Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Swimming Pool Access
is there an accessible route to the swimming pool
is the route a minimum of 36"
if the route is longer than 200', is there a passing space of at least 60"
is the accessible route slope no greater than 8.33%
if there are doors in the accessible route, can they be operated with a closed fist and have an operating force of no greater than 5 lbs.
Can all objects protruding into the accessible route be detected by a person with a visual disability using a cane
Means of Swimming Pool Entry
If the pool has more than 300 linear feet of wall, does it have at least 2 accessible means of entry
type of entry
does the pool have a lift for means of entry
at the lift site, is the water no deeper than 48"
is the water depth of the entire pool deeper than 48"
is the seat at least 16" wide
is the seat height above the pool deck between 16' - 19"
in the raised load position, is the centerline of the seat located over the deck a minimum of 16" from the edge of the pool
does the deck surface between the centerline of seat and the pool edge slope no greater than 1:48
is there a clear deck space at least 36"x48" from a line 12" behind the rear edge of the seat and located on the side opposite the water
does the pool lift have footrests and move together with the seat
if pool lift has an armrest, is the armrest opposite the water removable or foldable
is the lift operable without assistance in or out of the water
are the controls unobstructed when in use
can the controls be used with one hand and not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist with no more than 5 lbs. of pressure to operate
does the lift submerge to a level of at least 18"
does the lift have the capability of supporting a minimum of 300 lbs and capable of sustaining a static load that is at least 1.5 times the rated load
does the pool have a sloped entry
is the sloped entry at least 36" wide
is the slope no greater than 8.33%
does the sloped entry extend to a depth of 24" - 30" below the stationary water level
if the slope of the entry is greater than 5%, is there a landing of at least 36"x60" located at both the top and bottom of the ramp and at least one landing located between 24" - 30" below the stationary water level
if the sloped entry is 8.33% in slope and a maximum of 30' in length, is there an intermediate landing
does the sloped entry have handrails
are there handrails on both sides of the sloped entry
are 12" handrail extensions located at the top landing
is the clear width between handrails between 33" - 38"
are the handrails between 34" - 38" to the top of the gripping surface
does the pool have transfer walls
is the transfer wall height between 16"-19" from the deck, 12"-16" wide and at least 60" long and centered on the clear deck space
does the transfer wall surface have rounded edges
is there clear deck space of at least 60"x60" with a slope of no more than 1:48
does the transfer wall have grab bars
is the top of the gripping surface 4"-6" above the wall
if one bar is provided, is there at least 24" clearance on each side of the bar
if two bars are provided, is there at least 24" clearance between the bars
is the diameter of the bars between 1.25" and 1.5"