Stockroom Safety Review
Store Name
Conducted on
Completed by
Exclusion Zones - Can team explain what it is and how it works ? Is it been used?
Traffic Management Plan - can team articulate this? Is there a drivers safety zone?
All pallets in racking fully wrapped inc around pallet?
Forklift Review - verify records are up to date inc wof, users, daily checks ?
Forklift driver wearing a seatbelt?
Forklift keys removed from hoist/lift/reach?
Safety Station set up and in use?
Are safety Egress clear? Fire doors and switchboards.
Are Mezzanine floor barriers in place?
Are bread dollies, empty pallets and shelving stored correctly? (Not on sides etc)
Is cleaners cupboard up to standard?
Housekeeping, Is the stockroom floor free from debri and slip/trip material?