Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Area for Inspection
- Reception
- Foyer
- Courtyard
- Multipurpose Rooms
- Changerooms
- Pool Area
- Plant Room
- Gym
- Group Fitness Studio
- Spin Room
- Staff Room
- Stadium
- First Aid Room
- Multipurpose Room Kitchen
- First Level Office
- DM Office
General Cleanliness
Is each area clean and free from rubbish?
Is all signage clear & complete?
Are the areas free of trip hazards?
Are wet areas free of slip hazards?
Are wet areas free from mold?
Is all equipment stored where it should be?
Are surfaces free of damage eg tears, major scratches, cracked tiles, discolouration?
Are the number of rubbish bins adequate for each area?
Write any addition notes below
Is the signage adequate for the area?
Are all signs free from damage?
Is all signage in date? Out of date signs should be removed.
Write any additional notes below
First Aid
Do the first aid kits contain all of the items on the list on the bag?
List below any additional items required
Are first aid forms easily accessible?
Write any additional notes below
Is PPE easily accessible?
Is all PPE free from damage?
Is all PPE clean and stored correctly?
Write any additional notes below
Chemical Storage
Are all chemicals stored in an appropriate place?
Are all chemicals stored in an appropriate container?
Are MSDS & SWP easily accessible?
Are the MSDS for the chemicals in this area in the central folder at reception?
Write any additional notes below
Are all electrical devices tested and tagged?
Are all test and tagged devices within date?
Are all electrical cords free from damage?
Are all devices working correctly?
In wet areas, are devices located in appropriate areas and/or protective ewuipment available ie cord covers?
Write any additional notes below
Are all locks and external doors free from damage?
Could the building's security be compromised in any way?
Are the windows free from damage?
Are all windows locked or unable to beopened from the outside?
Write any additional notes below
Emergency Evac
Is the Emergency Evacuation backpack readily available?
Does the backpack contain a torch, whistle, checklist, pen , tabard and hat?
Is the Emergency Evacuation poster located in an appropriate place?
Are the emergency exit clear and free from hazards?
Write any additional notes below
Completion of Report
Have you inspected all areas within your section of the Centre?
Have you written the Audit title at the start as Your name and the month of the report?
Have you completed all sections of the report?
Write any further comments below
Once completed, click on Finish below then on Audits, find your report and send via Gmail to Andrew