Title Page

  • Auditor

  • Site

  • Bussiness Unit

  • Specify

  • Facility Address
  • Facility Director or Manager

  • Audit Date

  • Audited Employees

Documentation and Training

General / Documentation

  • Facility have up-to-date OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001 or others safety certifications

  • Please list relevant certifications:

  • Unidade apresenta plano de segurança (contendo, por exemplo, procedimento de emergência, prevenção, exercícios de simulacros, plantas de emergência) Adicionar nota com campo aberto para colocarmos obsersações

  • Facility have up-to-date ISO 14001, EMAS or other environmental certifications

  • Please list relevant certifications.

  • Facility has necessary license(s) or permit(s)

  • Property use license, water borehole licenses, waste producer registration and other (if applicable)

  • Environmental Management system in place or in development

  • Informative question

  • Questions covered by written procedures (add safety documents)

  • List the other relevant written procedures

  • Drills of environmental emergency scenarios in the last 12 months

  • Drills of safety emergency scenarios in the last 12 months


  • Good environmental practices are known and implemented

  • Employees trained on relevant environmental matters

  • Training on emergency response

  • Teorical and/ or practical training on emergency response (e.g. fire, first aid response, others)

  • Training on environmental emergency plans

Facility Emergency Management

  • Building fire safety equipment with unobstructed access

  • Fire Detection System, Fire extinguisher, Fire Alarm Buttons, Fire hose reels, etc

  • Fire detectors in all compartments

  • Alarm siren installed and operational

  • Fire Alarm Buttons correctly signposted and operational

  • Fire Detection System installed

  • Fire Detection System maintenance up to date

  • Date of last maintenance carried out by competent personnel (month/year)

  • Fire control panel turned on and without malfunctions

  • Fire control panel properly signaled

  • Fire extinguishers available

  • Fire extinguishers maintenance up to date

  • Date of last maintenance carried out by competent personnel (month/year)

  • Fire extinguishers properly signaled

  • Fire Hose Reels

  • Fire Hose Reels maintenance up to date

  • Date of last maintenance carried out by competent personnel (month/year)

  • Fire Hose Reels properly signaled

  • Fire Hose Reels operating instructions available

  • There is a First Aid Kit available

  • First Aid Kit properly signaled

  • Material within its expiry date

  • Existing materials in accordance with the procedure and legislation in force

  • Chemical emergency Eyewash/shower available

  • Performed a functional check in the last year


Environmental Emergency

  • Facility have an environmental emergency plan

  • Accident prevention and containment equipments in use (retention basins, suitable equipment for liquid transfer, etc)

  • Are there Spill kits on site

  • Drills of environmental emergency scenarios realized in the last 12 months

Health & Safety

Facility Health & Safety

Risk Management

  • Risk assessment available on site

  • Risk assessment communicated to employees

  • Communications records available (training, email, etc)

  • After modifications, risk assessment or / and safety plan are re-evaluated

Chemical Management

  • Available procedures for the safe storage of each hazardous material used, in language(s) workers understand

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of the chemical products used are available

  • Employees know where and how to consult SDS

  • All chemical products are correctly stored, used, identified and labelled

  • Chemical reagents, medical gases, cleaning products, others


  • Autonomous Security Lighting Block installed

  • Autonomous Security Lighting Block last maintenance by competent personnel (month/year)

  • Passageways and escape routes are clear and unobstructed

  • All emergency exits are visually clear, follow the emergency and unlocked from the inside

Technical Areas

  • Is there a Laboratory on site?

  • Good laboratory practices are followed (ex. no eating, drinking, smoking or storing food in laboratory/ in areas where potentially infectious materials are present )

  • Are sharps boxes available within arms reach, in sight and routinely replaced when 3/4 full

  • Clear of all nonessential equipment

  • Utilização de bata apenas na zona laboratorial

  • Biosafety Cabinets

  • Armário de armazenamento de amostras de acordo com as orientações do fabricante

  • Is there a Pathology Laboratory on site?

