
  • Audit Title

  • Pub Name:

  • Pub reference number:

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • This Building Condition Survey is an objective opinion by a Building Surveyor on behalf of Young's & Co Brewery. This report is for internal use only.

    Inspections involve reviewing the inside and outside of the main buildings and all other structures associated with the asset.

    The premises will be given an overall rating of low risk, medium risk or high risk.

    This is a visual inspection. Therefore no floor materials, furniture or paneling is removed. Roofs and chimneys will generally only be inspected at street level.

Has the FRA and Asbestos Report Been Reviewed?

Budgeting - To Maintain Young's Standards What Value of Spend Would Be Required Over 5 Years

    Add Cost
  • Year

  • Works description

  • Code

  • Cost

Property Inspection

  • Photo of the Main Elevation. Include Brief Description of The Property Including Outbuildings and Land Within The Demise. Comment on Listed Building Status, Heritage Features and Any Unique Details


  • Were There Any Limitations To The Survey? If So, Please Fully Describe.

Maintenance Rating for the 'Elements' 1 - No Works Required 2 - Desirable Work Required 3 - Essential Work Required External Fabric - Are the Elements in Good Condition? Remedy Customer Eyesores

  • Car Parking, Roads, Patios, Walkways, Steps/Stairs, Hardstanding’s, etc.<br>Safe from Slips, Trips and Falls in all Areas. Deep Pot Holes to be Filled and Loose Paving Stones Relaid.

  • Retaining Walls, Boundary walls, Fencing, Barriers etc.<br>Safe and Secure. Customer Facing Fencing to be Repaired.

  • Roofs & Chimneys Including Soffits, Fascia, Bargeboards, Valleys etc.<br>Wind, Water-tight and Free From Safety Issues

  • Rainwater Goods, Waste Pipes, Gullies, Gratings etc?<br>No leaks, Displaced Joints, Blockages or Visible Eyesores

  • External Decorations<br>Customer Facing; No Damaged Surfaces, Mould or Mildew Growth, No Signs of Excessive Staining from Leaks. Non-Customer Facing, Ensure Integrity of Building

  • Pointing/Rendering/Brickwork (general facade)<br>Repair defective areas where required ensure all areas are sound. Any areas of blown/loose render,

  • Gardens, Fields, etc.<br>Description, Grass or Paved. Any remedial works required.

  • Jumbrellas, Stretch Tents, Burger Shack, External Bar, Garden Structures<br>Lighting and Heating in Good Working Order. Timers on Heaters. Replace Skin if Damaged

  • Play Equipment. Safe, Secure, Play Area Surfacing

  • External Lighting and Signage.<br>All Working, Walkways Adequately Illuminated, Timeclocks Correct for Trading Times, Security Lighting Where Required

  • Doors, Doorways, Pediments, Portals, Porches, Canopies etc.<br>Safe, Secure, Bristle Strips, Clean.<br>Customer facing; doors to be In good decoration.<br>Non-Customer facing; to be maintained to keep integrity.

  • Windows, Conservatories etc.<br>Water-tight, Clean, Window Locks, Restrictors Fitted to Upper floor Windows

  • Underground Drainage<br>Clear blockages, Any Reported Historic and Recurring Issues,

Internal Fabric - Are the Elements in Good Condition? Remedy Customer Eyesores

  • Entrance lobby <br>No obvious damage, Safe & secure; Welcome Matting in Good Order.

  • DDA Access - General Access, Ramps, Parking, Internal and External Steps & Stairs, Doorbell at Entrance

  • Flooring & Steps <br>Patch Repairs/Replace Where Unsafe. No Trip Hazards, Replace Barrier Matting Where Required, Clean Heavily Soiled Areas.

  • Internal Decorations<br>Customer Facing; No Damaged/Flaking Surfaces, Mould or Mildew Growth, No Signs of Excessive Staining From Leaks. Non-Customer Facing, Ensure Integrity of Building

  • Furniture<br>Safe and Clean, No Ripped or Torn Seat & Back Pads with Exposed Foam. Wooden Tables Able to be Cleaned Properly, Chair legs Secure

  • Internal Lighting <br>All Clear and Working, LED Lamps Fitted Throughout

  • Bar area<br>Re-Polish and Repair Where Appropriate; Shelving Not Damaged and Free From Bar Flies<br>Serverclean Installed

  • Toilets inc DDA Accessible Toilets<br>Toilet Ventilation to be Fully Functional, Water Saving Devices Fitted Where Possible

  • Trade Kitchen<br>All Flooring Undamaged, Washable. All Walls Undamaged, Washable, Food Prep Areas Washable. All in Good Condition, If Not Refer to Operations

  • Kitchen Equipment <br>All Equipment Sufficent to Deliver Youngs Menu. All Equipment Safe and Clean, all Legs/Wheels to Work Surfaces and Equipment Fit for Purpose.

  • Grease trap<br>Clear and Operational

  • Cellar<br>Adequate Cooling, No Mould, No Flaking Paintwork or Stock on the Floor.

  • Sump pump<br>Clear and Operational

  • Roof Void. Access Hatches, Insulation, Boarded with Lighting for Out for Water Tank Inspections

  • Accommodation staff


  • Water supply<br>Location of Stop Cock and Water Meter, No Leaks, Good Pressure.

  • Electricity<br>Location of Electricity Meter, Area Clear of Combustibles

  • Gas<br>Location Gas Meter

  • Does the premises have LPG tanks? If YES, do the tanks meet legislation? All compounds should have a concrete base; compound with 1.5 metres clear from face of tank; chain link fence; two access gates; and no combustible materials within 3 metres of tank face. LPG tanks adjacent to vehicular access may require protection.

  • Refrigerated/AC Equipment<br>Check Flooring, Confirm all Fully Operational

  • Boiler & Water Heater<br>Make/Model, Ensure Compartment Complies with Young's Standards

  • Tumble dryer<br>Operational and Compliant with Young's Standards

Hotel - Are the Elements in Good Condition? Remedy Customer Eyesores

  • Hotel Communal Areas

  • Hotel Bedrooms

  • Are There Any Site Specific Issues That Any Future Building Surveyor Visiting The Site Should be Made Aware Of? If So, Please State in Detail.

  • Building Surveyor Signature

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