Title Page

  • Audit by ( Name of the person):

  • Date:

Area audited

  • Select site

  • Note : Where 5 represents the best adherence to the principles and 0 indicates non-compliance.

Sort ( Seiri)

  • Are outdated or unused items removed regularly?

  • Is there a clear distinction between necessary and unnecessary items?

  • Are tools and materials that are rarely used stored away from the packaging area?

  • Is the workspace free from clutter?

  • Are all items sorted according to their frequency of use?

Set in Order ( Seiton)

  • Is there a specific place for every item, and is it clearly labeled?

  • Are frequently used tools and materials easily accessible?

  • Are the storage methods efficient in terms of space and accessibility?

  • Is the layout of the packaging area optimized for workflow efficiency?

  • Are safety equipment and emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?

Shine ( Seiso)

  • Is the packaging area clean and well maintained?

  • Are cleaning tools and materials readily available and properly stored?

  • Is there a regular cleaning schedule that is actively followed?

  • Are spills and debris cleaned up immediately?

  • Is equipment cleaned after each use?

Standardise ( Seiketsu)

  • Are there documented standards for sorting, setting in order, and shining?

  • Is there a system in place to manage and update these standards?

  • Are these standards clearly communicated to all employees?

  • Are there regular training sessions on the 5S methodology?

  • Is there a visual management system (e.g., signage, color coding) in place?

Sustain (Shitsuke)

  • Is there a culture of discipline regarding 5S practices among employees?

  • Are there regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance with 5S standards?

  • Is there a feedback system in place for continuous improvement?

  • Are employees encouraged and rewarded for maintaining 5S standards?

  • Is the management committed to sustaining 5S practices?


  • Audited by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.