Title Page
Where did the drill take place?
Person completing the report
Date & Time recorded
Fire drill
Units participating in fire drill
- Processing Unit
- Packing Unit
- Processing & Packing Unit
Lead fire warden
- Shaun Young
- Rebecca Young
- Andy Young
- Mike Coughlan
- James Mullock
- Sarah Speed
- Mary Smith
- Pete Whyte
- Phil Adams
- Molly Fawles
- Helen Hewitt
- Pam Tokarz
Evacuation Start Time:
Evacuation End Time:
Total time for evacuation process:
Were the buildings completely evacuated?
Was the evacuation alarm heard in every area of the buildings?
Did all occupants meet at their designated muster point?
Were procedures for those with accessibility needs addressed?
Did equipment (doors, alarms, pull stations, exit signs, etc.) function properly?
Problem or Issue Noted:
Additional Comments/Requirements:
Number of people evacuated?
Please sign to confirm that all details above are an accurate representation of the drill taken place.