Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Inspected by

  • Project-Location
  • Type of Inspection

Daily Workplace Inspections (source template: OHSF-021)

  • Completed per Day (*1 required per working day)

  • **Provide detailed reason Why?

  • Records completed and filed in Folder 2B?

  • **Provide detailed reason Why?

  • Subcontractor Participation

  • **Provide Detailed Reason Why

  • "Prompt List items" checked and relevant/covered?

  • **Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • If any "NO" responses, actions required

  • (**Requires Management Review - if not approved)

Induction Records and Register (source template: OHSF-015 & OHSF-041)

  • All sections completed? (e.g. SWMS checkbox, all signatures)

  • **Provide Detailed Reason Why??

  • Verify inductee has signed into required SWMS?

  • **Provide Detailed Reason Why??

  • ALL inductions registered (in OHSF-041) and registered No. on form?

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • If any "NO" responses, actions required, attach photo or pdf.

Toolbox Talks (source template: OHSF-044)

  • **Toolbox talks up to date (one per week)?

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • **Toolbox talk recorded, available in 2A and posted?

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • **Verify attendees signing-off match, sign-in book?

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • **Have recent Safety Alerts been included (If Applicable)

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • If any "NO" responses, actions required, attach photo or pdf.


  • **SWMS Compliance Checks up-to-date (*one per week)

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • **High Risk Activities Priortise

  • Provide Detailed Reason Why?

  • If any "NO" responses, actions required, attach photo or pdf.


  • Suitable for Close-out?

  • Management Verification

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.