Inspection Detail
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Workshop Inspection
Is there safe and clear entry and exit to the workshop?
Are there procedures followed for safely driving and reversing in the workshop?
Are emergency exits clearly marked and free of obstructions?
Are unauthorised persons prohibited from entering the workshop?
Are no entry signage and barriers in place?
Are there handrails and fall protection on stairs and mezzanine floors?
Are stairwells and passageways kept clear?
Is the flooring in good condition?
Workshop floor free of slips and trip hazards?
Adequate lighting in place?
Parts stored safely in appropriate areas with correct racking and shelving?
Air lines and hoses clear of floor surfaces
Compressor inspected and serviced regularly?
Are SOP's all reviewed, current and displayed?
All tools and machinery adequately guarded?
All tools and machinery inspected prior to use?
Hoists and trolley jacks serviced and maintained?
Clearance between hoist and other equipment maintained (600mm)
Eye protection provided, good condition, and worn correctly?
Hearing protection provided, good condition, and worn correctly?
Respiratory protection provided, good condition, and worn correctly?
Correct safety footwear worn?
Are there any frayed wires in the workshop?
Is the electrical test and tag current?
Use of RCD's?
Are portable fire extinguishers readily available?
Are fire extinguishers inspected regularly?
Are fire evacuation procedures posted throughout the workshop?
Has an evacuation drill been held in the past six months?
Are the first aid kits and eye wash fully stocked and current?
Is there an adequate ratio of first aiders onsite?
Are all combustible and flammable substances stored properly?
Are cabinets and containers containing chemicals properly labelled?
Are spill-containment materials readily available in case of a spill?
Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and an Inventory available for hazardous substances?
Is the hazardous substances appropriate signage displayed onsite?
Waste oils and other products disposed of correctly?
Are there any newly identified hazards onsite?
Are there any newly reported incidents onsite?
Inspection completed by: