Title Page
Site conducted
Labour user audit for Seasonal scheme worker placement .
Labour User Business Name
Site Address
Labour Requirement
Provide a brief description of the assignment(s), including roles required and work to be completed
Type of work carried out by Labour User
Provide details of the work / shift patterns, including daily hours, weekly hours, shift patterns and rest (during shift, between shift and weekly)
How are work plans / shift patterns communicated to workers? (I.e start times, teams, types of work, location etc)
Health & Safety Review
Fire Safety
Has a site risk assessment been completed in relation to Fire by a suitably trained and competent person or qualified assessor?
Is there documented evidence of required actions being completed, and is the assessment reviewed on a scheduled basis?
Does the site have suitable means in place for detecting a fire and raising the alarm for a fire or emergency?
Does the site have suitable equipment in place for fighting a fire?(fire blankets, appropriate extinguishers)
Is this in line with the requirements detailed in the risk assessment?
Are all fire fighting provisions suitably maintained, inspected and serviced (externally) as required?
Are the fire fighting provisions suitably signed?
Are workers provided with information and training on fire safety provisions?
How is the information and training delivered including updates should changes occur?
Does the site have fire marshall (or similar) trained staff covering all shifts?
Are evacuation procedures provided and on display?
Are fire/emergency drills carried out with the outcome recorded?
How often are drills carried out?
Is emergency lighting required as part of the risk assessment?
What emergency lighting checks are completed?
What routine fire safety checks are completed?
- Weekly/routine documented fire alarm/means of raising alarm check
- Weekly/routine documented smoke/heat detection means of raising alarm check
- Routine recorded fire equipment check
- Escape route 'free from obstruction' recorded check
- No checks in place
Are the checks for above documented?
Are fire exits and escape routes free from obstruction and suitably signed?
Is smoking prohibited inside buildings with designated external smoking areas provided with suitable cigarette extinguishing facility?
First Aid and Accident reporting
Has the requirement of First Aid needs been risk assessed with any actions addressed?
Is there a designated member of staff responsible for first aid arrangements?
Are there designated first aider(s) for the site?
Are the designated first aider(s) suitably trained?
Provide information on the training e.g. Emergency First Aid at Work, First Aid at Work
- Emergency First Aid at work training
- First aid at work training
- No first aid trained staff
- Other
Is first aid equipment provided and replaced when used as required?
Types of first aid equipment provided?
- Fully stocked first aid kits
- Restocked/Replenished as used by first aid trained staff
- No or inadequate First aid provisions available for number of staff on site
Provide details on how occupants are provided with information on first aid facilities, first aiders and equipment
- Induction
- Worker Handbook
- Specific training
- No details provided
Provide details on how incidents, near misses and accidents are reported
- Induction
- Worker Handbook
- Specific training
- No details provided
Detail any PPE requirements (if any)
Are workers charged for PPE provision?
Are workers charged for replacement PPE that is lost, or damaged through willful or negligent action?
General Welfare
Rate facilities for workers to take breaks?
Rate toilet and handwash facilities in place (including hot and cold running water?)
Rate canteen or similar areas in place, for workers to eat food
Rate supply of potable water, for workers to drink
Are risk assessments suitably completed for pregnant workers?
If night workers are utiltised, are they provided with health assessments?
If young workers are utilised (between 16-18 years of age), is there a suitable young persons risk assessment in place?
Health & Safety Management
Does the site have a Health & Safety Policy?
Is it clearly on display, signed by a director, in date, outlines commitments/arrangements/responsibilities, publicly available
Does the site have documented risk assessments (including evidence of action taken) covering all the work completed?
Were the risk assessments made available for inspection?
Please describe which risk assessments are in place (in relation to potential job roles that pilot scheme workers may undertake)
Are new workers provided with an induction covering general health & safety procedures?
Are all workers provided with information and training on health & safety arrangements as it affects their individual job role?
Are new workers paid for this induction at a rate that meets or the time?
Are all workers provided with information to updates or changes
Is relevant H&S, Fire, Welfare information translated into workers own language or experienced translator used?
Ethical Review
Basic Procedures
Is the site suitably insured?
Does the site have a suitable equalities policy in place?
Does the site have a suitable anti-bullying policy in place?
Does the site have suitable policies and procedures in place for the recruitment and ongoing management of workers?
Does the company use advertising for jobs to local workforce? i.e Jobcentre Plus advertising
Continuous Improvement
Is the site externally audited to a credible scheme?
Provide details on the scheme/audit body/standards
Does the site perform internal audits?
Is there evidence of corrective actions being completed and followed up on?
Is there evidence of longer term strategy in place facilities and general worker welfare?
Details on what bodies or codes the site is signed up to
Work Conditions
Working Hours
Is worker transport provided for workers including out of normal working hours?
Describe means of transport in use
Are there any associated charges to workers for arranged transport to and from work?
Please explain how this is operated in line with legal requirements
If transport is used onsite to transfer workers around site or for external excursions, is it fit for purpose? (MOT, Tax, Insurance in place)
Are regular safety checks / servicing carried out on transport vehicles?
Does the site ensure drivers are suitably trained and hold correct licences to operate vehicles used to transport workers? (e.g correct lines, drivers tests etc)
Additional actions
Add any additional actions to be completed
ADD General Comment
Overall Assessment - Provide your overall assessment out of 10 for the sections below. This is a subjective score and should take into consideration how well the personel were able to answer questions, timeliness of being able to produce
From 0 to 10
From 0 to 10
From 0 to 10
Audit sign off
Sign Off - Please ensure that at least the lead Labour User representative signs off
Labour User Representative:
Labour User Representative:
Labour User Representative:
Auditor's Signature
Lead Auditor review (as required)
Private & Confidential