Incident Investigation Report (Form 51-1.2)
Document No.
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Prepared by
Incident Investigation Report (Form 51-1.2)
Instructions: Use this form to document accidents resulting in an injury or illness, vehicle and equipment accidents, public and private road accidents, events involving third parties, property damage and near miss events. Use the "Root Cause Analysis" contained in section 2 on this form and other pre-planning document used to identify work tasks, potential hazards and control methods.
Incident report information: Section 1
Type of report:
- occupational injury/illness
- equipment/vehicle
- property damage
- near miss
Status of report:
Employee First - MI - Last name (persons injured, involved, driver)
Employee identification number:
Employee No.:
Job Classification:
Employee address, city, state, Zip
Employee phone cell/home:
Employee date of birth:
Date if incident:
Date reported to supervisor:
Date of hire (MM/DD/YY)
Hourly wages?
Type of mobile equipment or vehicle (or N/A):
License/Equipment no.:
Employee has Co. License?
Date issued?
Task/Risk analysis completed?
Project number:
Project name (Department):
Address, City, State:
Specific work area?
Treatment given?
Name of facility where treatment was given, City, State, phone and Physicians name:
Describe type/extent of injury/illness/damage (in detail)..... Body parts, nature of injury/illness, equipment/material damaged etc. or attached photo:
Eye witness name, phone number cell/home or how/when to contact and name of Company (if other than Watson).
Describe event (in detail).... Work actions occurring (or not) that lead up to the incident, equipment/material being utilized etc. or attached photo:
List identified Root/cause/s (see Root Causes below)
Who's responsible?
To be completed by:
Foreman: first name, middle name, last name
Superintendent: first name, middle, last name.
Project manager: first name, middle name, last name.
Division manager: first name, middle name, last name
Report completed by:
Date completed:
Root Causation Analysis: Section 2
(Mark yes or no for all applicable questions, completing comments and recommended action portion when marked yes)
Part 1 Equipment. was equipment/tools/materials a contributing factor? If no proceed to Part 2
1.1. Did equipment/tool defects contribute? If no go to 1.2:
Comments, recommended actions:
1.1.1 was there an equipment/tool inspections process?
Comments, recommended actions:
1.1.2 was the inspection process completed as required?
Comments, recommended actions:
1.2 was the correct equipment/tool/material utilized? If no go to 1.3. if yes go to 1.6
1.3 was the correct equipment/tool/material readily available?
Comments, recommended actions:
1.4 Did the employee know where to obtain the correct equipment/tool/material?
Comments, recommended actions:
1.5. Was substitute equipment/tools/material used in place of correct ones?
Comments, recommended actions:
1.6. List other equipment/tool/material causal factors:
List equipment/tools/material causal factors:
Comments, recommended actions:
Part 2 Work Environment: was the location of equipment/material/employee(s) a contributing factor? If no proceed to Part 2
2.1 Did the location/position of equipment/material/employees contribute to the incident?
Comments, recommended actions:
2.2. Was the hazardous scenario recognized by the employee?
Comments, recommended actions:
2.3. Was the employee supposed to be in vicinity of the equipment/material?
Comments, recommended actions:
2.4. Was the hazardous scenario visible to the employee?
Comments, recommended actions:
2.5. Was there sufficient space to conduct work activities?
Comments, recommended actions:
2.6 were there any contributing environment conditions? (Noise levels, temperature, illumination, ventilation$
Comments, recommended actions:
2.7. List other environment causal factors?
Part 3 Employee. Were the work activities conducted by the employee a contributing factor?
3.1. Was there a written task/risk assessment or known rule for this work? If no go to 3.2:
Comments, recommended actions:
3.1.1. If yes did this assessment/rule anticipate the incident?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.1.2. If yes, did employee know the proper procedure?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.1.3. If yes, did the employee deviate?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.2. Was the employee mentally and physically capable of performing the work?<br>
Comments, recommended actions:
3.3. Was there a lack of required PPE utilization?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.3.1. If yes was appropriate PPE available?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.3.2. If yes did the employee know the PPE was required?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.3.3. If yes did the employee know how to use it?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.4. Was available PPE used properly?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.5. Was the PPE adequate?
Comments, recommended actions:
3.6. List other employee causal factors.
Comments, recommended actions:
Part 4 Supervision was the supervisory system a contributing factor? If no Root Analysis is completed.
4.1. Was there a failure by supervision to detect a hazardous condition, deviation from safety policy or infrequently preformed task?
Comments, recommended actions:
4.2. Was there a failure by supervision to take corrective action for a known hazardous condition, deviation from safety policy or infrequently performed task?
Comments, recommended actions:
4.3. Was supervisory responsibility for the accident detection and prevention adequately defended and understood?
Comments, recommended actions:
4.4. Was supervision adequately trained to fulfill assigned responsibility for accident detection and prevention?
Comments, recommended actions:
4.5. List other management/supervisory casual factors:
Sample recommended action topics include, but not limited to: re-training, new/more equipment, new processes, responsibility assignments, re-do or new risk assessments, staffing sizes, work assignment loads etc. Break the topics down into action items you feel will correct this incident from recurrence.