 12.005 Cable management systems eg brackets, trays, support all cable & subduct services

  • 12.006 Fibre joint closure secured. Excess length cable tails management loops provided and secure

  • 12.007 NetMAP label on Fibre joint closure. Each fibre cable tail labelled with NetMAP label

  • 12.008 Cable well manhole lids security maintained

  • 12.009 Fire/Smoke Alarms monitored and in working order

  • 12.01 Water pumps operative

13 Cable Haul (7476, 7475, 7474)

  • 13.001 Correct cable installed as per project pack

  • 13.002 Cable drum managed on site safely

  • 13.003 Correct duct used, always use adjacent duct at through manholes if possible

  • 13.004 Pulling in cable guide used

  • 13.005 Cable lubricated prior to pulling

  • 13.006 Is the winch capable of controlling haul tension within 2KN for fibre

  • 13.007 Ducts cleaned and tested

  • 13.008 Correct method used blow / suck

  • 13.009 Communication method adequate (H&S of staff)

  • 13.010 Subduct (to be used) cut correctly and reamed

  • 13.011 Subducts in manholes/joint chambers managed/not obstructing manhole plant

  • 13.012 Grouped PE subducts anchored at entry to MH

  • 13.013 Spare PE subducts capped

  • 13.014 Subduct with cables labelled

  • 13.015 Correct subduct joiner used

  • 13.016 ALL cable ends sealed with Heatshrink, coiled and secured ready for use

  • 13.017 400pr cable and above pressurised (pre pull 70kpa/ post pull 70kpa)

  • 13.018 Copper cable sufficient slack left for manhole management & jointing

  • 13.019 Cables identified / labelled

  • 13.02 Fibre cables at intermediate manholes secured with split PE subduct to MH wall

  • 13.021 MaxCell installation only between adjacent MH. MH working area not impeded

  • 13.022 Fibre cable prepared for joint correctly in manholes (cable management tidy to cable loop brackets)

  • 13.023 Manhole / joint chamber lids free of material / Bung in lifting hole / lid locked

  • 13.025 RMA: Contaminated manhole water collected for disposal

14 Cable Removal

  • 14.001 Correct cables identified

  • 14.002 Withdrawing method correct

  • 14.003 Cable recovered for disposal (Scrap process) correct

15 Cable & Duct Lay

  • 15.001 Ducts laid or directional drilled at least 1000mm in State Highway

  • 15.002 Ducts laid 450mm footway

  • 15.003 Ducts laid 600mm roadway

  • 15.004 Duct alignment and configuration correct

  • 15.005 Route position to plan

  • 15.006 Correct cables identified and installed

  • 15.007 Cable ends sealed with heatshrink

  • 15.008 Warning tape installed

  • 15.009 Buried cable crossings - depth and protection

  • 15.010 Reduced cover - protection installed

  • 15.015 Manhole / joint chamber lids free of material / Bung in lifting hole / lid locked

  • 15.016 Fibre Cable Installation: Metallic cable location cable installed

  • 15.017 Location cable separated into RLG pillars either side of fibre joint location (pillar minex applied)

  • 15.018 Bridge crossing: Best on downstream side and conforms to consent specifications

  • 15.019 Bridge crossing: Cable protection secure from bird/rodent access & extends into ground each side

  • 15.020 Bridge crossing: U channel, brackets, covers and pipe galvanised. All anchor bolts and fittings robust and secure

  • 15.021 Route markers installed (Rural only)

  • 15.022 Rural: 1/2 round installation (fibre cable) each side of culvert/ drain crossings

  • 15.023 Rural: 1/2 round installation for rural fibre joint location

  • 15.024 Rural: Private property owner aware cable within property boundaries

  • 15.026 Duct at customer boundary for direct install fibre sealed and buried or housed in approved enclosure (eg Pedestal)

