
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Have emergency procedures been developed, e.g. evacuating the site in case of fire?

  • Are operatives aware of any site specific procedures?

  • Are operatives aware of means of raising the alarm?

  • Are there adequate escape routes and are they kept clear?<br>

  • Do operatives have copies of Method Statement and Risk assessment, read understood and complying with both?

  • Are operatives aware of site emergency contact numbers?

  • Are operatives aware of any site signing IN/OUT procedures?

  • Are operatives aware of any permit to work requirements?

  • Are operatives of Planning Supervisors name and contact details?

  • Do work areas have adequate lighting?

  • Are arrangements for collection and disposal of waste material sufficient?

  • Are work areas clean and tidy?

  • Are work areas level and free from tripping hazards?

  • Are warning / danger signs displayed?

  • Are any floor penetrations / openings securely guard railed with specific indication of danger labelling?


  • Are any quantities of flammable substances kept to a minimum?

  • Are proper storage facilities provided for flammable materials provided?

  • Are flammable materials returned to the correct storage facility at the end of the shift?

  • Area designated for storage of materials clearly signed as NO smoking and other sources of ignition prohibited?

  • Are gas cylinders and associated equipment in good serviceable condition?

  • Are values fully closed on cylinders when not in use?

  • Are cylinders stored externally?

  • Are adequate bins provided for storing waste?

  • Are flammable and combustible waste collected regularly?

  • Are the correct number and types of fire extinguishers and blankets available, accessible and serviced?

  • Are extinguishers service interval tags visible and up to date?


  • Have adequate personal clothing and correct equipment for tasks been provided and available?

  • Is all clothing and equipment in good condition?

  • Are operatives sufficiently trained to use specific equipment supplied?


  • Have suitable and sufficient numbers of toilets and washing facilities available?

  • Are washing facilities clean and tidy with soap, towels and hot water available?

  • Are there facilities for changing, drying and storing clothes available?

  • Is wet weather clothing available for use in adverse weather conditions?

  • Are hot and cold drinking water available?

  • Are facilities available to sit, eat and prepare food?

  • Are first aid facilities adequate and available?

  • Are welfare facilities easily accessible to all operatives?

Public Protection:

  • Are work areas adequately protected / fenced to prevent accidental access from the public?

Plant and Machinery:

  • Are the correct plant and machinery equipment being used correct for the tasks to be carried out?

  • Are all service certificates available for specific equipment available?

  • Are all dangerous moving parts etc on machinery guarded?

  • Are guards secure and in good condition?

  • Are any safety devices on machinery in good repair and operating correctly?

  • Are all electrical equipment tagged with PAT test notification labels?

  • Are all electrical equipment being used of the correct voltage i.e. 110V - 24V?


  • Are portable towers erected and dismantled by trained operatives?

  • Are we operating a 'scafftag' system on all scaffolds?

  • Are there safe access routes to fixed scaffold ladders?

  • Are fixed scaffolds erected and scaff tagged by a competent person(s)?

  • Are adequate guardrails and toe boards or equivalent means of protection sufficient?

  • Are intermediate hand / guard rails fitted at works faces?

  • Are working and loading platforms fully boarded and arranged to avoid tripping?

  • Are materials storage areas sized sufficiently and do not impede access?

  • Are records of scaffold alterations, inspections etc maintained?

Steps / Ladders:

  • Are ladders complete with inspection tags?

  • Are ladders correctly sized for the tasks being carried out?

  • Are ladders securely tied to prevent movement?

  • Are ladder sections raised sufficiently above their landing place with adequate hand rails?

  • Are ladders positioned correctly for ease of access and nature of immediate surrounding area?

Powered Access Equipment:

  • Are service certificate / records available?

  • Is equipment installed by competent persons i.e. hoists?

  • Are working platforms sufficient for tasks being carried out?

  • Are operatives using equipment trained to do so?

  • Are operatives isolating and locking off power supply at the end of working shifts?

