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  • Auditor:

Managing and supervision workplace transport safely

  • Check, in consultation with your employees, that your level of management control/supervision is adequate

  • Are your supervisors, drivers and others, including contractors and visiting drivers, aware of the site rules and their responsibilities to help maintain a safe workplace and environment?

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out for all workplace transport hazards?

  • Is the level of supervision sufficient to ensure that safe standards are maintained?

  • Are penalties applied when employees, contractors etc fail to maintain these<br>standards?

  • Do you take adequate steps to detect and correct any unsafe behaviour of<br>drivers of both on-site and visiting vehicles, as well as pedestrians?

  • Do you make sure the underlying reasons for unsafe behaviour are investigated?

  • Is there good co-operation and liaison on health and safety matters between<br>your employees and those who collect or deliver goods?

  • Check what your drivers and other employees actually do when doing their

  • Do drivers drive with care, eg use the correct routes, drive within the speed<br>limit and follow any other site rules?

  • Do you make sure your drivers and other employees have enough time to<br>complete their work without rushing or working excessive hours?

  • Are your employees using safe work practices, eg when (un)coupling,<br>(un)loading, securing loads, or carrying out maintenance?

  • Do managers and supervisors set a good example, eg by obeying vehicle/<br>pedestrian segregation instructions, and by wearing high-visibility clothing<br>where needed?

  • Do drivers and other employees wear any personal protective equipment<br>provided and use any safety equipment provided?

Site layout and internal traffic routes

  • Check that the layout of routes is appropriate

  • Are vehicles and pedestrians kept safely apart?

  • Where necessary, are there suitable pedestrian crossing places on vehicle<br>routes?

  • Is there a safe pedestrian route that allows visiting drivers to report for<br>instructions when entering the site?

  • Is there a properly designed and signed one-way system used on vehicle<br>routes within the workplace?

  • Are there adequate numbers of suitable and safe parking places for all vehicles<br>and are they used?

  • Is the level of lighting in each area sufficient for the pedestrian and vehicle<br>activity?

  • Check that vehicle traffic routes are suitable for the type and quantity of
    vehicles which use them

  • Are they wide enough?

  • Do they have firm and even surfaces?

  • Are they free from obstructions and other hazards?

  • Are they well maintained?

  • Do they avoid sharp or blind bends?

  • Check that suitable safety features are provided where appropriate

  • Are roadways marked where necessary, eg to indicate the right of way at road<br>junctions?

  • Are road signs, as used in the Highway Code, installed where necessary?

  • Are features such as fixed mirrors (to provide greater vision at blind bends),<br>road humps (to reduce vehicle speeds), or barriers (to keep vehicles and<br>pedestrians apart) provided where necessary?

Vehicle movements

  • Check that the need for reversing is kept to a minimum and, where
    reversing is necessary, that it is carried out safely and in safe areas

  • Have drive-through, one-way systems been used wherever possible to reduce<br>the need for reversing?

  • Where reversing areas are needed, are they suitably marked or signposted to<br>be clear to both drivers and pedestrians?

  • Are non-essential people excluded from areas where vehicles reverse?

  • If there is no alternative and you have to use a banksman to direct reversing<br>vehicles, are they adequately trained and visible?


  • Check that coupling and uncoupling of vehicles are carried out safely

  • Are the tractor and trailer parking brakes always applied before the hoses are<br>disconnected?

  • Do drivers check the ground will support the trailer and landing legs before<br>uncoupling?

  • Are landing legs always fully extended, properly padded and locked in place as<br>necessary?

  • Is the platform area behind the tractor unit kept clear, as clean as possible and<br>well lit to help prevent falls?

Loading/unloading activities

  • Check that there are safe systems for loading and unloading operations

  • Are loading/unloading operations carried out in an area away from passing<br>traffic, pedestrians and others not involved in the loading/unloading operation?

  • Are the load(s), the delivery vehicle(s) and the handling vehicle(s) compatible<br>with each other?

  • Are loading/unloading activities carried out on ground that is flat, firm and free<br>from potholes?

  • Are the vehicles braked and/or stabilised, as appropriate, to prevent unsafe<br>movements during loading/unloading operations?

  • Are systems in place to prevent vehicles driving away while they are still being<br>(un)loaded?

  • Are drivers and others kept in a safe place away from the vehicle during<br>(un)loading?

  • If drivers need to observe loading, is there a clearly marked, safe area for them<br>to do this?

  • Has the need for people to go onto the load area of the vehicle been eliminated<br>where possible and, if not, is safe access provided and used?

  • Is appropriate lifting equipment available for (un)loading vehicles?