17 Manhole & Joint Chamber Installation & Ducts

  • 17.001 Manhole preparation, bedding, backfill compacted OK

  • 17.002 Manhole sited correctly - To plan and parallel to B/L

  • 17.003 Manhole correctly sized as per Design Job Specification

  • 17.004 Manhole frames flush to ground, no trip hazard

  • 17.005 Manhole stripped of formwork, no protruding nails left

  • 17.006 Manhole throat (where fitted) correct diameter & does not obstruct access

  • 17.008 Concrete panel joints sealed to prevent silt and water ingress

  • 17.009 Manhole floor level, sump hole fitted

  • 17.01 All manhole duct entry grouted, duct reamed, sits flush to wall

  • 17.011 Non concrete joint chamber duct entry protrudes into chamber 50mm, reamed, sealed to wall

  • 17.012 Manhole cable management brackets installed to accept arms

  • 17.013 Manhole cable management arms installed as required

  • 17.014 Manhole / joint chamber lids are locked, in working order and rubber bung fitted

  • 17.015 Ducts entry positioned close to adjacent wall for easy cable management

  • 17.016 Ducts sealed where necessary to prevent the ingress of water, moisture, gas, pests into buildings and cabinets

  • 17.018 Cable or sub duct entry sealed to Feeder Duct

  • 17.019 Cable exiting from sub duct sealed

  • 17.020 Unused Feeder Ducts plugged/sealed

  • 17.021 New ducts into existing manholes - correct hole size and location cut in manhole wall for new duct entry

  • 17.022 Direct fibre feed hauling tape installed

  • 17.023 Direct fibre feed hauling tape secured at each end

  • 17.024 Direct fibre feed hauling tape correctly labelled

18 Manhole Cable Management

  • 18.001 All cables managed tidily on brackets and arms

  • 18.002 Fibre cable prepared for joint correctly in manholes (cable management tidy to cable loop brackets)

  • 18.003 Fibre cable protection when required-tread plate/split subduct/bandit tape

  • 18.004 Fibre closure secured to MH wall with bracket

  • 18.005 Pressurised cables and tails OK, no weak points of failure

19.000 Fibre jointing & closure

  • 19.001 Joint Closure secured on manufacturers bracket

  • 19.002 NetMAP label on closure & each cable tail

  • 19.003 Laser safety label (Starburst) visible outside and inside closure

  • 19.004 Heat shrink fittings correct (thermal paint change, glue exuding)

  • 19.005 Mechanical closure fittings correct (fittings, seal)

  • 19.006 Closure pressure valve fitted where closure is capable and has been tested

  • 19.007 Non metallic strength member anchored. Metallic strength member isolated

  • 19.008 Unused tubes controlled, managed, secured without stress

  • 19.009 Tubes secured onto organiser trays with metal tabbed cable ties, trays not overfilled

  • 19.010 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 19.012 Heat shrink splice protectors secured from movement

  • 19.014 No fibre or task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

20 Copper Cable Jointing

  • 20.001 Cables pressure maintained

  • 20.002 Cable at correct depth & sheath free from damage

  • 20.003 Earth continuity maintained , as required

  • 20.004 Cable excess length sufficient

  • 20.005 Correct jointing connectors & tool used

  • 20.006 Temporary closure adequate

  • 20.007 Cables labelled, identified clearly

  • 20.008 No obstruction of spare ducts

  • 20.009 Spare exchange ducts sealed where necessary to prevent the ingress of water, moisture, gas, pests

