Title Page
General Information
Conducted on:
Completed By:
Record Number:
1. Stores
1.1: Is the approved procedure for welding consumable control readily available and accessible?
Provide evidence of the procedure
1.2: Are consumables stored at our above 20°C and a relative humidity of 60% or lower, while still in packaging?
Provide evidence of the current readings
1.3: Does the Storekeeper maintain temperature and humidity records?
Ensure the records are up-to-date
1.4: Do all measurement devices used in the store have a valid and current calibration certificate?
Provide evidence
1.5: Are consumables segregated by type, material, and expiry date, following the first-in, first-out principle?
Provide a photo of the storage area
1.6: Are storage areas free from corrosive mediums, and other contaminants that could affect consumables?
1.7: Is there a documented and operational process for the controlled issuance of consumables?
Provide evidence
2. Drying and Reusability
2.1: Are there doucmented checks to determine the reusability of partially used consumables, and for returning unused consumables after issuance?
Provide evidence of the process
2.2: Are carton pack electrodes dried prior to use and maintained in holding ovens at the specified temperature?
Provide a photo of the current temperature
2.3: Is a logbook maintained for all electrodes subjected to a baking cycle, recording type, size, quantity, date, and time?
Provide a photo of the current record
2.4: Are daily temperature checks made to ensure ovens operate at the correct temperature range?
2.5: Are electrodes requiring re-drying marked to indicate the number of drying cycles?
2.6: Are baking and holding ovens clearly labeled with identification and up-tp-date calibration data?
3. Worksite
3.1: Are the consumables issued to welders correct according to the weld procedure specification (WPS)?
Provide evidence of the WPS and consumable type(s)
3.2: Are portable quivers operating at a minimum temperature of 70°C?
3.3: Are opened vacpacks recorded with date and time before use?
Provide a photo showing the issue date and time.
3.4: Is the work area free from unidentified or non-returned electrodes?
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