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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_windstorm_-_protection_of_buildings_lps.pdf
Windstorm – Protection of Buildings Checklist
1. Are the buildings and roofs designed for the maximum expected winds and the associated uplift forces?
2. Are the buildings situated in an exposed location which is prone to windstorm?
3. Are ongoing inspection, maintenance and repairs made to roofs?
4. Ahead of any expected high winds is the flashing around the edge of a building perimeter visually and closely checked?<br><br>• To facilitate immediate small level repairs, do you have a supply of threaded nails with flat washers available?
5. Are any missing, loose or damaged roof tiles replaced?
6. Are all roof mounted structures sound and where appropriate is pointing of an appropriate standard?
7. Ahead of any storm, for anything other than small repairs is a roofing specialist contacted to expedite emergency repairs?
8. Are roof and wall mounted objects, equipment or plant rooms appropriately secured, and has this been checked?<br><br>Have all roof top access hatches or plant room door ways been properly secured?
9. Have all external objects such as storage, bins, outdoor furniture, pole mounted utilities and trees/shrubs and sometimes parked vehicles, etc. that can become missiles in high winds, been identified?<br><br>Have appropriate precautions been taken to prevent objects from becoming missiles or flying?<br><br>Have mobile objects been moved to secure areas or securely fixed to the ground?
10. Are glazed elements (including skylights) impact resistant?<br><br>If not has appropriately fixed plywood been used to protect them?
11. Have any external services, equipment, etc. been protected against impact?
12. Has the condition and location of nearby trees and shrubs been considered?<br><br>Are there any issues with any of these?<br><br>Have appropriate remedial works been taken to prevent tree limb fracture or collapse, impacting a building or any associated services or equipment, etc.?
13. Has the impact of heavy rain or wind driven rain been reviewed?<br><br>Has the following been considered:<br>• Flooding from water courses?<br>• Flash or surface water flooding?<br>• Driving rain through windows, doors, or external apertures?
14. Have precautions been taken against wind driven rain through any potential external openings:<br>• Air ventilation systems?<br>• Louvres or air bricks?<br>• Under and around sliding glass doors?<br>• Roof mounted exhausts?<br>• Roof mounted access hatches?<br>• Roof mounted plant or plant rooms, etc.?
15. Are roofs and gutters cleared and clean?
16. Are drains and man hole covers in place and secured?
17. Are the public highway located storm drains identified, cleared and clean?
18. Have you liaised with your neighbours to ensure they have clear drainage channels?
19. Has the potential impact to your utilities and services been considered?<br><br>Is this part of your emergency plans?<br><br>Have you identified what could be impacted and how? <br><br>Have you identified what services require to be operational during the storm, and what contingencies need to be put in place to ensure they remain operational, e.g. uninterruptible power supplies? <br><br>• Can any services be isolated ahead of the storm?<br>• Has this been verified by formal documented risk assessment and permit to work?<br>• Is this managed with a formal lock out/tag out process?<br>• Have you identified when services need to be restored?
20. Are your emergency preparedness and emergency response plans up-to-date for:<br>• Wind?<br>• Flood?<br>Have the plans been recently tested?<br>Do your plans provide accountability for tracking any storms before, during and post their impact?
21. Have you moved susceptible items to higher ground?<br><br>Have you considered skidding items on pallets or multiple pallets?
22. Are all openings, windows, doors protected and sealed?<br><br>• At all levels of the building?<br>o Consider basement levels<br>o Consider upper levels <br>o Consider levels adjacent to gutter valleys/troughs or flat roofs
23. If appropriate do you have sand bags or more specifically engineered items available on site?<br><br>Do you have a plan of when to deploy these?
24. Are any temporary or emergency water pumps and generators needed?<br><br>If not permanent arrangements, are temporary devices and connections required?<br><br>Are these devices protected from water ingress or wind damage?<br><br>Do they have appropriate fuel or protected energy supply?<br><br>Are they available to operate?
25. Has denial of access to the site been considered?
26. Has the impact to employees, site management and the emergency response team by these events been considered?<br><br>Will these events impact on their ability to perform any tasks required of them?
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