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Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
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1. Section 1. The Facility
1. Is the quarantine facility secure from unauthorised personnel.
2. Is correct signage clearly visible at the facility entrance.<br>Signage must state ' Insectary Containment - QIC2 Facility
3. Is the entrance to the work area via an anteroom. <br>Is it of suitable size to allow materials, equipment and trolleys to pass through with one door closed at all times.
4. Do the anteroom doors open inward and are self closing. <br>Is there drop down seals on the doors and function correctly.
5. Is there a viewing pane in each door and a method for preventing more than one door being open at one time.
6. Is there a suitable insect trap provided in the anteroom.
7. Are coat hooks provided for gowns in the anteroom or in the entrance to the work area.
8. Is there a directional flow of air into the facility.
9. Is the facility a fully enclosed space bounded by walls, doors and windows.
10. Is there 250 micron mesh screens in the walls and ceiling.
11. Are the walls and ceilings painted in light colour to assist with sightings of non contained insects.
12. Are surfaces maintained so they remain smooth and impervious to water, and resistant to damage from cleaning agents and disinfectants in use:<br>-walls, floors, benches<br>-furniture including seating<br>
13. Open spaces between and under benches, cabinets and equipment are accessible for decontamination.
14. Are all services penetrations and light fitting sealed.
15. Are sink outlets fitted with 100 micron mesh baskets arresters.
16. Is the quarantine work area separate from office write up space.<br>
17. Is an effective pest management system in place.
Section 2. Operating Procedures
18. Correct PPE is being worn when work undertaken.
19. Are gowns placed back on coat hooks when work completed and not left on back of chairs.
20. Provision for staff to check that insects are not on any part of their body when exiting the facility.
21. Procedures in place to ensure quarantine and non quarantine materials are segregated.
22. Are all rearing trays and containers holding viable quarantine material labelled with the common and scientific name of the organism.
23. Equipment decontaminated and recorded before being removed from the facility for repair.
Section 3. Class 5.2 Microbiological and Animal Facilities
24. Are class 2 biosafety cabinets available for the containment of aerosols.
25. Has the cabinets been tested by a qualified service provider within the last 12 months.
26. Has the HEPA filter in the IVC system been changed within the last 12 months.
27. Is there documentation to ensure HEPA filters are disposed of as quarantine waste.
28. Is the testing documentation available.
29. Is the vacuum trap set up correctly. Is there a 0.22 micron filter in place.
30. Are caps for centrifuge buckets available to contain aerosols when centrifuging.
31. Is all quarantine material and non quarantine material in incubators clearly labelled and segregated.
32. Are there drop down seals on the door to prevent escape from facility.
33. Is the caging system designed to contain the animals.
34. Are the cages labelled to clearly identify animals infected with quarantine material.
35. Is there a procedure in case of escape of animals from cages.
Section 4. Equipment
36.Is a hand free basin or dispenser available to wash hands to exit facility.
37. Is there a plumbed eyewash station in the facility. <br>Is it tested regularly.
38. Is all electrical equipment tagged and tested.
39. Is all equipment suitable for containing insects at all stages of life cycle.
40. How often are insect traps checked.
Section 5. Storage
41. Is quarantine and GMO material other than viable insects stored in the facility.
42.Are the storage areas clearly labelled with quarantine storage and biohazard symbols signs.
43. Is quarantine and GMO material stored outside the facility.
44. If yes, is the storage area clearly labelled with quarantine storage and biohazard symbol signs.
45. Is there a database or documentation to show the location of the stored material.
Section 6 Disinfection
46. Are disinfectants suitable for the material in use available.<br>Where applicable are they D of A approved.
47. Are they used at correct working concentration and within expiry date.
48. Are benches and biosafety cabinets disinfected at start and end of day and between procedures.
Section 7. Waste Disposal
49. Are all quarantine bins fitted with a lid and quarantine waste sign.
50. Is quarantine waste double bagged.
51. Is there a waste segregation procedure in place.
52. Are there lidded storage bins available for the temporary storage of waste prior to decontamination. <br>Are bins breakproof?<br>Are they clearly labelled.
Section 8. Decontamination
53. Is waste autoclaved out of facility prior to disposal.
54. Is the autoclave validated monthly.<br>What is the method of validation and are records of past 12 months available.
55. Is the autoclave calibrated annually and are records available.
56. Are the waste loads record in a log book and is run logged electronically and is there a print out available recording the run.
57. Is there a procedure in place to deal with a failed run.
58. What is the method for decontamination of quarantine waste water from the rearing rooms.
Section 9. Administration
59. Are the quarantine import permits available for material within the facility.
60. If non imported insects from another source are in the facility is this documented.
61. Is screen cleaning documented.
62. Are there relevant SOPs for the facility and are they within expiry period.
63.Are local induction records available.
64. Where necessary are staff quarantine approved and are accreditation records available.
65. Have staff completed OGTR on line training.
66.Are risk assessments available.
67. Are emergency contact numbers sighted
68. Are fire extinguishers checked.
Section 10. Other Comments
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