Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Branch

  • Manager on duty

  • Inspector



  • Doors and handles are clean (including rubber seals)

  • Shelves are clean (no dust, no food residues)

  • Freezer is frequently and properly defrosted and has no ice

  • Probe in use , accurate and in good working order .wipes available?

  • Ice/boiling water probe accuracy records available/ actions been taken and recorded on a monthly basis

  • All food in the freezer is below -18°C

  • All food in the fridge is below 5°C

  • Eggs are stored in the refrigerator

  • Ice machine is clean and free of mildew

  • Ice scoop is stored not in contact with ice and not in manner that might contaminate it

  • All food Is covered (containers in use on peak may be uncovered)

  • Food is stored in an organized manner that prevents cross-contamination (raw food below RTE food.At least 6 inchesabove the floor.

  • No Expired food/beverage is present


  • employees are in clean and hygiene uniform and hairy hands are covered

  • Hairnets worn by all staff and hairs well trimmed ?

  • male employees are well shaved

  • Are nails well trimmed ?

  • All employees are trained on proper hand washing?

  • Now wash your hands sign displayed

  • No Staff is present with cold- or flu-like symptoms or other communicable or infectious disease

  • Staff hands are easily cleanable jewelers limited to plain ring only.

  • Staff contact ready-to-eat food with bare hands

  • Team Members that are handling food with an open sore or cut must have it adequately covered with a blue bandage

  • staff use gloves in the correct manner (nocross-contamination, not re-used, not torn, proper size and Yes length)

  • Hand washing sink is well stocked with soap and single use towels

  • No Employee belongings are present in the kitchen on preparation surfaces or storage units


  • Are the staff following personal hygiene rules

  • Gloves are used properly and changed when required or as needed.<br>Hands shall be properly washed before putting on gloves and between glove changes.

  • Not washing hands upon arrival to work station.<br>Not washing hands upon entering the kitchen when returning to work station.

  • Not washing hands after coughing, sneezing, touching face, hair or other people.<br>Not washing hands prior to food prep, utensil handling.<br>Not washing hands after smoking, eating, drinking, cleaning or taking a break.<br>Not washing hands when going from handling raw meats/dirty produce to ready-to-eat foods.

  • Proper drinking/eating and tobacco used only in designated areas.<br>Team Members are not permitted to eat or drink on the line or in any prep areas,


  • Floors In all kitchen areas are clean

  • Hard to clean areas (exposed pipes, hidden corners)are treated and cleaned correctly

  • Hand washing stations are clean, Handwash sinks are not used for purposes other than handwashing.

  • Detergents are labeled with name and use

  • Employees know how and where to use each detergent ( no detergent is being used in the wrong manner)

  • Microwave is clean and free of residue

  • Stoves, ovens, grill and work surfaces are clean

  • Oven hood is clean and free of grease, all fryers are grease and well maintained

  • Is the electric fly killer clean and in working order


  • No Food that Is expired is present

  • Food is cooled,thawed (defrosted) correctly

  • Food contact surfaces are sanitized

  • Food is handled with utensils in a manner that prevents cross-contamination (color coded cutting boards are available, food handling is safe and does not promote cross-contamination)

  • Food is held at acceptable temperatures in Bain-marie (above 60°C) and Bain marie is pre-heated before placing hot food

  • Food is cooked to minimum internal temperature (75°C) and Employees know minimum internal temperature

  • Vegetable sanitation

  • use acid strips to test frying oil

  • Garbage cans are clean and placed away from food and not overflowing


  • All food and all food containers are stored at least 15cm off<br>the floor

  • FEFO (First Expired First Out) is respected

  • Food is received labeled with a production and expiry date by the supplier

  • Is the storage air conditioned ?

  • Food is covered ( containers in use on peak may be uncovered)


  • Dishwashing area and the floors around it are clean

  • Dishwasher is clean and free of food residues, No leakages limescale or debris buildup?

  • No steel wool pads are used

  • The temperature of the dishwasher reaches at least 82C Manual dishwashing is done with warm water

  • Drying shelves and storage shelves are free and isolated from of any foreign object that would cause contamination (employee clothing, cleaning equipment, garbage cans, dirty dishes, open windows, water splashes)

  • The flow of dishwashing procedure doesn't allow dirty dishes to be in contact with clean ones

  • Garbage can in the dishwashing area is not overflowing (it may be uncovered)

  • Dishwashing detergents are correctly used, properly stocked<br>and correctly connected to the dishwasher (tubes are straight Yes and unclogged)


  • Fridge/freezer temperatures are monitored at least twice daily and documented with temperature control sheets that are correctly filled

  • Calibration of thermometers is being done and logs are being filled once/day

  • Receiving records are available and properly filled and clearly mention receiving temperatures

  • Cleaning checklist is available and properly followed and filled

  • Personal hygiene record

  • Hot holding monitoring form

  • Oil change monitoring checklist

  • Oven cleaning record

  • cooking temperature record

  • Ice scoop sanitiser

  • Vegetable/fruit sanitizing record CCP

  • Ecolab product guidance and safety is available in Store

  • unify municipality book as per the list

  • Health card filled with municipality file ?


  • Machines and utensils are in good repair

  • Light fixtures in fridges and freezers are protected in a<br>manner that prevents food contamination in case of Breakage

  • Walls and ceilings are in good repair (no moisture, no peeling paint, no broken panels, no holes)

  • Floors are in good repair (no broken tiles)

  • All garbage cans are covered, foot activated and in good<br>repair (garbage can in the dishwashing area may be uncovered

  • Doors and handles of fridges and freezers are in good repair (including rubber seals)

  • Air vents of fridges and freezers are in good repair and no dripping


  • Pest control management. Regular visits. All recommendations auctioned and signed off

  • Any evidence of pests ?

  • Have all points raised from all previous audits been actioned?

  • Any other comments of observations

  • Any warnings today? Written or Verbal


  • Manager On duty signature

  • Inspector signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.