Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Location

Gin bottles & Bar set-up

  • Are gin bottles refilled behind the bar?

  • Is all gin in the speed-rail with nice labelling?

  • Does the bar have all garnishes in vintage barware (not crockery) and it's clean & tidy (no dead herbs etc)?

  • Is cling film been removed from all bar garnishes, bar back bottles and taps?

Tables set and cleanses

  • Are tables set with clean glasses, menus, postcards, candles if at night?

  • Are the water bottles and glasses free of hard water stains?

  • Are the chairs clean and wiped down?

  • Are the external windows and doors clean?

Clean Menus

  • Are bar menus clean?

  • Are table menus clean?

  • Are menus on the menu stand clean ?

  • Are "parties & events" leaflets (one with table plans) displayed in the front on a gold stand?

Outside set up

  • Are outside waiter stations set and ready?

  • Are outside tables clean and set as per photobook? (including ashtrays)

  • Menus outside set if sunny?

Flowers & Plants, alive

  • Are all plants alive?

  • Do all tables have flowers on?

  • Are plants clear of rubbish, fag butts?

Food availability

  • Is Bomboloni availabe?

  • Is Vegan gnocchi and vegan chicken available?

  • Are juices and smoothies available?

Staff smoking/break/eating areas

  • Ask staff member. Do they know where the staff eating and smoking areas are?

Toilets clean and stocked

  • Are the toilets clean and stocked?

Junk, out of sight

  • Are the back bars free from junk and clutter?

  • Are customer areas free from junk? (no invoices/coats/ bags lying around?)

  • Are stations free from junk?

  • Is the "managers table" clean, clear and with one laptop only?

  • Is kitchen pass clean and clear of clutter ?


  • Are all staff and chefs in full uniform?

  • Are all FOH staff wearing new aprons ?

Fire exits

  • Are all fire exits clear?

Staff rooms

  • Is staff room tidy?

Glassware, enough of

  • Does the site have enough glassware?

Deliveries away

  • Are deliveries being put away (not dumped in the bar)?

Closedowns checked

  • Is the die diligence book being filled in for kitchen and FOH opening and closing?

Legal training

  • Is your CPL percentage above 95%

Better ordering, not taxi’s

  • Is the stockholding of food, drinks and consumables reasonable. No excess stock being stored?


  • Is drinks stock completed weekly?

  • Is food stock completed weekly?


  • Are all lightbulbs working?

Kit working

  • Is all essential kit working?

  • Are all maintenance issues on To-Do list?

  • Pasta boiler off? (Before 11am)


  • Is water being placed on tables when guests are seated?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.