Document No.
Area / Resource
- Antonio Cesaria
- Danny Viveiros
- Joanne Mozes
- Joe Meier
- John George
- Kevin Sheehan
- Mihai Anghel
- Neil Geddes
- Rhonda Lobraico
- Julie Robertson
Conducted on
Previous Score
Sort (S1)
Sort (S1) ⭐️
Are all unnecessary items (racks / tools / totes) removed the area?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are all necessary items in proper working order and condition?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are the red totes per standard?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are the material racks to the correct size (1 hr or 2 boxes)?
Actions to be taken by owner
Is operator following 1 pcs flow? Document Name of Operator
Actions to be taken by owner
Is the operator following the SOS sheets and achieving CT?
Actions to be taken by owner
If all items on S1 are met (Y), then move to S2
Set in Order (S2)
Set In Order (S2) ⭐️⭐️
Is the set up instruction posted on line / in binder ?
Actions to be taken by owner
Is the SOS present and in a binder located on the Line Leader's desk?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are the floor tape and markings removed?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are all cables and lines off the floor and properly tied up?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are there home locations for all hand tools / quality tools and binders?
Actions to be taken by owner
If all items on S2 are met (Y), then move to S3
Shine (S3)
Shine (S3) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Are the rework table and Line Leader desk clean?
Actions to be taken by owner
Is the equipment clean (inside and out)?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are the cabinets and drawers clean (inside and out)?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are the hand tools and quality tools clean?
Actions to be taken by owner
Is there evidence of frequent cleaning?
Actions to be taken by owner
If all items on S3 are met (Y), then move to S4
Standardize (S4)
Standardize (S4) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Is the production board up to date?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are all the floor mats the same and in good order?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are the boundary samples clean and organized?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are all totes or bins off the floor?
Actions to be taken by owner
Are all totes, bins or skids removed from the aisleways?
Actions to be taken by owner
If all items on S4 are met (Y), then move to S5
Sustain (S5)
Sustain (S5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Is there a system for educating, maintaining and monitoring the process?
Actions to be taken by owner
Star Rank
LL Sign-off To acknowledge acceptance of audit
Sup / Mgr Sign-off Elevation process if actions not done
SCORING: Star rank is issued only when all objectives are met. If area is partially complete, fall back to previous star.
SCORING: Plant zones will receive the lowest star ranking of the lines contained.