Employee Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Knowledge of the job.
1.1 Adheres to Company Policies and Guidelines to ensure standards are met..
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
1.2 Knows and understands SOP'S/SOG's.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
1.3 Learns new responsibilities quickly and thouroughly.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
2.0 Quality of work.
2.1 Thoroughness of work.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
2.2 Accuracy of work.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
3.0 Quantity of work.
3.1 Consistency of output.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
3.2 Utilization of time.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
4.0 Adaptability.
4.1 Quick to learn new duties.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
4.2 Responds to constructive criticism.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
5.0 Attitude.
5.1 Responds to training.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
5.2 Interested in the work.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
5.3 Adjusts well to new duties.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
5.4 Assists other employees.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
5.5 Regards Company Policies in a positive manner.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
5.6 Presents a positive image to the public.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
6.0 Dependability.
6.1 Effective under pressure.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
6.2 Follows instructions.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
7.0 Judgement.
7.1 Follows through on assignments.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
7.2 Considers all sides before committing to action.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
7.3 Eager to improve own performance.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
7.4 Pays attention to detail.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
8.0 Initiative.
8.1 Takes on difficult jobs.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
8.2 Sees things to be done and does them without having to be asked or told.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
9.0 PPE
9.1 Gears up appropriately for the job/scene. (gear/pack/vest/gloves)
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
10.0 Attendance.
10.1 Overall dependability regarding attendance and punctuality.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
11.0 Supervisory
11.1 Completes supervisory role to ensure SOP's/SOG's are met.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
11.2 Ensures all station documentation is completed weekly/monthly and properly approved.
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
11.3 Sets an example? (verbally and with actions)
If below acceptable standards then explain why, give an example:
12.0 Development
12.1 Training since last evaluation or promotion.
12.2 Training goals for the period of this evaluation to the next 6 to 12 months.
12.3 Goals for the period of this evaluation to the next 6 to 12 months.
13.0 Honesty
13.1 Is the employee honest and trustworthy?<br>Have the employee rate themselves:<br>Give an example:
14.0 Vision
14.1 Envision the future of the organization, 2,3,5,10 year goal in mind?
15.0 Communication / Interaction
15.1 Know his/her personality and communication style and how to maximize results.
16.0 Self-Regard
16.1 Know his/her own strengths and weaknesses and can list one of each.
17.0 Empowers
17.1 Knows his/her team members strengths and helps them overcome their challenges?
17.2 How often does the leadership of your station get their hands dirty with their team?
18.0 Since your last evaluation / promotion / hire.
18.1 What do you consider to be your most important achievement since your last evaluation?
18.2 What do you like about working for this organization?<br>
18.3 What do you dislike about working for this organization?
18.4 What elements of your job do you find most difficult?
18.5 What elements of your job interest you the most?
18.5 What elements of your job interest you the least?
18.6 What do you consider to be the most important task or goal to be competed in the next year?
19.0 Recommendations for employee:
19.1 Recommended Goal:<br>
19.2 Recommended training:
By signing below, the employee acknowledges that he/she has received a copy of the evaluation.
Employee signature:
Evaluators signature: