
  • Audit Title:
    Workplace HSE Inspection Checklist- Offices, Call Centres, Retail Shops and Depots (office buildings)

  • Business Unit

  • Workgroup Name

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Inspection Team

  • Authorisation of Actions

  • Managers Name


How to use this checklist

  • Note:
    Faulty equipment must be tagged with the OUT OF SERVICE TAG (141/00591) and removed from use.

  • Purpose:
    This checklist assists in identifying common hazards and HS&E non-conformances found in offices, call centres, retail shops and depots (office buildings). It is to be completed at least twice a year in accordance with the workgroups HS&E plan.

  • Instructions:
    1. Tick the appropriate column indicating whether an item is compliant or non-compliant. Some sections or items may not be relevant to a particular workplace in which case a N/A (Not Applicable) should be entered.
    2. An action plan must be completed following the inspection to address hazards and non-conformances identified (page 8).
    3. The Manager accountable for the workplace must review and authorise any actions resulting from the inspection.

  • Assess the risk of each hazard or non-conformance identified and prioritise the need for action as: High (H) – action required immediately; Medium (M) – action required within 1 month; or Low (L) – action required within 3 months. Determine corrective actions and those responsible for carrying them out.

Visual and Test & Tag Inspection Frequencies

  • All Bench top Electrical Appliances and White Goods (In Kitchen Areas)
    Includes: toasters, tea and coffee makers, grillers, sandwich griddles, microwaves, kettles, extension cords, mini ovens, fridge and RCD (see Note 2 & 3).

  • • Formal Test and Tag 12 monthly AND
    • 6 monthly visual inspection as per this guide
    • Formal test and tag as required after visual inspections, electrical incident or severe impact
    • Visual inspection following building relocations
    • Additional formal test and tag following concerns from visual inspection, electrical incident, severe impact event

  • Portable & Movable Electrical Appliances (In Non-Kitchen Areas)
    Items designed to be either handheld or easily repositioned to facilitate its operation. May include laptop power supplies, various types of communications equipment, chargers for mobile phones, common floor photocopiers/printers, desktop computers, laminators, shredders, fans, extension cords (in situ) not subject to flexing or mechanical abuse in normal use etc.

  • • Formal Test and Tag every 5 years AND
    • 6 monthly visual inspection as per this guide
    • Formal test and tag as required after visual inspections, electrical incident or severe impact
    • Visual inspection following building relocations
    • Additional formal test and tag following concerns from visual inspection, electrical incident, severe impact event
    • Where extension cords are occasionally subject to foot traffic or mechanical impacts from rolling appliances apply Formal Test and Tag 12 monthly

  • Fixed Appliances & Appliances above 2.5 metres
    Appliances affixed to walls, ceiling or floors with hard wired connections such as hot water heaters, in wall air conditioners, fixed flat panel displays etc. Fixed Appliances connected to power sockets that are 2.5 metres from floor level.

  • • No formal Test & Tag required unless driven by results of visual inspection, electrical incident or severe impact
    • 6 monthly visual inspections as per this guide Do not risk injury if visual access is difficult
    • Standard manufacturer maintenance as required

  • ALL New to Service Equipment
    Includes new to service electrical items for which proof of purchase date is available and verifiable in purchase order or asset systems

  • • All newly purchased equipment must have a ‘New to Service’ tag fitted with the next scheduled test date in accordance with equipment category frequency (See also Note 1)

  • Privately Owned Electrical Appliances
    Use of privately owned appliance in the workplace requires Line Manager approval. Use of air cooling or heating appliances will also require approval from the Facilities Manager. If approved, apply this guide.

  • • Formal Test & Tag prior to use in the workplace
    • Existing tags on private equipment are not valid on introduction of item into the workplace

  • • Note1: Missing or illegible tags will require a new test and tag or ‘new to service’ tag. The use of ‘new to service’ tags must be corroborated by purchase order or asset system evidence, otherwise item gets a fresh test and tag. Completion of ‘new to service’ tags’ does not require a service contractor since it only involves labelling. To optimize new to service tag orders, send request for required number of ‘new to service’ tags to your closest General Administration support group.
    • Note2: Test RCDs using the trip button test. Refer HSE web portal for RCD use and testing. Building power switchboard RCD’s are not part of the 6 monthly office inspection and are picked up as part of building maintenance processes.
    • Note3: Kitchen items operated in non office areas will need to be tested as any heat, steam & water may damage appliances

Inspection Page 1

1 Communication/Document Control

  • 1.1 Is any HS&E information displayed on noticeboards (Alerts, H&S meeting minutes etc) relevant, current, and kept up to date?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

2 Electrical

  • 2.1 Before inspecting electrical items switch off power at the GPO (General Purpose Outlet – power point).

