Title Page
Project: Artesia - JAX 5
Prepared by
Emergency phone numbers and procedures posted?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
First aid supplies readily available?
First aid supplies adequate for job manpower?
Required posters and signs posted and readable?
Personal Protective Equipment
Hard hats worn by all personnel in work areas?
Eye and face protection worn as required?
Hearing protection worn as required?
Respiratory protection worn as required?
Safety harnesses and lanyards worn for fall protection?
Workers dressed properly for the job?
Personal protective equipment in good condition?
Safety supplies adequate for job manpower?
Walkways and stairs kept clear of material and debris?
Cords and hoses strung to prevent trip and fall hazard?
Are liquids labeled and stored properly?
Restrooms serviced properly?
Fabrication and work areas clean and orderly?
Site trailers and vaults clean and orderly?
Gang boxes clean and orderly?
Trash, scrap, and debris picked up and disposed of?
Fire Protection
Fire fighting equipment properly accessible?
Employees trained to use fire-fighting equipment?
Fire extinguishers inspected monthly?
Smoking prohibited where flammables are located?
Flammables stored and handled in approved containers?
Oily rags disposed of in an approved container?
Temp. heaters kept 20' away from combustible materials?
Material Handling and Storage
Materials stored neatly in stacks or piles?
Cylindrical materials racked or cribbed and blocked?
Loose materials containerized or palletized?
Aisle space maintained around stored materials?
Storage areas kept clear of scrap, debris, and trash?
Slings and chokers in good condition?
Chain falls and come-a-longs in good condition?
Cranes operated in a safe manner by operators?
Workers move from under suspended loads?
Workers know and use proper crane signals?
Crane hand signals posted on jobsite?
Workers attach tag lines to loads?
Hoisting hooks have safety latches?
Running cables inspected and in good condition?
Load limits marked on all hoisting rigs?
Power tools have guards in place?
Power tools either grounded or double insulated?
Power tool cords and plugs in good condition?
Impact tools with mushroomed heads dressed as needed?
Broken tools repaired or replaced as needed?
Welding and Cutting
Gas cylinders stored upright and secured?
Oxygen cylinders segregated from fuel gas cylinders?
Full cylinders segregated from empty cylinders?
Caps secured on all cylinders not in use?
Welding leads in good condition?
Welding screens erected in high flash areas?
Welding blankets used to protect materials/equipment?
Fire watches posted as needed?
Proper permits issued (as required)?
Fire extinguishers kept close to hot work areas?
120 volt tools and equipment tested and color-coded?
Extension cords heavy duty, 3-wire type?
Temporary lights equipped with bulb guards?
Sufficient lighting to work and move safely?
Lockouts used to de-energize operational systems?
Welders and stationary equipment properly grounded?
Straight ladders secured at top landing?
Straight ladders extend 36" above top landing?
Straight ladders have feet or blocked at bottom?
Straight ladders set up with a 4 to 1 slope?
Top step of stepladders not used as a step?
Climbing the back of stepladders prohibited?
Workers use the proper height ladder for the job?
All ladders OSHA approved?
Scaffolds, Man-lifts and Forklifts
All scaffold parts and hardware used as required?
All scaffold hardware and parts in good condition?
Scaffolds fully planked?
All scaffold planks cleaned?
Scaffolds have guardrails, mid-rails, and toe boards?
Wheels on rolling scaffolds locked during scaffold use?
Workers prohibited from riding rolling scaffolds?
Man-lifts in good operating condition?
Only trained employees allowed to operate man-lifts?
Outriggers extended when man-lifts are in use?
Workers prohibited from exiting raised man-lifts?
Workers only allowed to work from floor of basket?
Workers required to tie-off while basket is raised?
Man-lift operators have current training and certification?
Handrails and Hole Covers
Perimeters and drop-offs protected by rails or cables?
Railings sturdy, continuous, and have mid-rails?
Railings replaced after temporary removal?
Floor holes protected by railings or hole covers?
Elevator shafts protected properly?
Hole covers marked to prevent accidental removal?
Hole covers replaced after temporary removal?
Excavation and Trenching
Excavations 5' or deeper shored, sloped, or boxed?
Workers stay within shored area?
Excavated spoil stored at safe distance from work?
Barricades placed on all open sides at end of shift?
Ladders placed every 50' for entry and egress?
Excavations de-watered as needed?
Trench protection installed?
Employee Communications
Weekly Tool Box talks?
Warning and violation forms being used?
Do foremen address unsafe actions and conditions?
Are safety meetings held weekly with all staff?