21 Copper Heat shrink Closure (incl PEDCAP & Radi)

  • 21.001 Closure sized correct

  • 21.002 Cable entry prepared; Clean, Abrade, Flame Brush, alu foil

  • 21.003 Cable position at entry correct; largest on top

  • 21.004 Branch Clip or SCOP use correct

  • 21.005 Thermal colour change even, white line visible down SS channel

  • 21.006 Sufficient glue extruding at ends

  • 21.007 Pressurised closure has pressure valve fitted/test OK

  • 21.008 Closure management; manhole arms or direct buried has protective slab

23.000 Pressure

  • 23.001 Air dryer location adequate with fresh air supply

  • 23.002 Air dryer not bolted to floor

  • 23.003 Polycor tubing & joints managed, no leaks evidenced

  • 23.004 Each cable on flow panel clearly labelled

  • 23.005 Humidity Alarm within boundaries

  • 23.006 Service manual available on site

  • 23.007 Main air block at cable well installation correct

  • 23.008 XTAP (air delivery to cable) install/size OK

  • 23.009 Air dryer alarms within boundaries (Check with NOC)

  • 23.010 Maximum 70kpa delivered at start of network

  • 23.011 Minimum 35kpa available at end of network

  • 23.012 Cable transducer location min 200mtr/max 600mtr apart

  • 23.013 ICMS updated with transducer cable pair details

  • 23.014 Chorus Master Pressure Database updated

  • 23.015 Sign off codes (TFC 5B*)

  • 23.016 Permit To Work

  • 23.017 Dry Air Cylinder management OK (HCP027)

24.000 SSA

  • 24.001 SSA cable binding to hardware correct

  • 24.002 SSA cable erected correctly

  • 24.003 SSA cable type and size correct

  • 24.004 Earth 2 Earthing requirements (16mm/pipe/rod/C-Lok each end) correct when needed <br>

  • 24.005 SSA 2 End terminations and cable management correct <br>

  • 24.006 SSA 2 SSA tension & sag & twist (anti dancing) correct <br>

  • 24.008 SSA 3 Recovered wire or SSA uses scrap process <br>

25.000 Poles ND0318

  • 25.001 H&S 1 All mechanical aids in good working order, regular checks <br>

  • 25.002 H&S 1 Vehicle transporting poles must have racks for pole security <br>

  • 25.003 Poles 2 Pole in good condition, no splits, burs <br>

  • 25.004 Poles 2 Pole manufacture label in place, Pole strength minimum 6kn <br>

  • 25.005 Poles 2 Pole hole depth correct/Pole vertical and height correct <br>

  • 25.006 Poles 2 Pole positioning and spacing correct, correct face position <br>

  • 25.007 Poles 2 All new poles have Network pole tag installed 3m above ground <br>

  • 25.008 Poles 2 Breast & Heal block position correct for pull & loading on pole <br>

  • 25.009 Reinstatement 2 Pole hole compacted every 150mm <br>

  • 25.010 H&S 1 Pole safe to climb (hammer/probe/dig) <br>

  • 25.011 Poles 2 All metal plant hot dipped galvanised & CNSP approved <br>

  • 25.012 Poles 2 Plant positioned correctly and safely, plant clearances correct <br>

  • 25.013 Poles 2 Stub poles or staying lines or screw anchors installed correctly <br>

  • 25.014 H&S 1 Unsafe poles labelled / marked for replacement/7 days <br>

  • 25.015 H&S 1 Unsafe poles noted in Hazardous Pole Register <br>

  • 25.016 Records Integrity 2 Deeded poles shown in NetMAP Pole Editor <br>

  • 25.017 Records Integrity 2 All tagged poles in NetMAP <br>

  • 25.018 H&S 1 Traffic Management Plan for pole install/removal <br>

  • 25.021 Labels 2 Network labelling in place to suit requirements <br>

29.000 Active Cabinet Internal LHS

  • 29.001 Cabinet 2 Outer Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming <br>

  • 29.002 Cabinet 2 Door stays are in place and all work well <br>

  • 29.003 Records Integrity 2 Alarm warning sticker on inner door <br>

  • 29.004 Records Integrity 2 Check Door alarm works with Telecom Security 0800 103060 - 2 - 6 <br>

  • 29.005 Cabinet 2 AC earth rod installed next to Power duct & protrudes about 200mm above Plinth <br>