Air Quality

  • Air quality monitoring device available

  • How often is air quality monitored? (Times per year)

  • All air quality measurements below exposure limits

  • Corretive Actions Plan in place

Specific PPE

  • Masks/respirators disponíveis

  • Filtros adequados

  • Filtros com indicação da data de abertura

Personal Protection Equipment

  • There is a procedure for using PPE by activity

  • Register of PPE deliveries to employees

  • There is visual posters requiring PPE utilization (quando aplicável)

  • Sapatos de segurança disponíveis e em uso (quando aplicável)

  • Os EPIs necessários são fornecidos, mantidos em bom estado e usados corretamente

  • Disposable (single use) gloves available and in use

  • Protective eyewear and face shields (quando aplicável)

  • Lab coats or gowns

  • Lab coats are cleaned by a professional laundry service

Radiology and Others

Radiological Protection - Confirmar o que pretendemos analisar

  • Radiological protection plan in force

  • Individual exposure radiation measurement

  • Lead coats available

  • Radiation barriers test


  • Compliance with triple packaging regulation

  • Samples and waste are transported in a safe way

  • Internal drivers knows the risks associated and have adequate PPE and training

  • Samples and waste are properly identified and packaged for transport


Environmental Aspects, Impacts and Risks

  • Relevant operations and instalations

  • Other

  • Implementation area characterization

  • There are any water sources in 1 km? (ex. river, sea, lake, etc)

  • Describe

  • Have there been any environmental complaints in the last 2 years?

  • Describe the situation(s)

Waste Management

  • Procedures in place to correctly manage and dispose waste

  • Adequate waste containers in use

  • Non-manual opening dustbins in all compartments compartments for regular waste, adequate containers for hazardous waste (sharp containers, etc)

  • Waste containers and storage areas are properly identified

  • Records of off-site transfer, treatment, and disposal of waste available and their monitoring

  • Where is the information available?

  • A licensed carrier remove waste. Transfer notes (consignment notes for special waste) in place. Transport documents, supplier records, others. Data about waste production and theatment available (quantities, types of waste, final destination, etc)

  • Is medical waste collected and disposed of via an approved Waste Contractor

  • Hazardous liquid waste, medicines and unused chemicals collected and disposed of via an approved Waste Contractor

  • Hazardous liquid waste, medicines and unused chemicals are being not disposed by the drain

  • Municipal solid waste is sorted for recycling

  • Waste is being properly segregated

  • Is hazardous waste segregated from non-hazardous. Different types of waste separated according to their categories

  • Waste Storage Areas

  • Exclusively for waste storage, signposted, difficult for clients to access, ventilated (naturally or artificially, has sufficient capacity and is easily washable and disinfectable

Air Emissions

  • Monitorization of air emissions (i.e. NOx, SOx, mercury, hazardous air pollutants) (when legally required)

  • Existence of pollution prevention devices on chimneys, vents, and extraction systems (eg. filters, etc)

  • Maintenance plan in place according to manufacturer

  • Maintenance plan in place for equipments using fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances

  • Refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pumps, chillers, others. Check for leaks included when mandatory

  • Maintenace of F-gases and ODS done by F-gases and ODS made by qualified personnel

  • Qualified personnel, from a company who hold a company certificate from an approved body, to carry out installation, servicing and to check for leaks

  • Mandatory records and reports are being assured

  • List of equipaments, maintenance records, annual reports, etc

Water Management

  • Facility Water Sources

  • Program and/or procedures to reduce water use or reuse/recycle water

  • Monitorization of water consumption in place

  • Treatment of wastewater prior to off-site discharge (when required)

  • Wastewater systems in place and licensed

  • Wastewater analysis program in force

  • There was any nonconforming results in the last 2 years?

  • Wastewater analysis program in force

  • There was any nonconforming results in the last 2 years?

Energy Efficiency

  • Monitorization of energy consumption in place

  • Program and procedures in place to reduce the use of energy

  • Equipment and lighting switched off when not in use or not being used, efficient lighting system, etc

  • Maintenance plans include equipment and structures relevant to energy efficiency

  • Climatization, etc


  • Are there any processes could lead to excessive noise, odours or biodiversity threats, i.e. that may lead to a complaint

  • Are those processes under control measures?

Final Notes


  • Overall Recommendations and Observations

  • Auditor's Name & Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.