
  • Restaurant Name:

  • Restaurant Number:

  • Completed by:

  • Manager on Duty:

  • Conducted on

Ops Manager Audit

Audit Result

Customer Experience


  • Restaurant looks professional with clean frontage & awnings out by 10am?

  • Signage clean, lit and visible?

  • Current A-boards & posters displayed, no broken A-boards?

  • Inviting, clean and tidy entrance?

  • Correct Menu on display in all menu boxes?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos:


  • Was woodwork and paint in good condition?

  • Was external clean and ashtrays emptied?

  • Were all external planting in good condition & free from litter?

  • Was the outside area set up, swept and no weeds visible?

  • Was the refuse area clean and tidy?

  • Were all external furniture in good condition?

  • Were the windows clean?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Display Areas

  • Do all blackboards display correct message (as per gazetta)?

  • Is wine display clean, orderly and with slate labels?

  • Retail display: Are customers aware of our retail items?

  • Are all team notices/how to cards/QRGs out of customer view?

  • Is front kitchen tidy/organised - with plates not stacked too high and no plastic tubs or blue bags on display?

  • Was the team photo board up to date and to spec?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Look and Feel

  • Was table set up correct? (Wine glasses/clean full oils with correct pourers/full salt & pepper/T-lights from 5pm)

  • Are all chairs clean and sturdy?

  • Are all high chairs clean/with fitted straps and with notice attached?

  • Does Bar area appear clean/tidy fully stocked and organised from a customers view?

  • Hot drinks area: is the coffee machine and surrounding area clean and organised with only Latte/espresso glasses available?

  • Music: Is Zizzi music playing? (No evidence of iPods being plugged in)

  • Is lighting level appropriate for the time of day?

  • Is staff uniform being worn correctly by all?<br>FOH: dark blue jeans/zizzi white t-shirt/apron/black shoes (no trainers)<br>BOH: chef uniform/correct hat for position/full shoes (no crocs)<br>Mgmt: Looks like the manager!<br>General: No jewellery

  • Children's menu available and given to every child. Sharp pencils available (no crayons). Balloons and chef hats available and given every time.

  • Baby bottle warmer available?

  • Menus clean?

  • Up to date Allergen Menu available for customers?

  • Equality Act 2010: Accessible restaurant and toilets. Braille menu available?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Product Serve

  • Drinks: All served in correct glass?

  • Drinks: All served correctly? (With ice and lemon where appropriate)

  • House Bread Bucket served with oil and vinegar poured at the table?

  • Cutlery: Correct cutlery laid prior to starters being delivered? (Add knife and fork for starters, pasta for all long pasta dishes)

  • Condiments: Grana Padano offered with all pasta dishes and balsamic where appropriate.

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.


  • Select 4 dishes from top 10 sellers list or current focus. (Take into account appearance and quality as per 'How to Cards' and check that the correct crockery is being used.

  • Dish 1:

  • Was it to spec?

  • Add photo of dish.

  • Dish 2:

  • Was it to spec?

  • Add photo of dish.

  • Dish 3:

  • Was it to spec?

  • Add photo of dish.

  • Dish 4:

  • Was it to spec?

  • Add photo of dish.

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Dough Quality

  • Is the right volume of dough available for the day's service?

  • Is the following days' dough sprayed with water and defrosting from 3pm?

  • Is wholemeal dough available?

  • Has whole meal dough been defrosted in blue bags?

  • Are dough sticks/focaccia fresh and labelled (4 hrs)? And the correct volume for that service?

  • Unless peak shift - there should be no focaccia prepped?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Coffee Quality

  • Coffee machine and hopper - clean and well maintained?

  • Coffee brew log in place?

  • Order coffee - was aroma/body/cream and served to spec?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Gents Toilets

  • All contact surfaces clean and in good condition (floor/walls/ceilings)?

  • Hot and cold water running to all sinks?

  • Were the sinks clean & in good condition, all taps working?

  • Were the hand dryers working and clean?

  • Did all cubicles have a working lock and graffiti free?

  • Were all the toilet plans clean, seats in working order (not loose) & fully stocked toilet paper?

  • Were all the urinals clean & fully working?

  • All bins clean and well maintained?

  • Were all mirrors and vanity units clean & well maintained?

  • Sinks fully stocked with Zizzi soap and moisturiser?

  • All vents clean and in good condition?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Ladies Toilets

  • All contact surfaces clean and in good condition (floor/walls/ceilings)?

  • Hot and cold water running to all sinks?

  • Were the sinks clean & in good condition, all taps working?

  • Were the hand dryers working and clean?

  • Did all cubicles have a working lock and graffiti free?