  • 29.006 H&S 1 AC Earth wire warning label attached (green or red plastic tag on the wire) <br>

  • 29.007 Cabinet 2 Power cable glands secure on the top of the RCD outlet box (2 small, 1 large) <br>

  • 29.008 Cabinet 2 Power cable gland secure to the right of the RCD outlet box through to the MUX bin. (1 large) <br>

  • 29.009 Cabinet 2 Power cable glands secure to the meter box. (1 large, 1 small for earth cable) <br>

  • 29.010 Cabinet 2 Power cable is installed in orange power duct. <br>

30.000 Active Cabinet Equipment

  • 30.001 Cabinet 2 Inner Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming <br>

  • 30.002 Records Integrity 2 Cabinet door pocket will contain Eaton QA sign off documents <br>

  • 30.003 Cabinet 2 Cabinet Telecom Earth tested <10 Ohms (in cabinet door pocket or iTools) <br>

  • 30.004 Cabinet 2 All walls have noise reduction Insulation installed <br>

  • 30.005 Cabinet 3 Earth and wrist strap installed <br>

  • 30.006 Cabinet 3 Heat sensor mounted top rear of MUX bin area (Small blue HS covered unit) <br>

  • 30.007 Fibre 2 Fibre cable entry to Cabinet secured with cable gland, managed to OFDF OK <br>

  • 30.008 Fibre 2 OFDF in a CNSP approved enclosure, netmap label on OFDF lid <br>

  • 30.009 H&S 1 Laser Safety labels (1M Safety) at OFDF (inside and front panel) <br>

  • 30.010 Fibre 2 Cable entry to OFDF secured with cable gland <br>

  • 30.011 Fibre 2 Fibre managed within OFDF OK <br>

  • 30.012 Fibre 2 Protective caps on all unterminated connectors <br>

  • 30.014 Fibre 2 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations <br>

  • 30.015 Records Integrity 2 Fibre pigtail labels fitted with OFDF number and position designation <br>

  • 30.016 H&S 1 No fibre or task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained <br>

31.000 Active Cabinet Internal RHS

  • 31.001 Cabinet 2 Outer Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming <br>

  • 31.002 Cabinet 2 Door stays are in place and all work well <br>

  • 31.003 Cabinet 2 Alarm warning sticker on inner face of door <br>

  • 31.004 Cabinet 2 Soft foam seal plate secured. Cable entry prevents vermin/insect entry. <br>

  • 31.005 Cabinet 2 Cabling run correctly <br>

  • 31.006 MDF 2 MDF; Correct Modules installed <br>

  • 31.007 Records Integrity 2 MDF; Module Labelling correct <br>

  • 31.008 Records Integrity 2 MDF; Data card for jumper running data (laminated or in a card holder attached to the inside of door) <br>

  • 31.009 Records Integrity 2 MDF; Cabinet E-side Termination data card in door. <br>

  • 31.010 MDF 2 MDF; Jumper correct type (BL/WH) <br>

  • 31.011 MDF 2 MDF; Jumper run correctly (50mm slack & no excess) <br>

  • 31.012 Earth 2 DC Earth rod installed between 100mm ducts and not protrude above plinth level. <br>

  • 31.013 Earth 2 AC & DC earth rod are made of same material, prevents electrolytic corrosion. <br>

  • 31.014 Earth 2 <br>AC to DC bonding earth wire between distribution enclosure earth bar to AC switchboard earth bar is a 6 mm2 insulated conductor.<br> <br>

  • 31.015 Earth 2 DC earth bar tie to Equipment earth bar is 16 mm2 insulated conductor. <br>

  • 31.016 Earth 2 Bottom LHS Earth bar strapped to each MDF vertical and the base of the cabinet <br>

  • 31.017 Earth 2 All crimped earth connections solid and secure <br>

  • 31.018 Duct 2 Ducts end about 100mm below top of plinth, no damage, reamed, tidy install. <br>

  • 31.019 Security 2 6 Base securing bolts have washers and are tight. <br>

  • 31.020 MDF 2 MDF; Jumper terminated correctly <br>

  • 31.021 Security 2 Door seals in good condition <br>

  • 31.023 Reinstatement 3 MDF: All dead jumpers removed <br>

32.000 Active Cabinet Battery Enclosure

  • 32.001 Cabinet 2 Outer Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming <br>

  • 32.002 Cabinet 2 High Temp sensor in place <br>

  • 32.003 Battery 2 Battery terminals are covered in Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline <br>

  • 32.004 Battery 2 All Battery terminals are fitted with terminal covers. <br>

  • 32.005 Battery 2 Battery retaining brackets are tight and hold batteries securely <br>

  • 32.006 Records Integrity 2 All Batteries labelled with install date (Electronic Marking system, eg P Touch) <br>

37 Passive Copper Cabinet

  • 37.001 Outer Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming

  • 37.002 Door stays are in place and all work well

  • 37.003 Cabling run correctly

  • 37.004 Distribution Frame: Correct Modules installed

  • 37.005 Distribution Frame: Module Labelling correct

  • 37.006 Distribution Frame: Data card (laminated or in a card holder attached to the inside of CCC door)

  • 37.007 Distribution Frame: Cabinet Laminated E-side Termination data card in door.

  • 37.008 MDF; Jumper correct type (BL/WH)

  • 37.009 MDF; Jumper run correctly (50mm slack & no excess)

  • 37.01 MDF: All dead jumpers removed

  • 37.011 Module support bars, separators and cover in place

  • 37.012 Earth continuity installed

  • 37.013 Lightning protection installed (when specified) or reinstated after testing

  • 37.014 All duct seals in place

  • 37.015 Concrete around ducts in base of cabinet

  • 37.016 Locks & hinges OK

  • 37.017 Door seals in good condition

  • 37.018 Excess vegetation removed

  • 37.019 MDF 2 MDF; Jumper terminated correctly <br>

38.000 UFB Fibre Flexibility Point (FFP)

  • 38.001 Security 2 Outer Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming <br>

  • 38.002 Security 2 Door stays are in place and all work well <br>

  • 38.003 Cable 2 Cabling run correctly <br>

  • 38.004 OFDF 2 Distribution Frame: Correct Trays installed & labelled <br>

  • 38.005 Records Integrity 2 Distribution Frame: Drawer Labelling correct <br>

  • 38.006 Records Integrity 2 Distribution Frame: Data card inside of drawer <br>

  • 38.008 Earth 2 All microducts earth terminated <br>

  • 38.009 Earth 2 All microduct earths labelled <br>

  • 38.010 Security 2 All duct seals in place for cable entry (100mm) <br>

  • 38.011 Duct 2 Mortar around ducts in base of cabinet <br>

  • 38.012 Security 2 Locks & hinges OK <br>

  • 38.013 Security 2 Door seals in good condition <br>

  • 38.016 OFDF 2 Splitter installed and labelled <br>

  • 38.017 OFDF 1 All unused connectors capped <br>

  • 38.018 OFDF 2 Splitter legs installed in parking bay <br>

  • 38.019 Cabinet 2 All micro ducts sealed <br>

  • 38.020 Cabinet 2 All micro ducts labelled <br>

  • 38.021 Cabinet 2 Fixed fibre strain relief installed <br>

39 Aerial Terminal

  • 39.001 Correct terminal used

  • 39.002 Terminal mounted and secured correctly

  • 39.003 Quiet Front terminal has sufficient gel

  • 39.004 Terminal lid secure

  • 39.005 Terminal label on lid or plate on pole

  • 39.006 Lead-in entry correct

  • 39.007 Lead-in terminated correctly

  • 39.008 Plastic bag on multi-pair lead-in cable unused pairs

  • 39.009 Cable shield installed

  • 39.010 Terminal 2 Non working pairs capped <br>

  • 39.011 Terminal 2 Sufficient slack length <br>

40 Pillar Terminal

  • 40.001 Pillar - vertical, firm, depth

  • 40.002 Pillar ID correct

  • 40.003 Lid secure

  • 40.004 Lead-in thru base only

  • 40.005 Plastic bags installed & secure

  • 40.006 Foam bung fitted

  • 40.007 Minimum sheath height 50mm (30mm if in concrete and/or uneconomic to repair, 80mm for V3)

