Title Page

  • Area Inspected

  • Persons Inspecting

  • Business/Site

  • Date

  • Location


  • 1. All power outlets, plugs & switches in good condition (not broken) & tagged out if faulty?

  • 2. Safe use of extension leads / power boards? e.g. no double adaptors, piggyback plugs, overloading.

  • 3. All portable electrical equipment tested, tagged & in date (check tag on power cord)?

  • 4. All leads used are neatly set out to prevent trip hazards &/or be protected from water/liquid exposure?

  • 5. Lighting in the work area adequate for the work being carried out and is it in suitable condition?

  • 6. Any faulty equipment? If so, has it been tagged out? e.g. Yellow & Black ‘Do Not Use’ tag.


  • 7. Is excessive heavy manual lifting eliminated & are loads safely within employee capabilities?

  • 8. Are mechanical lifting aids available as required & are they used?

  • 9. Are frequently used items within easy access & stored between knee & shoulder height?

  • 10. Are sustained movements such as twisting, long-term bending, stooping or reaching above shoulder height eliminated or minimised/ managed?

  • 11. Repetitive movements minimised &/or controls such as task rotation & breaks taken?


  • 12. Where required, are there barriers to segregate pedestrians from traffic, &/or designated walkways?

  • 13. Is vision at intersections unobstructed?

  • 14. Are all forklift operators wearing seatbelts & travelling at a slow speed?

  • 15. Are all personnel in traffic areas wearing high visibility clothing /vests?

  • 16. Are forklifts sounding horn when entering/exiting doors &/or blind corners?

  • 17. All persons maintaining a distance of 3m from forklift trucks where possible to reduce risk of people & plant interaction?

  • 18. Is there a designated safe driver zone and/or clear direction to drivers in terms of where to stand when forklifts are loading/unloading?


  • 19. Are walkways clear of trip & slip hazards?

  • 20 . Are stairs/catwalks in good condition, with adequate handrails where required & have anti-slip treads?

  • 21. Only commercial ladders used (not household) & in good condition i.e. working order, rubber feet

  • 22. Ladders securely fixed at top where applicable?

  • 23. Are safety steps available where required?<br>Note – crates etc must not be used as a step.


  • 23. Appropriate equipment & tools used for the task/s at hand, & in good & safe condition?

  • 24. Start/stop devices (including emergency stops) appropriately positioned, clearly marked & working

  • 25. Adequate machine guarding in place where entanglement/injury could occur?

  • 26. Adequate work space around machine/s?

  • 27. If noise level excessive, is hearing protection available & being used

  • 28. Correct PPE available & used for tasks at hand


  • 29. Items stored correctly & neatly to minimise falling/collapsing hazards

  • 3 . Storage/warehouse racking in good & stable condition & marked with load limits where required

  • 31. Pallets that are used for dry & finished goods in good condition & stable

  • 32. Stored item loads above head height secured to pallet e.g. pallets of wine, dry goods


  • 33. Tools that are not in use kept in storage

  • 34. Work areas, including floors, uncluttered, tidy & clean, rubbish cleared at regular intervals

  • 35. Work areas well ventilated

  • 36. No smoking signs observed

  • 37. Appropriate safety signs in place & in suitable condition


  • 38. Gas cylinders secured/chained

  • 39. Appropriate PPE available, used as required & PPE storage facilities provided.

  • 4 . Safety Data Sheets (SDS) easily accessible & in date i.e. <5 years - check for a chemical in use.

  • 41. If a safety shower &/or eye wash station present, are they working? (test)

  • 42. Appropriate storage for chemicals?.

  • • Clean, tidy & segregated as required.

  • • Stored in closed, labelled containers i.e. Name, Dangerous Goods Class, Food safe, Hazard

  • • Bunding/spill trays in place for bulk chemicals to prevent spillage/ leakage

  • • Adequate chemical warning signs in place

  • • Flammable substances used & stored away from naked flames/hot work

  • • Chemicals &/or empty containers disposed of appropriately


  • 43. Hygiene - Staff room table, benches, sink area, fridge clean & tidy, bins not overflowing?

  • 44. Toilet areas clean & tidy – general housekeeping?


  • 45. Is fire-fighting equipment (extinguishers, fire blankets, fire hoses) in the work area:

  • • Easily accessible & free of obstructions?

  • • Been tested within the last 6 months (check tag)

  • 46. Are emergency evacuation instructions, map, names of emergency response/fire wardens etc clearly displayed?

  • 47. Are all emergency exits clear, easily accessible & exit lights in working order?

  • 48. Are first-aiders trained up to date, names displayed on notice boards &/or on first aid kits?

  • 49. Is an appropriately stocked first aid kit & register easily accessible & kit serviced within 12 months


  • 51. Work station adequate, set up correctly e.g. size, layout, computer screen height, Office chairs are in good working order & adjustable

  • 53. Air-con system maintained - date of last service within 12 months?

  • 54. No obstructions or trip hazards on floor, no draws left open etc.


  • Once inspection is conducted, pass to Department &/or Site Manager to review & establish actions required, in consultation with relevant staff.

  • Manager Responsible (Name, Signature & Sign Date)

  • Site Manager has reviewed? (Name, Signature & Sign Date)

  • Notify WHS Manager immediately regarding items raised that may:
    > Impose a significant risk to the health & safety of personnel &/or business
    > Be relevant to other sites
    > Be complicated to eliminate or reduce the risk & further advice is required

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.