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Conducted on
Task Observed
Workgroup Observed
This Is A High Risk Activity: Unwanted Events: fall into excavation, trapped by excavation collapse, struck by object falling into excavation, exposed to airborne contaminant whilst working in excavation
Reference Procedures: EIMS-4-9923 Excavation and Trenching, Guidance; SWA National Code of Practice, Excavation work
EIMS-4-9616 Safe Work Method Statement
Has the location of underground services has been determined from potential sources such as Dial before you dig, Asset owners, client/property owners
Safe approach distances (SAD’s) for underground services have been identified as per the asset owners requirements, with no mechanical devices used within the SAD’s
Physical location of underground services has been established and marked using a competent/accredited service locator, or via non-destructive digging
For excavations >300mm, excavation permits have been raised, approved, and are available in the proximity of the works, with controls applied accordingly
Training has been conducted regarding the hazards and controls associated with working in and around excavation and trenches
Activity specific SWMS have been prepared for any excavation or trenching greater than 1.5m
Excavations greater than 2m have been planned and approved by a competent person with a temporary works design, and implemented to include controls such as benching, battering or shoring de-watering and geotechnical /civil engineering advice/report as required
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; safe angle of repose for any benching/battering(battering angle of 45o or less)
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; excavation not undermining the integrity of nearby buildings or structures
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; Spoil, material and plant are located or operating outside of the zone of influence
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; Traffic movements are outside the zone of influence of the excavation
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; Barricading & Signage has been installed around excavations where there is a likelihood of a person falling
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; Backfilling or covering of excavations occurs as soon as possible
Conduct Visual Verification - Excavations in progress are witnessed to be suitably controlled including; Safe access and egress to the trench has been provided
Evidence to be provided that a daily inspection has been conducted and recorded prior to works commencing to verify the stability of any excavation/trench which has remained open since the previous shift.
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