  • 40.008 Coloured zip ties to 25 pair groups (not too tight)

  • 40.009 Correct cable used

  • 40.01 Correct connectors used

  • 40.011 Circuit dedicated

  • 40.012 Service Lead labelled correctly

  • 40.013 Unused pairs capped

  • 40.014 Damaged conductors repaired

  • 40.015 Faulty connectors replaced

  • 40.016 Encapsulated loop resealed correctly

  • 40.017 V3: Lead-in customer and network labels OK

  • 40.018 Green cable tie on exchange side

  • 40.019 Customer 2 Service Lead - flying leads installed and correct <br>

  • 40.020 Cable 3 Unused pairs connected through <br>

  • 40.021 Connectors >50mm from ring cut

41 BDD Terminal

  • 41.001 Security 2 Pit lids secure/locked, with bung fitted where appropriate <br>

  • 41.002 BDD 2 Pit installed correctly <br>

  • 41.003 Radi: Base & lid clean, O ring seated correctly, O ring replaced upon entry

  • 41.004 O/J lid labelled

  • 41.005 Radi is correctly installed, thermal change and lead in

  • 41.006 2m loops at BDD pits

  • 41.007 2m insulated tail installed at last BDD

  • 41.008 Plastic bags installed & secure

  • 41.009 Coloured ties to 25 pair groups

  • 41.01 Correct cable used

  • 41.011 Correct connectors used

  • 41.012 Circuit dedicated

  • 41.013 Service Lead labelled correctly

  • 41.014 Unused pairs capped

  • 41.015 Damaged conductors repaired

  • 41.016 Faulty connectors replaced

  • 41.017 Cable 3 All cables, including lead-in cables, shall be zip-tied or taped together in a tidy loop within BDD pit. <br>

  • 41.018 BDD 2 Minimum sheath height 50mm <br>

  • 41.019 Customer 2 Service Lead - flying leads installed and correct <br>

  • 41.020 Cable 3 Unused pairs connected through <br>

  • 41.022 BDD 2 Connectors >50mm from ring cut <br>

42 PDS Terminal

  • 42.001 PDS 3 Pedestal - vertical, firm, depth <br>

  • 42.002 PDS 3 Correct size pedestal used <br>

  • 42.003 Security 2 Lid secure <br>

  • 42.004 Records Integrity 2 PDS network labelled correctly (when housing a copper loop or other MDF customer feed) <br>

  • 42.006 QF terminal labelling correct

  • 42.007 QF terminal secured to backing plate

  • 42.008 Foam bung fitted

  • 42.009 Adequate gel in quiet front

  • 42.01 Service Leads installed correctly

  • 42.011 Service Lead labelled correctly

  • 42.012 Customer 2 Service Lead terminated correctly <br>

  • 42.013 PDS 3 Unused pairs capped <br>

43 Aerial Service Lead

  • 43.001 Correct Service Lead used

  • 43.002 No In span joints

  • 43.003 Tension, sag and twist correct

  • 43.004 Correct pole fittings used and installed (screw eyes, sash clamps)

  • 43.005 Lead-ins enter terminal correctly

  • 43.006 White pipe down poles

  • 43.007 600mm saddle spacing or 1500mm bandit spacing

  • 43.008 Roadway crossing min 5.5m height, elsewhere 4.25 metre height

  • 43.009 Loops on poles tied

  • 43.010 Service Lead 2 Existing double "D" (OA501) or OA45 replaced if altered <br>