  • Were all the toilet plans clean, seats in working order (not loose) & fully stocked toilet paper?

  • All bins clean and well maintained?

  • Were all mirrors and vanity units clean & well maintained?

  • Sinks fully stocked with Zizzi soap and moisturiser?

  • All vents clean and in good condition?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Disabled Toilets and Baby Change

  • All contact surfaces clean and in good condition (floor/walls/ceilings)?

  • Hot and cold water running to all sinks?

  • Were the sinks clean & in good condition, all taps working?

  • Were the hand dryers working and clean?

  • Did all cubicles have a working lock and graffiti free?

  • Were all the toilet plans clean, seats in working order (not loose) & fully stocked toilet paper?

  • All bins clean and well maintained?

  • Were all mirrors and vanity units clean & well maintained?

  • Sinks fully stocked with Zizzi soap and moisturiser?

  • All vents clean and in good condition?

  • Emergency cord and alarm fully operational and accessible? (Not tied up)

  • All support handles clean and secure?

  • Are baby changing facilities available, are they clean & in a good state of repair? (QS notice must be displayed for changing tables with both straps in place)

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.


Management and Team

  • Are this week's key shifts covered by a salaried manager?

  • Live Bookings: Are all sessions open?

  • Live Bookings: Is the grid of ticks set up for key sessions?

  • Is current week's Gazetta on display on the Talk Wall?

  • Did you witness a team brief take place?

  • Was the team brief sheet completed with sales target per waiter and included current focus?

  • Was the Ops Manager Commitments Poster on display on the talk wall?

  • Is an energy audit and action plan in place and being followed?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Bar/Dessert Section:

  • Was the restaurant floor clean and in good condition? (Including corners and ledges)

  • All tables and chairs clean and in good condition (check tables balance and chairs are solid)?

  • High chairs clean, solid, 2 straps, safety notice attached to each and stored safely?

  • Drink Fridges clean, in good condition and holding temperature?

  • Was the ice machine clean?(check filter, inside for mould, seals and scoop stored hygienicly)

  • Was the glass washer clean?(no pink residue in corners, and spray arms cleaned)

  • Was the dessert fridge clean, in good condition (check seals/filters) and temp set to 2/3 degrees?

  • Was the dessert freezer clean, in good condition (check seals/filters), defrosted and temp set to -18 degrees?

  • Were the desert utensils in good condition, stored safely with separate utensils for dairy/non dairy and nut products?

  • We're all products stored correctly (eg pistachio ice cream on bottom shelf/sorbet on the top)?<br>

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.


  • All products within approved company shelf life/BBE/use by dates? (include items in whole restaurant - not just the kitchen)

  • All products covered and day dotted using correct system (no blanket dating or re-labelled items)?

  • Storage and handling of high risk foods and nut products as per company policy?

  • Hot and cold running water to all hand wash sinks. Hot water temp suitable to permit effective hand washing?

  • All hand wash sinks clean and fully stocked? (Green soap and blue roll)

  • Hand washing evident, acceptable frequency and especially after handling nuts/contamination (handshake)?

  • No evidence of pest activity?

  • No loose/cracked power sockets or split cables?

  • Are all surfaces clean and in good condition (floor,ceiling,walls)?

  • Are all surfaces sanitised prior to preparation/use?

  • Are all containers and storage items clean and in good condition? (No old date dots/residue)

  • Are all utensils and cooking equipment including pasta pans in good condition and oiled (no rust) and alforno dishes clean?

  • All chopping boards not overly scored and hygienic and all knives stored correctly?

  • Is the Tin opener and base plate clean and in good condition?

  • Pizza oven clean and in good condition with temperature set to a minimum of 300 degrees?

  • Hand contact surfaces clean and in good condition (focus on taps and fridge handles)?

  • No glass in the kitchen?

  • All fridges clean and well maintained? (Check seals for splits, and drip trays clean)

  • All fridges below 5 degrees?

  • 4 hour rule understood and followed - check dough sticks/buffalo mozzarella?

  • Company cooling process adhered to? (90 mins and below 10 degrees before put away?)

  • Were the canopy and filters free from grease?

  • Was a clean, calibrated working probe available & sanitizer wipes available?

  • Microwaves clean - check roof of microwave inside?

  • Gas Hobs clean and chefs aware how to clean using suma D9.8?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Walk in Fridge/Upright Fridges

  • Door clean and in good condition? Seals clean and intact?

  • Clean unit - including corners and racking? (Check for rust and dirt) and working light?

  • Organised rotated stock (fifo) external packaging removed, fridge plan followed?

  • High risk food stored separately, nut products clearly separated and labelled?

  • Temperature lower than 5 degrees?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Walk in Freezer/Chest Freezer

  • Door clean and in good condition (seals clean and intact)?

