Title Page

  • undefined

  • Select date

  • Select site

Main records

  • Do you have food safety system in place?

  • Is due diligence checklist for kitchen completed daily?

  • Is deep cleaning checklist completed weekly?

  • Are records of testing the probe available?

  • Were all fire exits clear on your visit?

  • Is daily fire check recorded?

  • Do you use food probes and keep them clean and calibrated?

  • Are fridges below 8 degrees?

  • Are cooking temperatures checked and recorded daily?

  • Is hot water check recorded daily?


  • Are kitchen floor, walls and ceilings in good condition?

  • Is kitchen equipment and fittings in good condition?

  • Are food contact surfaces in good condition?

  • Are fridge seals in good condition?


  • Have all chefs completed food safety level 2 on CPL?

  • Does head chef have food safety level 3?

  • Have all chefs completed allergens awareness on CPL?

  • Did all chefs completed COSHH training on CPL?

  • Is staff fully trained in how to check allergens on tills?


  • Are chemicals correctly labelled and stored away from food?

  • Are fridge seals clean?

  • Are fridges deep cleaned inside?

  • Are behind fridges clean?

  • Do you clean your extractions filters weekly?

  • Is food preparation area tidy and clean

  • Is all equipment cleaned?

  • Are all chopping boards in a good condition?

  • Is there no glass in the kitchen?

  • Are ice machines clean inside & out?

  • Is sanitiser available in the kitchen?

  • Is blue roll available in the kitchen?

  • Are food contact surfaces satisfactory?

  • Are both the dishwasher and glass washer satisfactory?

  • Are the fridge and door handles (touch surfaces) clean and free from food residue?

Personal hygiene

  • Are all staff fit to work, wearing clean uniform, suitable and protective clothing?

  • Are soap and paper towels available?

  • Is hand wash sink accessible?

  • Do staff wash their hands regulary?

  • Are staff toilets and changing facilities clean and tidy?

Walk-in fridge

  • Is all food labeled correctly in line with todays date?

  • Is all food stored correctly - high risk at bottom and low risk at the top?

  • Is floor clean and has no food laying around?

  • Is all food covered correctly?

  • Are walls and doors clean?

  • Are the fridge and door handles (touch surfaces) clean and free from food residue?


  • Do you have dry, clean, and tidy storage area?

  • Are all food labeled correctly in line with todays date?

  • Do you have a good stock rotation procedure?

  • Are goods clear off the floor?

  • Are all foods covered?

  • Are deliveries stored immediately after it’s been delivered?

Refuse and pest

  • Do you check your premises regularly for pests?

  • Do you have a pest control folder and latest reports in there?

  • Do you have good housekeeping and tidy areas?

  • Was venue free of all signs of pest activity during the audit?

  • Are bin areas clean and tidy with lids on top of the bins?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.