Project Details
- SA
- WA
- NT
Photo Audit Name: PPC_initials_date_version_LRD e.g. PPC_AA_ddmmyy_nnn_ABCD
Section 1
Rack Installation
Rack installed as per design location
Approved racks for BAU install are Type 92 style, existing Unimux or vendor rack with Contract Manager approval
No AC powered equipment within rack
Rack level and if required attached to overhead superstructure with isolation kits
Rack aligned at front with existing racks within suite
Rack secured via 4 insulated brackets at bottom of rack with appropriate anchors
No visible rack damage
All rubbish removed from site
Ref: TM00046, DP
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that rack is installed level and straight, at the same height as the adjacent racks and if required stabilised by superstructure kits. Identify that appropriate anchorage to floor and that isolation kits are used.
Section 2
Rack Earthing
All equipment earthed within rack
Green Krone Earth Module installed in Vertical B of first Krone frame
Rack earthed to the SPC of the LOD Power Distribution (LOD fed) or standard PDH earthing (HOD fed)
Ref: TM00046, TM00255, TM00190
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify evidence of correct earthing practices for the rack and that there is a single point of connection between the SPC and the rack. Equipment earths terminated within the rack should also be shown.
Section 3
Fibre Drop Off
Yellow fibre ducting correctly assembled and supported
Correct sized ducting used for future growth to ensure that the ducting is not overfilled, i.e. 50mm round tube 60 fibres max, 50mm Square 120 fibres max, 100mm square max 300 fibres max<br><br>
Ducting path delivered into rack<br><br>
Ref: TM00138-A01, TM00255
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that fibre is able to be delivered via ducting into the rack and that there are no unprotected/unsupported areas outside of the rack.
Section 4
Subrack installation – Front Access BAU (e.g. Wideband)
BAU subrack/s installed in correct location as per the Design and TM
BAU technologies in separate rack infrastructure at largest 300 exchange sites (see list) else sharing is permitted
Subrack/s secured and supported within the rack
No part of subrack/s or associated cabling protrudes beyond front of rack
All relevant cards are installed as per design, i.e. initial provisioning of WB BAU starts at slot 18 and works backwards and subrack has SCU in the most left hand slot
All rubbish removed from site
Ref: TM00255, DP, List (
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that subracks are adequately supported and correctly located within the rack. Identify that no future cabling will protrude outside the rack. Close up photos should show any card utilisation.
Section 5
Subrack installation – HSFR BAU
BAU & FRIA subrack/s installed in correct location as per DP and TM
BAU technologies have separate rack infrastructures at largest 300 exchange sites (see list) else sharing is permitted
BAU is rear access type
Subrack/s secured and supported within rack
No part of subrack or associated cabling protrudes beyond front or rear boundaries of rack
All relevant cards installed as per DP, initial provisioning of HSFR BAU starts at slot 1 for LTU-45 cards and works upwards
All rubbish removed from site
Ref: TM00255, TM00190, DP, List (
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that subracks are adequately supported and correctly located within the rack. Identify that no future cabling will protrude outside the rack. Close up photos should show any card utilisation.
Section 6
Subrack installation – BDSL and subtended BDSL BAU
BAU subrack/s installed in correct location as per DP and TM
BAU technologies have separate rack infrastructures at largest 300 exchange sites (see list) else sharing is permitted
Subrack/s secured and supported within rack
No part of subrack or associated cabling protrudes beyond front or rear boundaries of rack
Relevant cards installed as per DP, initial provisioning of BDSL BAU starts at slot 1 for Quad SDHL Modules and works up, E1 IMA cards start at 22 and work down, subrack has SCU in most left hand slot and CSM card in MUX A slot
All rubbish removed from site
Ref: TM00255, DP, List (
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that subracks are adequately supported and correctly located within the rack. Identify that no future cabling will protrude outside the rack. Close up photos should show any card utilisation.
Section 7
Correct size power cable used
Power connections terminated correctly, bootlace ferrules fitted where required
Covers replaced
Power cabling doesn’t impede the replacement of power units within subrack
Power cabling doesn’t impede airflow of subrack
Power cable secure and doesn’t cross sharp edges
MBR maintained
Correct CB for each subrack
For LOD power, diverse power planes used unless specified in DP
For HOD power, HOD criteria met for BAU installation
Cable ties cut flush
Ref: TM00255, DP
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify cabling route within rack and correct CB utilisation. Identify quality of terminations and the use of bootlace ferrules where required.
Section 8
Not run over or pressed against sharp edge
Secured to rack internal ladder tray by velcro ties
Not pinched by front of card and BAU subrack
Excess stored correctly<br><br>
Ref: TM00190, TM00255
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that the fibre is neat, secure and there is no excess fibre hanging within the rack. Identify that adequate capacity exists within the drop off duct.
Section 9
Correct type run, shielded cable to DDF and MDF, coax & individually screened for FRIA, Cat5 for MACS management cable<br>
2M & SHDSL shielded cable earthed only at BAU end
Not run over or pressed against sharp edge
Secured to rack internal ladder tray by velcro or cable ties
Ties do not crush cable
MBR maintained
Not outside boundaries of rack
Does not impede card replacement<br><br>
Does not restrict airflow around subrack
Ties cut flush
Ref: TM00190, TM00255
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that cabling is neat and secure, the cabling route does not impede replacing any cards and that fans and air vents on the equipment are not blocked.
Section 10
Cable Terminations 2M & SHDSL
DDF krone mounts secure and terminated on equipment side of DDF
MDF block mounted on Equipment side of MDF
Cable butted correctly and earthed to earth block on rack mounted IDF
Screen not terminated at DDF/MDF end
10cm gooseneck of slack behind krone modules
Krone module terminations and colour code correct
MDF block terminations and colour code correct
All rubbish removed from site
Frames installed in correct location as per DP or TM
Ref: TM00255, TM00190, DP
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that cables are butted correctly, laid out neatly and terminations are neat and correct.
Section 11
BAU Labelling
All applicable labels applied, i.e. rack, BAU/FRIA subrack, APDP, power and data cables, krone modules, fibre
Printed not handwritten
Correctly formatted
Secured in label pockets or printed on Brady labels, wrapped not flagged
Ref: SP000511, TM00190, TM00255
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that cables and subracks are labelled. Ensure printing is legible in photos.
Section 12
Cabling and terminations 45Mb/s
Krone module terminations and colour code correct
Monitoring F links utilised
DDF krone mounts secure and terminated on equipment side of 45M DDF
Cable butted correctly
Screen terminated at DDF end and Eq Out balun only
10cm gooseneck of slack behind krone modules
Individual screens butted as close as possible to termination
Frames installed in correct location as per DP or TM
Ref: TM00255, TM00190, DP
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Identify that cables are butted correctly, laid out neatly and terminations are neat and correct.
Section 13
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