Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Weather Conditions
Entry Inspection
Weighbridge computer and camera system functioning correctly
Reception area clean and tidy
Correct H&S signage positioned correctly
Hi-Viz clothing available for visitors
Weighbridge clean swept and serviceable
Is the weighbridge calibrated and in date
Barrier serviceable
Visitor book present
Metals Yard Inspection
Are the designated walkways clearly signed
Are the designated walkways clear of debris
Are there clear areas for metals processing
Are processing areas away from any pedestrian and public interface
Are stockpiles at a safe height
Is there a clear identified quarantine area
is the quarantine area fenced in to demarcate from other operations
Are the processing/storage bays clearly segregated
Are the retaining walls/push walls in place
Is there clear signage for the direction of the public
Is the yard free from loose litter
Is the access road clean and free from debris
Is there any signs of pest infestation
Are their sufficient spill kits available
Are spill kits positioned correctly and accessible
Is the site security serviceable and all cameras positioned correctly
Are there sufficient fire extinguishers present
Are fire extinguishers positioned and signed at correctly
Are there designated waste skips present
Are the waste skips clearly signed up
Site Drainage
Are the surface water gullies clear of debris
Are the Gullies clean and free from debris internally
Are the catch pits clean and free from debris
Is the system free running
Sealed drainage storage tank serviceable
Does the underground storage tank need emptying
Are interceptors clear
Site Boundaries
Are there any odours at the site boundaries
Is there any excessive noise at the site boundaries
Are there noise bunds present
Are the bunds serviceable
Are there push walls present and serviceable
Is the facility safe and secure from trespass
Do the gates have padlocks
Is the barrier to the facility operational and in correct use
Liquid Storeage
Are all liquids stored correctly and in clear demarcated areas
Is all fuel stored in the correct bunded fuel tanks
Is all gas and oxygen stored correctly
Is all waste oils stored correctly
Are there sufficient spill kits present and are they correctly sited
Plant and Equipment
Is all plant serviceable and suitable for use
Are all plant certificates present and in date
Are all operatives trained and suitably qualified to operate the type of plant
General Health and Safety
Are all employees wearing the correct PPE
Is there a sufficient number of fire extinguishers available
Are the fire extinguishers correctly positioned to suit the facility and in line with the fire prevention plan
Are there sufficient first aid kits present
Are first aid kit locations clearly signed
Is there a signed designated eye wash area
Is there a first aider present
Are fire escape routes clearly defined
Is there a clear fire muster point
Is there a personnel sign in post
Is the welfare facilities suitable for use
Is the welfare in a clean and tidy condition