
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Chef on duty

Important stuff


  • 10.1 - Out of Date Food - No foods present ILLEGALLY past Use By, Re-Labelled or shelf life extended.

  • 10.2 - Food Storage - Foods stored appropriately (covered, separation, allergen controls).

  • 10.3 - Defrosting & Cooling - All foods being defrosted and cooled correctly.

  • 10.4 - Temperature Control - Sufficient monitoring and recording of Temperatures.

  • 10.5 - Cleaning - high standard evident throughout restaurant (especially in food areas), safe use of chemicals<br>

  • 10.6 - Persona Hygiene - High standards of 'Food Handler' personal hygiene (including hand washing)

  • 10.7 - Hand Wash Basins - All with supply or running hot and cold water and fully stocked with soap, towels, etc.

  • 10.9 - Health and Safety Management - Effective H&S Management, Fire Safety Management, Maintenance.

  • 10.8 - Training Standards - Have all Company and Legal training Standards been met?

  • 10.10 - Pest Control - Evidence of management and understanding.




  • B1 - Delivery checks (temperature checks, unapproved products, packaging, use by/best before dates, quality, etc).

  • B3 - All food purchased only from approved, reputable supplier.


  • B4 - Safe food handling practices, including frequent hand washing of food handlers, sanitiser wipes available.

  • B5 - Wash hand basin fully stocked with hot & cold water, antibacterial soap, paper towel, etc.

  • B6 - Food item stored correctly - four hour rule understood, high risk foods stored correctly.

  • B7 - Foods are correctly covered, dated, protected from contamination and within shelf life.

  • B8 - Contact surfaces (food surfaces, floor, walls & ceilings) within kitchen area clean and well maintained.

  • B9 - No evidence of pest, door and windows shut to prevent access.

  • B10 - Evidence of appropriate temperature monitoring - Daily fridge/freezer and hot holding food checks, cooling records, etc.

  • B12 - Adherence to company uniform (jewellery policy, clean uniform, hat in kitchen, smoking policy, etc).


  • B26 - Kitchen equipment clean and in good condition.

  • B27 - Microwave clean and in good condition (no cracks in base or top, no glass plates and industry standard).

  • B30 - Chopping boards & kitchen utensils in use are in hygienic condition.

  • B31 - Chefs Knives in use are hygienic and safe to use.

  • B22 - Dry Store: Clear effective stock rotation in place within storage areas (FIFO).

  • B23 - Dry Store: Temperature safe for storage of ambient products (<20*C).

CHILLED & FROZEN STORAGE (Walk in fridges/freezers, chest freezers, etc)

  • B11 - Fitness to work policy understood and adhered to.

  • B13 - Organised stock rotated & safe storage (external packaging removed, defrosting in designated area, etc).

  • B14 - Clear separation & knowledge of high risk products stored here.

  • B15 - Evidence of appropriate temperature monitoring (daily temperature checks, food probed).

  • B16 - Cleanliness of interior floor, walls and racking.

  • B17 - Foods are correctly covered, dated and within shelf-life.


  • B18 - All Contact surfaces (and floors, walls, & ceilings, racking, etc) within area well maintained.

  • B19 - Pot wash: googles and gloves and mask available and in useable condition for chemical handling.

  • B20 - Pot wash: Clean, colour-coded mops and buckets in use for respective cleaning areas, separate one for toilet use?

  • B21 - Dry store: Products here are stored safely (high risk separation, items off floor, etc).

  • B24 - Probe thermometer in use, RTE and NON RTE accurate & in good working order, clean and wet probe wipes available.

  • B25 - Dishwasher in good condition (no leakages, lime scale or debris build up).

Ecoli 0157 checks

  • designated raw meat/ fish prep areas and 2 stage cleaning process understood

  • all raw utensils and materials (aprons) all stored in one place away from ready to eat equipment

  • sanitizer contact times understood

  • hand washing procedures understood(turning of taps with blue roll where push operated taps are not available)


  • B36 - Sufficient levels of preparation available (no over prepping), In good condition.

  • B37 - Salad items washed appropriately.

Bar - food safety

Bar - food safety

  • hand wash basin available, fully stocked with antibacterial soap and blue paper

  • food and drink items stored correctly and date labelled

  • contact surfaces (work surfaces, floors, walls and celling) clean and well maintained

  • no evidence of pest actively

  • evidence of temperature monitoring, daily checks on bar fridges.

  • sufficient levels of preparation are available, products in good condition.

equipment in use

  • glass washer clean and in good condition

  • coffee machine and grinder, clean and in good condition(spray arm, leakages, under machine)

  • juicer clean and in good working condition

  • ice machines food safe and in good condition (vents free from dust, no mould build up inside, scoops and seals)

  • chopping boards and utensils in use are in good repair and hygienic

Health and safety



  • D1 - Overall appearance of restaurant internal & external including clean high chairs, safe chairs.

  • D2 - Toilets clean.

  • D3 - Organisation and cleanliness of staff rooms / allocated areas.

  • D4 - Internal and external waste areas clean.


  • D5 - Safe practices for storage & disposal of broken glass, broken glass/crockery containers available.

  • D6 - Items stored on racking without compromising safety.

  • D7 - All dangerous equipment positioned, has signage, carried and used appropriately, unplugged when not in use.

  • D8 - Wet Floor signs in use.

  • D9 - First aid box correctly stocked (blue plasters, etc.) and site appropriately and as stated by branch.

  • D10 - Smoking policy adhered to and appropriate external smoking area (which is also managed),

  • D11 - Disability access managed effectively in the restaurant & all assisting equipment in working order.

  • D12 - Evidence of effective safe manual handling


  • D13 - Fire escape routes & exits clearly identified and free from obstructions, final exit doors not locked.

  • D14 - No fire doors wedges permanently open.

  • D15 - 6 Month team fire evacuation drill completed.

  • D16 - Evidence of weekly / monthly fire safety equipment testing and appropriate records maintained.

  • D17 - Boiler room free of storage (no combustible or flammable items, incl. chairs, paint, old/broken equipment).

  • D18 - Manager's fire risk assessment completed & any issues addressed.

  • D19 - Effective cleaning checklist implemented & monitored by management.


  • D20 - Cleaning equipment and chemicals stored correctly and well maintained (with data sheets, notices displayed).




  • E1 - Relevant induction & training records for all members of staff.

  • E2 - Level 2 Food Safety training available for managers and kitchen team


  • E3 - Knowledge of Food Safety and Health & Safety Manuals - accident reporting, AFP's, EHO.

  • E4 - Pests control management.

  • E5 - Legal Notices displayed: A3 Health & Safety Poster, Employer's Liability, Health & Safety Policy, Fitness to Work, Emergency Plan, Site Specific Risk Assessments, First Aid Poster.

  • E6 - Appropriate Safety Inspection Certificate available (flue, ventilation, electric, gas, lift, pressure system, etc).

  • E7 - Maintenance: plugs sockets, cables, etc.

Identified Maintenance Issues & Advisor's Comments

  • 5.


  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 1.

  • 4.

  • 1.


  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

  • 5.


Action Points


  • 1.

  • Follow up Actions.

  • 2.

  • Follow up Actions.

  • 3.

  • Follow up Actions.

  • 4.

  • Follow up Actions.

  • 5.

  • Follow up Actions.

  • 6.

  • Follow up Actions.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.