Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is it understood who to turn Near miss reporting into? Is it understood that it is to be done in 24 hours?
Is it understood that near miss and lessons learned are to be corrected in the field in a timely manner?
Do all personnel understand that all first aid or medical attention must be reported immediately to PM and Safety?
Is it understood that the Safety Manager or VP are the only personnel to contact the customer representative?
Does the PM and all personnel understand that involved employees may be relieved of duties until investigations are complete or until Safety department allows for return to work?
Do employees understand the need to secure the scene and all evidence?
Do employees understand the need to take statements from all involved and witnesses?<br>General questions asking who, what, when, where, why and how?<br>Separate individuals when taking statements.
Do PM's understand the need to go with any injured employees to the clinic? <br><br>Keeping safety on the line whenever possible.
Do employees understand the need to have multiple pictures from multiple view points of any accident or injury?
Do all personnel understand that post accident drug testing is to be administered for any medical attention? And/or vehicle accident.
Does PM understand the need to have the clinic contact the HR Manager for any necessary information?
Do PM's understand they are responsible for a DETAILED investigation report? Go over it with them and provide feedback to safety Manager on any suggestions.
Do PM's understand that they must go to the site of every vehicle accident?
Do PM's have an accident investigation kit? if not what would be their suggestions on what needs to be in it?
Do PM's understand that all vehicle accident reports need to be forwarded to Safety Manager (cc VP) within 24 hours if not sooner?
Do Pm's understand the need to identify when and where to get the police report from?