Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Select date

  • Are all the electrical equipment checked visually?

  • Do you ensure tie ropes and attachments are secured?

  • Are all the nets free from gaps?

  • Do you have emergency procedures in case of fire and explosion?

  • Do you have adequate means of raising an alarm in case of emergency?

  • Do you have knowledge about emergency numbers of various departments

  • Are adequate escape routes are there or not?

  • The escape routes are clear of any obstruction or not?

  • Do you know the people capable of giving first aid?

  • Is the location of first aid kit box located on notice board?

  • Are signs are there to direct the person to site of first aid kit?

  • Are new staffs made aware of its location as part of their induction?

  • Are damaged materials segregated to prevent them from being used?

  • Do you ensure lift is not overloaded?

  • Do you know what is PPE?

  • Do the company give you PPE?

  • What all PPE is the company is providing to you?

  • Are you trained how to use the PPE?

  • Are Footwear fitted with steel toe caps and steel sole plates?

  • Are gloves given to you free from damage?

  • Are your helmets free from any damage?

  • Road signs are properly visible?

  • Do vehicles follow speed limit prescribed at the site?

  • Whether The scaffolding is erected, alternated or dismantled by competant person?

  • Are all scaffolds provided with base plates and timber sole boards?

  • Is the scaffold tied adequately to the building?

  • Are double guard rails, toe boards and other suitable protection is provided at edges?

  • Do sometime materials fall from scaffold?

  • Working platforms are fully boarded and that the boards are arranged to avoid tripping ?

  • Are there sufficient warning notices in place to stop any person using an incomplete scaffold?

  • Scaffold is strong enough to carry the weight of materials stored on itand that they are evenly distributed?

  • Scaffolds are properly maintained?

  • A competant person inspects scaffolds regularly at least once in a week and always after it has been altered, damaged and following extreme weather?

  • Are following items on display?

  • Insurance policy?

  • Fire plan?

  • Emergency plan and contacts?

  • Signs for doors and cabin?

  • First aid location sign?

  • Accident reporting process?

  • No smoking signs?

  • Is complaint register managed and checked daily?

  • Are you informed about the risky zones if any?

  • Are workers and pedestrians segregated from moving vehicles and plant?

  • Does the site layout match the plan?

  • Have one ways or turning points being identified?

  • The access equipmemt to higher floors is erected and checked by competent person?

  • Edge protection is provided to stop people or material from falling?

  • People are kept away from areas below the roof work?

  • Do you know how to raise alarm and are you aware of the procedures in place if an accident happens?

  • The ropes used are in good condition?

  • Are ladders in good condition, and are not split or are damaged in any way?

  • Ladders rest against a solid level surface and that this is not a fragile or insecure material?

  • Do ladders rise a sufficient height above their landing place? (Approx 1m)

  • Posters and safety signs are there?

  • Safety meetings held periodically?

  • Job related safety training completed?

  • Sanitary facilities adequate and clean?

  • Adequate potable water supply?

  • Eye protection is provided in welding?

  • Face protection?

  • Hearing protection?

  • Respirators and masks?

  • Excavation barricaded and lighting provided?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.