Roof Work:

  • Is a permit to work in operation?

  • Are sufficient barriers etc in place on all edges?

  • Are body harness anchor points available if required?

  • Are crawling boards etc if required sufficient for tasks being carried out?

  • Are fragile roof areas, material storage zones adequately marked with surrounding barriers?

  • Are additional precautions been taken to stop debris or materials falling onto operatives below?

  • Are areas below excluded for both access and working?


  • Is a permit to work in operation?

  • Are adequate timber, props, sheeting available before work begins?

  • Is material strong enough to support sides?

  • Is safe method of installing supports being used that does not require people working within an unsupported trench?

  • Are sides of excavation sloped back to prevent collapse?

  • Is there safe means of access and egress?

  • Are hand rails and signage around excavation?

  • Are secure stop blocks in place to prevent vehicles reversing into trench?

  • Are materials and spoil stored a sufficient distance from trench sides?

  • Is the excavation inspected by a competent person at the start of every shift?

Confined Space:

  • Is a permit to work in operation?

  • Are operatives trained to work in confined spaces?

  • Are operatives trained to use and test any specific equipment prior to entry i.e. breathing apparatus?

  • Are operatives provided with correct safety equipment for the tasks to be carried out?

  • Are all service / calibration certificates available for specific equipment being used available?

  • Is all equipment stored correctly at the end of each shift and tested for functionality prior to each shift commencing?

Manual Handling:

  • Has the risk of manual handling been assessed?

  • Are sack barrows etc provided to keep movement and manual handling to a minimum?

  • Are materials i.e. cable drums ordered with both weight and size considerations?


  • Is the hoist mechanically protected to prevent operatives being struck by moving parts or falling objects?

  • Are gates provided at all landings?

  • Are operatives trained to use hoist(s)?

  • Are hoist(s) safe working loads clearly indicated?

  • Are hoists tested and inspected regularly?

  • Are hoist power supplies isolated and locked off at the end of the working shift?

Traffic and Vehicles:

  • Have separate pedestrian and vehicle access points around the site been provided?

  • Have one way or turning points been provided?

  • Have operatives been trained in vehicle and traffic management?

  • Are operatives provided with adequate barriers, cones etc?

  • Are routes for emergency vehicles clear?

  • Have appropriate authorities been notified of nature and timing of works being carried out?

Hazardous Substances:

  • Are data / COSHH sheets available for all substances being?

  • Have all materials being used been correctly identified and assessed?

  • Have risk to operatives who may be exposed to these substances been assessed?

  • Have precautions been identified and put in place?


  • Are operatives supplied with ear plugs / defenders?

  • Are silencers / mufflers fitted to noisy equipment?

  • Are time and operative numbers exposed to noisy environment kept to a minimum?

  • Are warning signs in place to notify personnel of noisy machinery on automatic or remote start up?


  • Are all tools and equipment of the correct voltages applicable?

  • Are applicable electrical safety devices i.e. RCD's in use?

  • Are electrical devices correct for area of use i.e. Hazardous Ex zones?

  • Have all power supplies been identified and labelled for isolation in cases of emergency?

  • Are there any overhead lines within vicinity of cranes, hoists etc?

  • Is all equipment visually inspected and periodically tested with PAT test certification?

  • Have all reasonable / practical attempts been made to avoid any "Live" working?

  • Are adequate mandatory procedures in place whilst any "Live testing" work is being carried out?


  • Is the environmental policy available on site?

  • Have we taken into account waste disposal?

  • Have we considered hazardous spillages?

  • Have we considered gas releases?

  • Do we have correct control measures for disposal of redundant equipment?

  • Have we considered emissions from equipment / vehicles etc.

  • Have we considered any contamination issues?

Test Equipment:

  • Is all test equipment in calibration?

  • Is the appropriate equipment being used appropriately?

  • Is any of the test equipment damaged?




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REVIEWED BY(Director H&S):

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.