
W0108 Service Health Check

  • Your Name & Tech Number

  • Today's Job Number

  • Today's Job Type

  • Conducted on

Initial Checks

  • Description of Customers view of faults/issue's Onsite

  • Findings from visual check of internal system

  • Findings from visual check of external system

  • Pictures of dish position, cable run, internal system set up and anything else you find.


  • Is the cable old, damaged or split?

  • Are there any joints in the cable?<br>

  • Does the cable go over the roof and has it been installed for over 12 months?

  • If the answer to any of the above questions is yes the cable must be changed.

  • Approximately how long is the cable run?

Satellite Signal

  • What type of LNB?

  • Does the LNB pass the LNB test on all ports?

  • If the answer to above question is no, realign dish and retry if test still fails, then check integrity of dish if that is ok then change LNB

  • What is the Signal quality and power reading from the port cable 1 (with writing) was attached to?

  • What is the LNB output from the port cable 1(with writing) was attached to?

  • What is the signal quality & power reading from the port cable 2 (without writing) was attached to?

  • What is the LNB output from the port cable 2 (without writing) was attached to?

  • Use max hold feature

  • Picture of meter screen showing max hold.

  • Now take readings at the STB.

  • What is the signal quality & power reading from cable 1(with writing) ?

  • What is the LNB output from cable 1(with writing) ?

  • What is the signal quality & power reading from cable 2 (without writing) ?

  • What is the LNB output from cable 2 (without writing) ?

  • Look at the table and see if the signal loss acceptable over the length of cable.

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  • Is the signal loss acceptable?

  • If answer is no cable must be changed.

  • Add together the LNB output readings from cable 1 and cable 2 at the STB, what is the total?

  • Is this under the maximum that is stated on the back of the stb?

  • If the above answe is no, then the cable or LNB may be faulty and the extra power may well make the stb jump in to standby.

Set Top Box

  • Always check signals at dish before replacing a STB.

    If STB is stuck in standby as long as you have completed the previous checks and rectified any issues a front panel reset and software download should bring the STB out of standby.

  • What is the fault on the STB?


  • Using the table identify the transponder you are having the interference on.

    The using the spectrum analyser see if you can see any spikes of interference.

    Use the spectrum analyser at both dish and STB.

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  • Is there interference at?

  • If the interference is at the dish then the dish may need to be re-sited and shielded from the interference. If you are unsure how to do this contact the SE's.

  • If interference is only seen at STB then it is internal so look for items such as Dec Phones, alarm sensors, baby monitors, wifi hubs ect.

On Demand/Broadband

  • Are all compatible stbs connected to broadband router?

  • If there is broadband at property connect all STB's to router. If there is no broadband tether iPad and download on demand demo.

  • Is the on demand demo available to watch after 2 minutes from the start of the download?

  • What is the broadband speed?

  • Is this the speed the customers should be receiving?

  • Is the broadband router set up correctly and all micro filters are correctly fitted?

  • A broadband service call may need to be booked.

Software Download

  • A software download should be done on every service call, give the box 5 minutes after the download has finished before pressing any buttons on the STB or remote to ensure the STB correctly stores the new software.

Customer Education/Demo

  • Even if the fault is simply customer education a full system check is still required.

    Remember to give the customer a full demo, as they may not have received one at the install.


  • What did you do to resolve the issue?

  • What equipment was replaced?

  • Photos of completed visit.

  • Customer Comments/Feedback

  • Customers' Signature

  • Engineers' signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.