Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Is display menu clean ?

  • Is display menu stand clean and undamaged ?

  • Are correct event leaflets displayed ?

  • Are doors free of fingerprints ?

  • Are A- boards present and undamaged ?

  • Are reservation sign bottles clean ?

  • Is any other signage/ POS up to date/ clean ?

  • Are doors open (if nice weather) ?


  • Are there flowers on all tables ?

  • Are water glasses clean ?

  • Are there correct & clean postcards on all tables ?

  • Are there clean menus on all tables ?

  • Is there no gum underneath tales and chairs ?

  • Are all tables and legs clean ?

  • Are candles lit and on all tables ? (if dark)


  • Are waiter stations fully stocked with napkins, cutlery and glassware ?

  • Are salt & pepper shakers clean and topped up ?

  • Are chilli oil bottles topped up & clean

  • Is there enough stock of branded napkins ?

  • Are all waiter stations clean ?

  • Is there sanitiser and blue roll available ?


  • Are all tills working ?

  • Are all PDQ machines working ?

  • Is there enough charging bases for PDQ's ?

  • Are all printers working ?


  • Are bakery goods covered ?

  • Is coffee station clean and clear ?

  • Is there enough stock of branded take -away coffee cups and lids ?

  • Is there enough coffee mugs ?

  • Is there enough tea pots ?

  • Are all teas available ?

  • Are sugar pots ready and clean ?

  • Is sugar served on sugar dish with teaspoon ?

  • Are coffee cards available / in use ?

  • Are hot desk cards available ?

  • Are prices displayed correct ?


  • Is there nothing other than glassware on the backbar ?

  • Is there enough punch bowls ?

  • Is there enough silver trays for brunch ?

  • Is there enough brunch glass pots ?

  • Is Gin Demi clean with clean label ?

  • Is there enough glassware ?

  • Are all garnishes displayed in vintage bowls/ trays ?

  • Is there enough stock of branded coasters ?

  • Is bar front clean ?

  • Are shelves well stocked?

  • Is there no cling film on the bottles, taps and back bar ?

  • Are straw holders, bitters bottles and silver trays with garnish clean ?

  • Are all draft wines available ?

  • Are all draft beers available ?

  • Are coasters available ?

  • Is bar top set-up for dining ?

  • Is bar top set-up with drinks menus ?

  • Is every Tiny Tower Gin available ?

  • Are gin bottles on display ?


  • Are lights working ?

  • Is there no clutter ?

  • Is glass clean ?

  • Are gin bottles full and on display ?

  • Is it locked ?

  • Are there labels on Demijohns ?

  • Are postcards for each type of gin available ?

  • Are all Demijohns filled ?


  • Are spoons for pasta ready on the pass ?

  • Is there box with pizza cutters ?

  • Is pass clear and clean ?

  • Are take away pizza boxes made up and stored at high level on display ?

  • Is front clean ?

  • Is box for Nutella and sauces in good shape and clean ?

  • Is tablet charged and in use ?

  • Is there enough crockery ? ( bin chipped/ scratched)

  • Order 3 dishes from the menu and check if they're up to spec. Attach pictures.

  • Are Bomboloni available and served in a bag?

  • Check 5 labels. Are they correct ?

  • Are heat lamps working ?


  • Is there enough soap dispensers ?

  • Is there soap in all soap dispensers ?

  • Are all locks on doors working ?

  • Are correct posters displayed and frames not broken ?

  • Are all toilet seats in good working order ?

  • Are toilet brushes clean ?

  • Are toilet bowls bleached by cleaners ?

  • Are toilets well stocked up ?

  • Are mirrors clean ?

  • Are all toilet flush handles working ?


  • Is walk-in fridge clean ?

  • Are all labels in date (check at least 5) ?

  • Is BOH tidy ?

  • Is cellar clean ?

  • Is staff room clean ?

  • Is there a reasonable amount of chemicals ?


  • Are all plants alive ?

  • Are all brown leaves cut off ?

  • is there no rubbish in soil ?

  • Are all plant pots not cracked/ broken ?

  • Does site require any more plants ?


  • Are all lightbulbs working ?

  • Are all lamps working ?


  • Are all tables clean ?

  • Is there enough outside furniture ?

  • Are tables set with ashtrays ?

  • Are tables set with menus and glasses if sunny ?

  • Is outside station set up with cutlery, napkins, plates, glassware and sanitiser ?


  • Is "Managers table" free of clutter, coats, bags, umbrellas and clean with one laptop ?

  • Are waiter stations clear of clutter ?

  • Is area with reservations laptop clear of clutter ?


  • Reserve signs tags- is there enough stock/ have been ordered ?

  • Menus- all clean and well presented ?

  • Toilet posters- does site have spare ?

  • Billfolds - is there enough stock/ have been ordered ?

  • Postcards- is there enough stock/ have been ordered ?

  • Your party leaflets- are displayed at the door and is there enough stock ?

  • Are Gin Tasting leaflets and placement mats ready for any Gin Tasting bookings ?

  • Allergen awareness poster- is there enough stock ?

  • Welcome to private party poster- is there enough stock ?

  • Hot desk cards - is there enough stock/ have been ordered ?

  • Coffee cards- is there enough stock/ have been ordered ?

  • Brunch cards- is there enough stock ?

  • Does site require any other POS ?


  • Is there enough tables ?

  • Is there enough chairs ?

  • Is there any broken furniture ?


  • Are all maintenance issues logged on to-do list ?

  • Is there any outstanding maintenance issues ? (add in notes)


  • Is staff wearing clean uniform ?

  • Is FOH staff wearing new aprons ?

  • Is BOH staff wearing aprons ?

  • Does site have enough uniform for new starters?


  • Did site had a visit from pest control in the last month ?

  • Was there any new pest activity ?


  • Does manager on duty knows how to burn CCTV ?

  • Is CCTV working ?

  • Is fire alarm showing no faults ?

  • Have manager on duty signed Licensing folder ?

  • Is fire exit free of obstruction ?

  • Has due dill book been filled in daily for FOH ?

  • Has due dill book been filled in daily for BOH ?

  • Is there hot water ?

  • Is CPLE compliance at/ above 95% ?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.