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.2 Are all leads, cords and equipment in good condition? This includes any personal electrical appliance used at work. <br>

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.3 Do all electrical items have tags (test or new to service) that are within the next test due date? This includes any personal electrical appliance used at work.

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.4 Check the environment that may impact electrical safety when completing questions 2.3.1-2.3.6

  • 2.4.1 Is the prohibition of double-adaptors enforced?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.4.2 Is the use of power boards minimised?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.4.3 Are power boards used safely? (i.e. they are not cascaded or piggybacked or used in wet areas)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.4.4 Are electrical equipment/machines located away from wet or damp areas?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.4.5 Check that power outlets and switches are in good condition?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.4.6 No electrical appliances (e.g. kettles, toasters etc) are placed on the metal draining board of a sink or metal tray without an RCD connected.

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.5 Are RCD’s provided where portable electrical equipment is used the following environments?:<br>• high use areas (e.g. conference rooms) AND <br>• wet or hot surfaces (e.g. kitchens, where cookers, toasters, sandwich makers, coffee urns, etc are held)<br> (Only applies where there is no fixed RCD in the building). <br>[overseas RCD’s may be named differently, e.g. safety circuit breaker]<br>

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 2.6 Are electrical plugs securely and fully inserted into power outlets?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

3 First Aid - First Aid Officer (where appointed) to complete this section

  • 3.1 Are only Telstra approved first aid kits used? [overseas to use equivalent local kits]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.2 Are first aid kit locations clearly identified with a sign displaying a white cross on green background?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.3 Have first aid officers who are allocated a role in a building’s Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) been provided with a green helmet? [overseas to follow local requirements]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4 Basic Office First Aid Kit (OfficeMax Code 1425544) [overseas to source equivalent kit or parts]

  • 3.4.1 Are there 3 resealable plastic bags/ [1423525]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.2 Are there two heavy cotton crepe bandages 10cm x 2.3m? [1423584]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.3 Is there a sterile triangular bandage 110cm x 110cm? [2548984] (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.4 Is there a St John “Emergency First Aid” book? [1423622]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.5 Is there a record of injury note book? [1436848]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.6 Are there 2 large wound dressing packs? [1342959] (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.7 Is there a pack of nitrile gloves? [1342991] (Should be replaced at least every 12 months if located in a vehicle, 5 years if located in a building) (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.8 Is there a pair of scissors (stainless steel, one sharp and one blunt point, 12.5 cm long? [1342851]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.9 Are there two resuscitation face shield packets? [1425331]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.10 Is there a pack of fabric strips? [1980300] (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.11 Are there 10 disposable antiseptic cleansing swabs? [1425366] (Replace swabs if not marked with an expiry date. New swabs are marked with an expiry date).

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.12 Are there 3 packs of sterile gauze swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm)? [1425374] (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.13 Is there a roll of elastic adhesive fabric strapping (2.5cm x 2.5 m)? [1425382] (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.14 Are there 3 pairs of single use stainless steel tweezers? [1425390]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.15 Are there 6 Proshield disposable face masks? [1983407]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.4.16 Are there 10 alcohol cleaning wipes? [1983415] (check expiry date)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.5 Optional Modules [eye and burn modules]

  • 3.5.1 Are the items and quantities contained in the eye module [540/00139] consistent with those listed within the pack. (check expiry dates)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 3.5.2 Are the items and quantities contained in the burn module [540/00128] consistent with those listed within the pack. (check expiry dates)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

Inspection Page 2

4 Emergency Planning And Preparedness - Wardens to complete this section

  • 4.1 Are sufficient wardens appointed for work area (1 per 20 staff)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.2 Emergency evacuation procedures / plan and the contact details of Chief Warden, Floor Wardens, Wardens and First Aid Officers are current and displayed? [overseas may use different titles].<br>Note: Emergency Evacuation Plans should be displayed adjacent to all emergency exits from floors. It is the responsibility of the property owner to display the Emergency Evacuation Plan in the lift-lobby or non-tenanted areas (Contact your Building EPC or JLL or Sentinar for a copy of the Emergency Evacuation Plan).<br>

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.3 Is the following available: Yellow Floor Warden helmet, sufficient red Warden helmets, green First Aid Officer helmet, and if deemed necessary by EPC, a working battery-operated torch (Eveready Dolphin, material No. 459/00149 complete with 6 volt alkaline battery, material No.002/00069)? [overseas to follow local requirements]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.4 Are practice emergency evacuations undertaken and debrief actions communicated to staff?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.5 Fire extinguishers and hose reels are clearly marked, unobstructed, serviced every 6 months (check date punched on yellow metal tag) and serviceable (i.e. not used)? [overseas to follow local requirements]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.6 Fire sprinkler heads and detectors are unobstructed?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.7 Fire stairs down to the next level are unobstructed and illuminated?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.8 Exits are clearly marked and exit signs illuminated?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.9 All fire doors close properly?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 4.10 All passageways and exits are unobstructed?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

