Client / Site
Conducted on
Audited by
PL = Plant leader
GL = Groupe leader
TL = Team leader
LWS = Leader standard work
Part A: Documentation & system Structure
Section evaluation: <br> 0 minors (20 pts)<br> 1 to 6 minors (18 pts)<br> 7 to 12 minors (16 pts)<br> 13 minors to 20 (14 pts)<br> 21 minors & more (10 pts)
1. Mainspring, roles & responsabilities
Team commitment of the year sign
PL/ GL/ TL Thomas profile completed
PL/ GL/ TL R&R guide completed
PL/ GL position typical schedule completed
2. One Note
Stategic (K drive) created
Tactic (cloud) created
3.1 PL LWS and gemba walk
PL LWS includes meetings
PL LWS includes gemba walk
PL LWS includes Poka communication
PL gemba walk challenges GL
3.2 GL LWS and gemba walk
GL LWS includes meetings
GL LWS includes gemba walk
GL LWS includes Poka communication
GL gemba walk challenges PL
3.3 TL LWS and gemba walk
TL LWS includes meetings
TL LWS includes gemba walk
TL LWS includes Poka communication
TL LWS includes performance monitoring
TL gemba walk observe safety
TL gemba walk observe GMP's
TL gemba walk observe 6S
4. Visual communication & performance monitoring [No question into this part]
5. Communication structure
Daily, team leader with group leader start up meeting standard agenda created
Daily, manager meeting standard agenda created
Daily, Team leader transition meeting standard agenda created
Daily, Group leader transition meeting standard agenda created
Weekly, discrepency meeting standard agenda created
Weekly, planning review meeting standard agenda created
Monthly, health and safety meeting standard agenda created
Monthly, quality review meeting standard agenda created
Monthly, process review meeting standard agenda created
Monthly, projects and programs meeting standard agenda created
Quarter, plan wide meeting standard agenda created
6. Problem solving methodology [No question into this part]
7. Project managment
Project porte folio created
CAPEX for engineering projects created
8. Lean culture
Training action plan for each member of the team exist