Title Page

  • Incident Report Number:

  • Date and Time Report was compiled:

  • Suburb affected:

  • Clusters affected:

  • Location of identified damages:
  • MTTR:

  • Actual time to diagnose issue:

  • RNO/ANO Responsible:

  • Line Manager/Exco Member:

  • Person/s who reported the damages:

  • Date and Time damages were reported:

Details of Damage

  • 1. Actual date of damage:

  • 2. Actual time of damage (exact time that the network/infrastructure was damaged):

  • 3. Reason we became aware of the damage (Clients Downtime/NOC alert etc.)

  • 4. Number of services affected:

  • 5. Number of ISPs are affected:

  • 6. NOC Report:

  • Provide a copy of the Active Teams report:

  • Reason for not obtaining the NOC Report from the Active Team:

  • 7. Actual location of damage (Specify Street name (and property number where possible))

  • Actual GPS co-ordinates of damage locations:

  • 8. Type of Cable:

  • Size of cable:

  • 9. Cable Label:

  • 10. What is the severity of the damage?

  • Provide images of the site and damage/s

  • 11. Structured details of damage on site:

  • Provide footage of the site and damages:

  • 12. Provide a diagram of affected network:

  • 13. Cost of damages: (ZAR)

  • 14. Obtain witness statements from neighbors, bystanders and/or third parties

  • Provide Copies of witness statements:

  • Reason for not obtaining witness statements:

  • 15. Has a SAPS case been opened?

  • Provide SAPS CAS number and details of investigating officer:

  • Reason for not opening a Case with the SAPS:

  • 16. Additional information:

Details of Parties Involved

  • Actual time Team arrived on site:

  • Who was on site upon arrival? (Contractors / Third Parties / Witnesses)

  • Provide images of the above-mentioned Parties on site:

  • Obtain witness statements from neighbors, bystanders and/or third parties:

  • Provide Copies of witness statements:

  • Reason for not obtaining witness statements:

  • Contact details and particulars of parties on site: (Provide as much detail as possible)

  • Who is the liable party and why?

  • Details of liable party (Company/Individual name, address, contact details, project manager, subcontractors and main contractor details)

Details of Repair

  • What work needed to be done to get the network up? (Interim and permanent if applicable)

  • How long will this work take?

  • Total Cost of Repair: (ZAR)

  • Recommendation on mitigating potential further damage:

  • Additional information:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.