
  • Document No.

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  • Personnel

Workplace Inspection Procedure

  • 1. Purpose
    The purpose of Work Place Inspection’s is to ensure all work areas are kept free from hazards or potential hazards that may lead to incident, illness, near miss, property damage or adverse environmental impact.

  • 2. Scope
    This procedure applies to all staff and personnel at the workplace under the management of Queensland Health Located in the Freeman Road Facility.

  • 3. Responsibility & Authority
    The inspection team consisting of the Warehouse Manager, Supervisors, HSC or nominees are responsible for ensuring Work Place Inspections are conducted. The Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the Work Place Inspection records are maintained.

  • 4. Procedure
    Work Place Inspections should be conducted on a weekly basis using the inspection checklist.

    The inspection team should have a copy of the previous WPI checklist to ensure that previously identified items have been closed out or are not re-emerging as potential hazards.

    The inspection team must ensure that all personnel performing tasks or who work in the area being inspected are involved in the inspection process. The level of involvement may vary in different work areas.

    The team should ensure that a record of all personnel involved in the inspection process is maintained.

  • 5. Person responsible for the corrective action
    The inspection team is responsible for the implementation of the corrective action or the escalation of the corrective action.
    Where a corrective action is escalated, the manager/supervisor must:
    • Ensure that a suitable person responsible for the corrective action is identified; and
    • Contact the person to advise them of the recommended corrective action.

  • 6. Workplace inspection record keeping
    The supervisors in conjunction with the HSC must ensure workplace inspection checklists are retained and corrective actions are closed out. This will include:
    • ensuring that corrective actions are followed through and closed out; and
    • maintaining an auditable system that demonstrates corrective actions have been closed out.
    This will be achieved through:
    • HSC meeting minutes; or
    • recording on the workplace inspection checklist

  • 7. Measuring the effectiveness of Hazard Controls
    The auditor will inspect previous WPI’s and measure them against the current WPI to establish whether or not outcomes have been achieved.
    Ratings will be for individuals KPI's.

General work place

  • Are floors in good condition, free from slip trip hazards

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  • Are walkways clean and free from slip trip hazards

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  • Is floor cleaning equipment readily available for clearing spillages

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  • Are work stations organised that allows user to operate safely

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  • Are all operators following Warehouse traffic flow

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  • Is the 3m exclusion zone between MHE and pedestrians being followed

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  • Are all MHE operators authorised to operate MHE

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  • Are all Visitors wearing ID Tags if required

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  • Are all Visitors wearing Hi Vis Vests

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  • Are correct waste segregation protocols being followed ( Placed in appropriate Rubbish Bins )

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  • Are waste Bins overflowing to the extent that slip risks are present

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Fire & Emergency Provisions

  • Are fire exits clear of obstructions

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  • Are fire extinguishers kept free from obstruction, in their correct storage location, undamaged, fully laden and in date

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  • Are emergency spill kits present and suitably stocked

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  • Are fire alarm call points free from obstruction

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  • Are fire registers up to date, completed

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  • Hi vis vest been worn

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  • Is safety footwear being worn and soles in good condition

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Manual & Mechanical Handling

  • Are good manual handling techniques being observed

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  • Are manual handling aids being used as provided for

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  • Is there any lifting above shoulder height being observed

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Equipment & Machinery

  • Is all equipment in good working order

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  • Is the area around machinery, clean, clear and in good order

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  • Are all control panels locked and secure

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  • Are all electrical sockets in good order

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  • Are their any trailing or damaged cables

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  • Are there any sharp edges on equipment

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  • Are there any damaged emergency stop buttons

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  • Are there any damaged isolation switches

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  • Have all pre-start checks been completed

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Hazardous substances

  • Are substances stored inside the Hazardous storage area?

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  • Is there good general illumination, any missing or faulty lights

  • Are washing facility areas kept clean and acceptable, is the First Aid Room clean and tidy.

  • Break room kept clean and free from rubbish and dirty dishes


  • Have reach trucks been observed parking in the safety zones

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  • Are routes around the pedestrian safety zones clear of obstructions or blocked

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  • Is housekeeping acceptable

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  • Are colleagues working in pallet lanes whilst loads are being loaded or unloaded

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Racking & general storage

  • Racking system secure & undamaged

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  • Base protection in place & un damaged

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  • Loading signs in place and being observed

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  • Pallets stable and secure

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  • Empty pallets stacked securely and stable, not left as a trip hazzard

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  • Damaged racking isolated and warning signs in place

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  • Stock safely stored in location

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  • Bin location in good condition

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  • Reserve location inventory correctly labelled with Part # & QTY

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Final Sign Off and Comments

  • Auditor

  • Warehouse Supervisor/Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.