Super Radiator Coils Audit
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed for this audit
Was the procedure SRR-P-089 reviewed and found up to date?
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Were the records from the previuos audit reviewed and any corrective action generated closed out?
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For parts that are received, is the work order review highlighted, dated, initialed and the part placed in the box by the person that reveived it?
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Tap to enter information
How is the difference between amount order and amount received handled?
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Tap to enter information
Does the Welder move the box to the empty box location and throw away the work order review?
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Tap to enter information
Are extra parts placed on the extra part rack with the identifing work order number for purchasing to manage?
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Tap to enter information
Is the extra parts rack maintained and parts marked with bar code sticker?
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Tap to enter information
Is this procedure effectively implemented & maintained?
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Tap to enter information
Non-Conformance / Opportunity for Improvements
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