5 Manual Handling

  • 5.1 Are materials in containers/packages small and light enough to be handled easily by all employees?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.2 Is there sufficient storage space available?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.3 Is there sufficient space around storage areas to enable easy and safe access?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.4 Are materials stored according to their weight (i.e. heavier items middle shelves, lighter items lower and upper shelves)?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.5 Is storage of items at height (above shoulder height) minimised?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.6 Where storage of items at height cannot be eliminated, is there a safe means of accessing them?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.7 Are mechanical aids eg trolleys available to transport heavy or bulky materials when required?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 5.8 Are mechanical aids maintained in good working order?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

6 Office Equipment

  • 6.1 Are high volume photocopiers and laser printers located in well-ventilated areas?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 6.2 Are photocopier lids intact and functioning to reduce exposure to intense light?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 6.3 Are guillotine blades guarded to prevent injury?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 6.4 Are security bins used in preference to shredding machines?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 6.5 Are plant safety summary cards available for plant with high risk rating (e.g. electric shredding machines)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 6.6 Microwave oven doors fit squarely and securely and open and close smoothly?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 6.7 Are conference room chairs in a good condition?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

7 Step Ladders

  • 7.1 Are step ladders in a good condition (i.e. there are no damaged steps or damaged feet, no loose or missing nuts, bolts or rivets)?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 7.2 Do ladders stay locked in place when erected?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 7.3 Are ladders stable when erected?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 7.4 Are electrical hazard signs clearly visible on aluminium/metal ladders? (e.g.: “Not to be used for electrical work”)

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 7.5 Have all staff using step ladders been briefed in their safe use

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

8 Noise

  • 8.1 Are only Telstra approved headsets being used ? [overseas not applicable] <br>

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 8.2 Are headsets used with an Acoustic Safety Device (i.e. Soundshield TT4 Mk 1 or Soundshield 3G)? (Question applicable only to areas where the headset is used to make and receive large numbers of calls for the most part of every working day eg call centre/help desk type work)<br>Note: TT3 amplifiers should be replaced with a current model Acoustic Safety Device [overseas not applicable]<br>

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

Inspection Page 3

9 Chemicals

  • 9.1 In Australia, only consumer (household) or office chemicals are used and staff follow safety instructions from the label<br>Overseas, only consumer (household) or office chemicals are used and staff follow task cards.<br>

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 9.2 Are chemicals stored safely with regard to their security, type of container, compatibility etc as described in the chemical’s label or task card and safety data sheet / MSDS?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 9.3 Are all chemical products stored in their original container as supplied?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

10 Pressure Vessels

  • 10.1 Are compressed gas cylinders (e.g. for BBQ use) stored outdoors, weather protected and restrained?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 10.2 Do compressed gas cylinders have a date stamp indicating its last inspection was within 10 years? [overseas to follow local requirements]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 10.3 Is a plant safety summary card for BBQs available?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

11 Housekeeping

  • 11.1 Are all work areas and shared facilities (e.g. kitchen, lunchrooms, toilet, washing) in the work area clean and orderly?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.2 Does the workplace allow free & unobstructed movement of people & material (e.g. aisles, passageways, stairs and ramps)?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.3 Are storage areas maintained in a clean and orderly fashion?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.4 Are filing cabinets and cupboards stable?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.5 Is there adequate storage for personal equipment and materials (e.g. cupboards, lockers)?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.6 Are sharp corners of furniture and other fittings or protrusions such as cabinet keys removed or situated so as to avoid a hazard to people passing?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.7 Are floor surfaces in good condition? E.g. there are no carpet edges that provide slip or trip hazards, there are no loose tiles or surfaces.

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.8 Are ceiling tiles and fittings (e.g. light diffusers and air conditioning outlets) secure?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.9 Are stairways non-slip and handrails provided where necessary?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 11.10 Are kitchens and lunchroom surfaces and equipment clean?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

12 Lighting

  • 12.1 Is there sufficient lighting provided for safe movement in passageways and on stairs?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 12.2 Are employees able to moderate incoming natural light to eliminate/minimise glare and/or shadow on computer screens and work surfaces?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

13 Environment – Green Challenge

  • 13.1 Are lights turned off in unused rooms where possible?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 13.4 Are folders, clips, pens etc. readily available to be reused by staff (e.g. stored in the stationary cupboard)?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 13.2 Are water taps free of leaks?

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person

  • 13.3 Are recycling facilities available with correct signage for commingled (cans, bottles, milk cartons), paper (including desktop recycling bin) and toner cartridges? [overseas to follow local requirements]

  • Priority

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Person


  • Congratulations, this is the end of this inspection. You completed inspections will be saved in the "Audits" section. You can send, edit and reuse them.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.