
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Enter vehicle VIN Number

  • Enter vehicle Registration Number

  • Enter Vehicle Call Sign

  • Enter vehicle kilometer reading

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Vehicle Certificate of fitness and Registration

  • Is Certificate of Fitness (COF) disk visible on windscreen?

  • Is License Disk visible on windscreen and current?

  • Does registration number on front and rear number plates correspond with license disk?

vehicle body and paintwork

    Engine compartment
  • Is Engine compartment clean?

  • Is break fluid level correct?

  • Is clutch fluid level correct?

  • is water level correct?

  • Outside of vehicle
  • Are there any scratches visible on paintwork?

  • Are there any dents visible on body?

  • Are all door hinges and latches fully opertional?

  • Are all vehicle lights fully operational?

  • Are all rims free of damage?

  • Are all tyres in good condition without any damage?

  • Is spare wheel present and without damage?

  • Driver cab
  • Are all window mechanisms and latches fully operational?

  • Are both driver cab seat belts fully operational?

  • Are all dashboard lights fully operational?

  • Is immobiliser fully operational?

  • Is central locking fully operational?

  • Is radio CD fully operational?

  • Are heater and Air-conditioner systems fully operational?

  • Is steering wheel in correct position and is play on steering wheel correct?

  • Is handbrake fully operational?

Branding on Vehicle

    Front of Vehicle
  • Is the red "EMERGENCY VEHICLE" (in reverse) Decal present on the bonnet and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the "NETCARE" sign present on the bonnet and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Are there 2 diagonal reflective orange stripes available on left and right side of the bonnet and according to NTC911 specification?

  • is the white "082911" present on the windscreen and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Driver door and right front fender

  • Driver door and front fender
  • Are there 2 diagonal reflective orange stripes present on right fender and in line with orange stripes on bonnet and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Are there 7 diagonal orange reflective stripes evenly spaced present on the driver door and according to NTC 911 Specification?

  • Is the "SA FLAG" present on the front fender and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is "VODACOM" Red stached logo with icon present on the driver door and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective strip present on the bottom of the driver door and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Right sliding door
  • Is the "NETCARE 082 911" Logo 'without 24hr emergency service' present on the right sliding door and right rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective strip present on the bottom of the right sliding door` and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Right rear panel
  • Is the right window shading done correct and according to NTC911 specifications?

  • Is the yellow "082 911" present on right rear window and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are there 5 diagonal reflective yellow stripes present, equally spaced and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is the "AVIS FLEET SERVICES" logo present on the right rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Are there 8 red dots present on the right rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective strip present on the bottom of the right rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the vehicle call sign present on the right rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Back doors
  • Is the back window shading done correct and according to NTC911 specifications?

  • Is the yellow "082 911" present on the back windows and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is the "NETCARE" Logo present on the back windows and according to NTC 911 specification/

  • Is the NTC 911 website address in white present on back windows and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is the "NETCARE 082 911" Logo 'with 24hr emergency service' present on the right back door and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is "VODACOM" Red stached logo with icon present on the left back door and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective line present on both back doors below numberplate and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are red and white reflective chevron stripes present on both back doors above rear bumper and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Left rear panel
  • Is the left window shading done correct and according to NTC911 specifications?

  • Is the yellow "082 911" present on left rear window and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are there 5 diagonal reflective yellow stripes present, equally spaced and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is the "AVIS FLEET SERVICES" logo present on the left rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Are there 8 red dots present on the left rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective strip present on the bottom of the left rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the vehicle call sign present on the left rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Left sliding door
  • Is the "NETCARE 082 911" Logo 'without 24hr emergency service' present on the left sliding door and right rear panel and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective strip present on the bottom of the left sliding door` and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Passenger door and left front fender

  • Passenger door and front fender
  • Are there 2 diagonal reflective orange stripes present on left fender and in line with orange stripes on bonnet and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Are there 7 diagonal orange reflective stripes evenly spaced present on the passenger door and according to NTC 911 Specification?

  • Is the "SA FLAG" present on the front fender and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is "VODACOM" Red stached logo with icon present on the passenger door and according to NTC911 specification?

  • Is the yellow reflective strip present on the bottom of the passenger door and according to NTC 911 specification?

Emergency Lights, Siren, interior lights and inverter installation.

  • Emergency light installation

  • Emergency lights
  • Is correct light bar fitted in front?

  • Is front LED light bar installation straight and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are correct LED flasher light units installed in grill? <br>

  • Are grill flasher lights installed straight and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is correct mini LED bar installed at the rear of the vehicle?

  • Is mini LED bar installation in correct position, straight and according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are there 2 LED Flasher lights installed at the rear inside the vehicle?

  • Are all LED lights operational?

  • Siren installation

  • Siren
  • Is siren installed according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is siren operational?

  • Is the PA system operational?

