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  • Background
    Public health orders continue and are modified periodically. All orders are designed to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Key definitions and order provisions are contained in each order. Questions regarding enforcement and interpretation of orders should be directed to your County Public Health Offices. This document provides guidance from the Wyoming Department of Health for restaurants and other places of public accommodation.

    A copy of the current statewide orders can be found at: https://covid19.wyo.gov/.

    General Guidance
    Grocery stores and certain retail stores – and their personnel – are crucial in providing food and supplies to communities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Stores that remain open should use the following guidelines from the Wyoming Department of Health:

  • 1. Personnel must STAY HOME when feeling sick. Personnel who arrive at work feeling sick should be separated from patrons and personnel. Personnel who are sick should be sent home and should call their healthcare provider.

  • 2. Train employees on best hygiene practices including washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Personnel and patrons should be vigilant with common-sense measures to limit spread of the virus:<br>a. STAY HOME when feeling sick, even if you don’t think you have COVID-19.<br>b. Cover coughs and sneezes in your elbow.<br>c. Do not touch your face, nose, or eyes with unwashed hands.

  • 3. To the greatest extent feasible, stores should limit crowding and encourage social distancing for personnel and patrons. While not possible in every situation, personnel and patrons should remain 6 feet apart. In addition:<br>a. Consider posting floor stickers to highlight appropriate distancing.<br>b. Consider posting signage encouraging distancing. The Food Industry Association developed signage for grocery stores. CDC also has signage and posters that can be used.

  • 4. Offer or enhance alternative shopping methods, including online shopping, curbside pickup, and delivery options.

  • 5. Provide shoppers and personnel with wipes or other disinfectants to use on carts, handles, touch pads, or other frequently touched areas. Provide alcohol-based sanitizer throughout the store.

  • 6. Increase cleaning and sanitation as much as possible.

  • 7. Grocery store and retail personnel should follow CDC guidance regarding wearing face coverings while at work. Customers should be encouraged to wear face coverings while in the store.

  • 8. Suspend food sampling, in-store events, and community solicitation until further notice.

  • Completed by (Name and Signature)

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