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Is the store got two reduction times one am and one pm and are they actioning the reductions at that time
Is there evidence that the store manager is managing non performance when target are not achieved
Can the duty explain what is avoidable waste
Is the long life date coding live in store
Review the waste prints is there any evidence that the storemanager is reviewing waste prints
Is the reduction cabinet clean and tidy organised for customers to select products
Is the waste being cleared on am and pm shifts
Is clear as you go being actioned in store within the correct timescales
Can the shiftleaders describe how the store is performing on better waste routines
Can the shiftleader describe the worst area in-store and Is that area rotated correctly
Ask a colleague what two ways can we reduce waste in-store
Have the shift leaders pulled off the daily routine report
Is the not scanned the night before below the weekly average of the group