  • 43.011 Lightning protection runs >500 metres

  • 43.012 Correct building fittings used (screw eyes, sash clamps)

  • 43.013 Pole 2 Servi seal secured in upright position and Gel Snap secured horizontally <br>

  • 43.014 Service Lead 3 Unused pairs capped <br>

44 Buried Service Lead

  • 44.001 Service Lead terminated correctly

  • 44.002 20mm pipe connected at Pedestal correctly - (bend into pedestal)

  • 44.003 20mm pipe connected at BDD correctly (50mm into BDD pit, 450mm deep)

  • 44.004 20mm pipe connected at RLG correctly (at base of DP, bend if room)

  • 44.005 Individual pipe & cable for installs of <100 metre

  • 44.006 Direct buried cable option (no pipe) for > 100 metre

  • 44.007 Green 20mm installed in trench

  • 44.008 White pipe above ground level

  • 44.009 Depth correct (450mm cover)

  • 44.01 Power/ Gas clearances correct

  • 44.011 Cable & pipe repair correct

  • 44.013 Pipe connected at ETP correctly (not glued)

  • 44.014 Overlay of Service Lead justified

  • 44.015 Customer 2 Service Lead labelled correctly <br>

45.000 ETP 7502

  • 45.001 ETP 2 ETP physical alignment correct, all fittings secure, installation tidy <br>

  • 45.002 ETP 2 ETP location: (buried lead in-300-1500mm) (AE lead in on facia/under eaves) <br>

  • 45.003 ETP 2 ETP recessed (within cladding) location: 900-1500mm <br>

  • 45.004 ETP 7503 2 Aerial lead in to ETP correct eg termination hardware, position, tidy appearance <br>

  • 45.005 Pipe 1 20mm pipe to ETP is white only <br>

  • 45.006 Pipe 7502 2 20mm pipe end (within ETP) is sealed with silicone and drainage holes left clear <br>

  • 45.007 Customer 2 Premise cabling exit via back of ETP <br>

  • 45.008 Customer 1 Premise cabling exit from ETP is sealed with silicone <br>

  • 45.009 ETP 1 All connections via gel filled connectors <br>

  • 45.010 ETP 1 Protected ETP: Lightning arrestors fitted in areas that require protection <br>

  • 45.011 ETP 1 Protected ETP: Earth wire (6mm/green coating) 100mm min. bend radius observed <br>

  • 45.012 ETP 1 Protected ETP: Earth wire kept straight to Copper or Stainless Steel Earth rod <br>

  • 45.013 ETP 1 Protected ETP: Earth wire connection to earth rod with C-Lok product only <br>

  • 45.016 ETP 2 Unused pairs capped <br>

  • 45.017 ETP 1 Ericsson 5/NEG203200 ETP installed <br>

  • 45.018 ETP 2 <br>ETP installed between 300mm and 1500mm above ground, secured with three screws, and installed to best suit the site and external cladding<br> <br>

  • 45.019 Locate 2 Locate wire installed, and terminated in ETP with redcaps (Fixed Fibre only) <br>

  • 45.020 Reinstatement 2 Fibre Building penetrations sealed <br>

  • 45.021 Pipe 2 White pipe or flexi duct fitted to outside of building is secured with plastic or galvanised saddles <br><br>

  • 45.022 Pipe 2 50-20mm duct reducer fitted between 50mm underground green duct and 20mm above ground white pipe <br>

  • 45.023 Fibre 2 <br>Fixed Fibre or ABF tube housed in 20mm white pipe or UV stabilised flexi pipe where fibre exits through bottom of ETP<br> <br>

53 TNT/TNF (Building Frames)

  • 53.001 TNF or TNT installed correctly

  • 53.002 Disconnection block installed correctly

  • 53.003 Earthing requirements met

  • 53.004 Demarcation point installed correctly

  • 53.005 TNF/TNT Labelled correctly

  • 53.006 TNT/TNF additional warning label installed NDF-151

67.000 Customer OFDF

  • 67.001 Fibre 1 OFDF in a CNSP approved enclosure, netmap label on OFDF lid <br>