  • Emergency light, siren and PA system control panel

  • light and siren control panel
  • Is control panel installed in correct position according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Is control panel installation staight?

  • Is the dash board free from any damage due to control panel instalation?

  • Is the PA microphone present and installed properly according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Inverter installation

  • Inverter
  • Is the inverter installed underneath the passenger seat?

  • Is the inverter tested and operational?

  • Is the auxiliary battery installed underneath the passenger seat?

  • Interior lighting
  • Are there 5 interior LED light strips installed according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are all lights installed straight without any sharp edges?

  • Are installation neat and tidy?

  • Are interior light switch installed correctly and fully operational?

Tracker and Navman Installation

  • Insert NAVMAN serial number

  • Is tracking installed correctly and operational?

  • Is driver recognition tagging system installed correctly and operational?

E-fuel Instalation

  • Is e-fuel system installed correctly and operational?

  • Are toll card available and current?

  • Insert toll card number if applicable

  • Are fuel card available, correct and current?

  • Insert Fuel card number if applicable

Wiring and installations

  • Are engine compartment area free of any loose wires or connections?

  • Are auxiliary battery installed in such a way that no short circuit can occur?

  • Are installation free of any loos wires?

  • Are all wiring sleeved correctly?

  • Are all wires channeled correctly or in trunking?

  • Are all drilled holes for wiring sealed off after installation to prevent water leaks and rust?

  • Are the vehicle free from any damage that occurred during installation done?

Ambulance conversion

    Patient compartment
  • Are there a fire extinguisher installed?

  • Are the fire extinguisher in service date?

  • Are dustbin installed in correct position?

  • Are yellow safety handle installed and secured properly in position against the roof at the back?

  • Ambulance Floor and stretcher

  • Floor
  • Are floor rubberized properly in all areas to ensure infection control?

  • Are stretcher tray manufactured and installed correctly according to NTC 911 specification?

  • Are stretcher bracket installed correctly and straight?

  • Are stretcher mechanism working correctly?

  • Is stretcher fully operational?

  • Is stretcher stepper/protector plate on bumper bend and fitted correctly?

  • Is park assist sensor still operational after installation of stretcher stepper plate on bumper?

  • Portable Oxygen bunker behind passenger seat

  • Portable oxygen bunker
  • Is portable oxygen bunker installed in correct position behind passenger seat in crew cab area?

  • Is bolt mechanism installed operating correctly?

  • Is side entry door able to open and close without any difficulty or restrain?

  • Is top flap working correctly without causing damage to passenger seat?

  • Are all hinges fitted properly and straight?

  • Is bunker designed to house x2 2l oxygen cylinders?

  • Double crew seats

  • Crew seat
  • Are double crew seat installed in correct position to ensure free movement of driver seat and space for crew member to treat patient?<br>

  • Are correct high back rest seats installed as per NTC 911 specification?

  • Are arm rest on crew eat in the correct poition?

  • Are the 3 point safety belts installed on both crew seats and fully operational?

  • Equipment bunker
  • Is the equipment bunker lid properly bent and installed?

  • Is hinges on bunker lid straight and installed properly?

  • Does lid close properly?

  • Is gas rider stabiliser installed on equipment bunker lid and is it fully operational?

  • Is side entry door at the back of the bunker installed correctly?

  • Does side entry door open and close without any difficulty or restrain?

  • Is bolt on side entry door installed straight and fully operational?

  • Are there 2 seat cushions installed correctly on the equipment bunker lid?

  • Are there 2 back rests installed correctly against left inner wall?

  • Are there 2 retractable lap belts installed against the left inner wall and fully operational?

  • Long cabinet against right inner wall

  • Long cabinet
  • Are bolt mechanisms installed straight and fully operational without difficulty or restrain?

  • Are cabinet doors installed properly and straight?

  • Are all hinges installed straight and and properly?

  • Are stopper mechanisms installed to ensure that lids are unable to be pushed inwards to prevent damage?

  • is there a double analogue flow regulator installed properly and in a straight position without any leaks?

  • Are there 2 x 3 prong plugs installed against right inner panel and fully operational?

  • Is there 1 x 2 pin plug installed straight against right inner panel and fully operational?

  • Are the interior light switch installed in correct position and straight and fully operational?

  • Are there 2 x 12 volt sockets installed and fully operational against right inner panel and fully operational?

  • Are there 6 x strap brackets installed in the correct position and properly secured?

  • Are there 3 x securing straps fitted to ensure safe securing of equipment?

  • Are there 2 x yellow safety handles installed in correct position and secured properly on the left cabinet?

  • Oxygen bunker
  • Are oxygen brackets installed correctly?

  • Are securing screws installed properly?

  • Are High pressure oxygen regulator installed properly and without leaks?

  • Are high pressure oxygen hose installed properly and neatly? from oxygen bunker to flow meter?


  • Auditor notes

  • Signature of auditor

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.