  • Interior is clean and floor is swept and racking clean? (Check for rust and dirt)

  • Organised, stock rotated, high risk items stored separately (freezer plan followed)?

  • Temperature at -18 degrees or less?

  • All open packets covered (dates/batch numbers available)?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Pot Wash Area

  • Contact surfaces clean and well maintained (floor, ceiling, walls)?

  • Food prep sinks - clean and hygienic?

  • Dishwasher clean and in good condition? (Check inside hood, spray arms, filter, tracks and canopy)

  • Colour coded mops and buckets in use? Clean mop heads and not left in water when not in use?

  • Safe practices for storage and disposal of broken glass? (Broken glass/crockery bin container available?)

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Chemical Store

  • Chemical store is locked?

  • Clean, organised and in good condition?

  • Only approved chemicals in use and stored in appropriate (original) containers?

  • Chemical storage chart displayed and followed? (Toilet cleaner on bottom shelf)

  • PPE available (goggles,mask,gloves)?

  • COSHH chart on wall near chemical store and data sheets available but not locked away?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Staff Room/Other Areas

  • Clean and organised?

  • No dirty uniforms/shoes should be present?

  • Staff toilets clean and fully stocked - green soap/hand towels/toilet paper?

  • Hot and cold water to hand wash sink?

  • Boiler room clear of storage? (No combustibles)

  • Was the office clean, tidy and organised?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.


Restaurant Certificates/Licensing

  • In date gas certificate?

  • In date electrical certificate? (FWT and PAT)

  • GM visual electrical check completed within last 6 months or change of GM?

  • Lift Service Certificate?

  • Coffee machine pressure test?

  • Flue and Extract clean completed?

  • A3 Health and Safety poster

  • A4 Health and Safety policy poster?

  • Employers liability certificate - in date?

  • Site specific risk assessments and reviewed within 12 months?

  • Fitness to work poster?

  • First Aid poster updated?

  • Food Safety/H&S ops manual?

  • Crisis/incident management poster on display?

  • Rentokil folder up to date and all recommendations actioned and signed off?

  • Hicom checked and recent use of system evident?

  • DPS authorisation document signed by DPS and team

  • License and section 57 on public display?

  • No old allergen information at site?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Fire Safety

  • Fire assembly point and fire drill completed in last 6 months with 50% of team?

  • Fire alarm and emergency lighting tests carried out weekly and documented?

  • Evidence of fire safety equipment being tested and maintained?

  • Fire risk assessment in place and reviewed every 6 months?

  • Were all fire exits clear and unobstructed? Clearly marked and exits closed but not locked?

  • No internal fire doors wedged open?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Safe and Clean checks

  • Cleaning Rota's in place, up to date and being followed?

  • Current days temp checks completed and no evidence of falsified records in last 4weeks?

  • Any high temperature recorded has actions noted and where applicable waste recorded?

  • 2 hot food checks completed and temperature target met?

  • Delivery temperature records within limits and include batch codes?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.


  • All staff files locked in filing cabinet in locked office?

  • Pre-employment medical questionnaire, fire safety training and essentials of food hygiene completed?

  • All management and head chef completed e-learning and level 2 food safety certificate?

  • COSHH training certificates in file?

  • All team members to have completed e-learning modules within 2 weeks of starting?

  • Select 2 most recent recruits staff files to review:

  • Signed contract printed COMPLETE employee summary from 4th signed by manager and employee within last 6 months?

  • Copy of photo page of passport, manager signed, printed and dated with "original seen" noted?

  • Work visa/residence visa in date, with manager signed, printed and dated with "original seen" noted?

  • Correct student visa letter (enrolment not offer) in file and those with restrictions are not working more than stipulated (20hrs)?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

Cash Stock and Security

  • Verify banked and unbanked takings (banking book v redpepper)

  • Banking completed in sequence and on compulsory days (Monday & Friday)?

  • Current and previous weeks petty cash supported by receipts, authorised by Ops and entered correctly on red pepper?

  • Ensure current week BMS, Amex and gift cards entered separately on red pepper?

  • All weekly paperwork stored in envelope/folder with period and week label (12weeks rolling)?

  • Office and store rooms (drink) locked at all times?

  • Individual alarm codes issued to all key holders?

  • Individual safe codes issued to all key holders (if multi code safe)?

  • All current week's deliveries accepted on system?

  • Wastage entered on to system daily - everyday?

  • General Comments?

  • Add any photos.

  • Ops Manager Signature:

  • By signing below, you acknowledge that the above findings have been discussed with you and corrective actions are being taken to immediately resolve any findings. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action.

  • Manager on Duty Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.