  • 67.002 Fibre 2 Fibre managed within OFDF OK <br>

  • 67.003 Fibre 7388 2 Fibre splicing within design tolerance <br>

  • 67.004 Fibre 6394 2 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations <br>

  • 67.005 H&S 7388 1 Protective caps on all unterminated connectors <br>

  • 67.006 H&S ND0265 1 Connectors cleaned and verified with Fibre Inspection Probe <br>

  • 67.007 H&S 7388 1 Laser Safety labels (1M Safety) at OFDF (inside and front panel) <br>

  • 67.008 Fibre 2 Fibre cable entry to building sealed and managed to OFDF OK <br>

  • 67.009 Fibre 2 Flexi Pipe protects fibre under the floor or in the ceiling spaces, and is secured to building <br>

  • 67.010 Fibre 1 LSZH fibre used <br>

  • 67.011 H&S 7388 1 No fibre or task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained <br>

  • 67.014 Customer Premises testing ND0563 2 Optical power meter test at the ONT prior to plugging in the SC/A connector <br>

72.000 Reinstatement

  • 72.001 Work areas and safety 2 Property damage made good <br>

  • 72.002 Poles 2 Ground reinstatement completed around poles <br>

  • 72.003 Buried Service Lead 2 Reinstatement/ backfill satisfactory around Buried Service Lead <br>

  • 72.006 H&S 1 Concrete surround flush with footpath or surrounding ground, no trip hazard <br>

  • 72.007 Reinstatement 3 Excess vegetation removed <br>

  • 72.011 Cable Haul 2 Reinstatement appropriate around cable haul <br>

  • 72.016 Reinstatement 2 Equipment area tidy, task waste removed <br>

  • 72.017 Cable Well 2 Reinstatement complete in Cable well <br>

  • 72.018 Reinstatement 2 Ground reinstatement completed <br>

  • 72.019 Reinstatement 6471 2 Backfill compacted every 150mm <br>

  • 72.020 Reinstatement 6471 3 Surplus soil removed <br>

  • 72.021 Reinstatement 6471 2 Reseal completed - Footway / vehicle resurfaced <br>

  • 72.022 Reinstatement 6471 2 Grass reinstated and replanted <br>

  • 72.023 Manholes 2 Ground reinstatement completed around manholes <br>

  • 72.024 SSA 2 Ground reinstatement completed - SSA <br>

73.000 Site Tidy

  • 73.001 Poles 2 Site tidy, no task waste - poles <br>

  • 73.002 Cabinet Internal 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Cabinet internal <br>

  • 73.003 Aerial Terminal 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Aerial Terminal <br>

  • 73.004 Pillar Terminal 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Pillar Terminal <br>

  • 73.005 BDD Terminal 2 Site tidy, no task waste - BDD Terminal <br>

  • 73.006 PDS Terminal 2 Site tidy, no task waste - PDS Terminal <br>

  • 73.007 Aerial Service Lead 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Aerial Service Lead <br>

  • 73.008 Buried Service Lead 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Buried Service Lead <br>

  • 73.009 ETP 2 Site tidy, no task waste - ETP <br>

  • 73.012 Cabinet External 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Cabinet external <br>

  • 73.017 MDF 3 Site tidy, no task waste - MDF <br>

  • 73.018 Reinstatement Cable Well 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Cable well <br>

  • 73.019 Cable & Duct Lay 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Cable & Duct Lay <br>

  • 73.020 Manholes 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Manholes <br>

  • 73.021 SSA 2 Site tidy, no task waste - SSA <br>

  • 73.023 Active Cabinet Battery Enclosure 2 Site tidy, no task waste - Active Cabinet Battery Enclosure

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.