  • Is loading/unloading carried out so that, as far as possible, the load is spread<br>evenly to avoid the vehicle or trailer becoming unstable?

  • Are checks made to ensure loads are adequately secured and arranged so that<br>they cannot move about?

  • Are checks made to make sure vehicles are not loaded beyond their capacity<br>before they leave the site?


  • Check that tipping operations are carried out safely

  • Do visiting drivers report to site staff for any relevant instructions before<br>tipping?

  • Are non-essential staff excluded from tipping areas?

  • Does tipping take place on ground that is level and stable, where there are no<br>overhead hazards such as power lines, pipework etc?

  • Where sites are not level and stable, are the tipping faces safe for vehicles<br>involved in tipping operations, eg compacted with no side slopes?

  • Are suitably sized wheel stops provided for reversing tipping vehicles?

  • Are tailgates secured open before tipping or removed completely when<br>necessary?

  • Do drivers check their loads are evenly distributed across the vehicle before<br>tipping?

  • Do drivers know what to do if loads stick while tipping?

  • Do drivers always make sure the body is completely empty, and drive no more<br>than a few metres forward to ensure the load is clear?

  • Is there a system of maintenance in place for the tipper and the tipping<br>mechanism?

Work at height on vehicles

  • Check that suitable and effective measures are in place to prevent falls
    from vehicles

  • Do you avoid work at height where it is reasonably practicable to do so, eg by<br>doing work from the ground?

  • Where work at height cannot be avoided, do you prevent falls using an existing<br>safe place of work or the right type of equipment, eg a suitable platform or a<br>gantry with guard rails?

  • Where the risk of a fall cannot be eliminated, do you minimise the distance and<br>consequences of a fall, eg using a personal fall-protection system?

  • Are surfaces slip-resistant where people need to walk on vehicles?


  • Check that sheeting and unsheeting operations are carried out safely

  • Can the sheeting operation be carried out from the ground?

  • Are sheeting/unsheeting operations carried out in safe parts of the workplace,<br>away from passing traffic and pedestrians and sheltered from strong winds and<br>bad weather?

  • Are the vehicles parked on level ground with their parking brakes on and the<br>ignition key removed?

  • Do you use automatic or mechanical sheeting systems to avoid the need for<br>manual sheeting?

  • Where manual sheeting is unavoidable, is there a system in place which avoids<br>the need for a person to climb on the vehicle or load, eg by sheeting from the<br>ground or providing a platform from which loads can be sheeted?

Vehicle selection and suitability

  • Check that vehicles are safe and suitable for the work for which they are
    being used

  • Have suitable vehicles and attachments been selected for the tasks which are<br>actually carried out?

  • Is there a safe means of access to and from the cabs and other parts that need<br>to be reached?

  • Is a suitable working platform and edge protection provided where necessary?

  • Do they have suitable external mirrors and additional aids (eg CCTV) where<br>necessary to provide the greatest visibility when manoeuvring?

  • Do they have horns, lights, reflectors, reversing lights and other safety features<br>as necessary?

  • Do they have effective service and parking brakes?

  • Do they have seats and seat restraints where necessary that are safe and<br>comfortable for users?

  • Are there guards to prevent access to dangerous parts of the vehicles, eg<br>power take-offs, chain drives, exposed exhaust pipes?

  • Are drivers protected against bad weather conditions, or an unpleasant working<br>environment, eg the cold, dirt, dust, fumes and excessive noise and vibration?

  • Is suitable driver protection against injury provided where necessary if there is<br>an overturn?

  • Is suitable driver protection provided where necessary to prevent them being hit<br>by falling objects?

  • Are operators involved with or consulted on vehicle selection?

Vehicle maintenance

  • Check that vehicles are maintained properly

  • Is there a regular preventative maintenance programme for every vehicle, carried<br>out at set times or mileage (eg in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions)?

  • Is there a system for reporting faults on the vehicle and associated equipment<br>and carrying out remedial work?

  • Where vehicle attachments lift people or objects, are thorough examinations<br>carried out by a competent person?

  • Do drivers carry out basic safety checks before using the vehicle?

Driver competence

  • Check that your selection and training procedures ensure your drivers and
    other employees are capable of performing their work activities safely and

  • Do drivers have the necessary licences or certificates for the vehicles they are<br>authorised to drive?

  • Do you check the previous experience of your drivers, making sure references<br>to training schemes and other qualifications are supported by certificates?

  • Do you assess them to ensure they are competent?

  • Do you provide site-specific training on how to perform the job, and information<br>about particular hazards, speed limits, the appropriate parking and loading<br>areas etc?

  • Do you have a planned programme of reassessment and refresher training for<br>drivers and others to ensure their continued competence?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.